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Antabuse call-out from UK member

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    Antabuse call-out from UK member

    Morning all,

    I have decided I can no longer deal with the daily 'shall I - Shan't I' dilemma regarding whether to poison my body and pickle my brain with alcohol (I ALWAYS decide to stop tomorrow!)

    I have read up on antabuse and feel this is the way forward for me - I'm a completely freaked out by the side effects if alcohol is taken, so know once the first pill is ingested I won't dare drink!

    My problem is, I really don't want to go to my doctor (not even sure its prescribed here in the UK) so will need to order online

    I am desperate to start asap, and think delivery takes something like two weeks from River Pharmacy

    Is there anyone in the UK who has plenty of antabuse at the moment, who would let me purchase some from them?

    I am happy to pay whatever, just need to get started quickly, before my resolve goes

    Know its a bit of a weird request, but like I say, I'm desperate!


    Antabuse call-out from UK member


    I am in the US, so I can't help you with a supply. Actually, I don't have any extra as my script is carefully doled by my insurance company.

    I hope someone in the UK can help you out but if they can't, please don't let your resolve evaporate. Do whatever it takes to get there.

    :welcome: btw, and my wishes for your success with Your Way Out.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Antabuse call-out from UK member

      Hi MyCall,
      GoldPharma are about 4-6 days I think from the research I did. I've not ordered from them, but folk on here have recommended them.
      Good luck.


        Antabuse call-out from UK member

        Hi Mycall

        I'm in the UK and am prescribed Antabuse - but I have to go back each month and am given exactly a month's supply so don't have any extra.

        I don't think GP's in the UK get involved in alcohol and drug abuse anymore. I was really upset when having finally plucked up the courage to make an appointment and ask for help I was told that they only deal in primary care and would need to find an alcohol recovery organisation.

        I found the CAN Partnership (which works in Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire) and they have been amazing. They have a holistic approach and have (and continue) to support me all the way. I see a councellor (really nice guy) once a month and we talk about triggers and ways to overcome the 'need' to drink. He arranged for me to see a doctor who did blood tests and prescribed me with both Campral and Antabuse - this is all free.

        I know in the first place it feels scary to go along and admit to someone that you have a 'problem' but it is such a relief once you have and you know you are finally doing something about it. I'm sure there must be similar organisations all over the UK.

        Best of luck with the Antabuse when you do get it. It has been a life saver for me.
        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


          Antabuse call-out from UK member

          Ah, thanks for the responses - I may give Goldpharma a try. 4 - 6 days doesn't seem too bad.

          Snapdragon, I just called my gp before reading your post, and made an appointment. I was literally cringing when I did it, as I live and teach in a small town (one of the receptionists has a child at the school I teach in :0) After reading about your experience, I think I'll cancel.

          I will look into an organised alcohol recovery centre, otherwise I'll just order online.

          I am convinced this is the right route for me. Will let you all know how I get on


            Antabuse call-out from UK member


            I know nothing about Antabuse.

            Could I just ask out of interest what happens to the cravings if you take Antabuse?

            Or is the fear of how ill you will feel override them?

            Do you take it every day or only when you have a craving?




              Antabuse call-out from UK member


              It does nothing for the cravings except as a deterrent.

              It helps only in that it makes the "chatter" go away of will I or won't I?

              Also, you can't just quit taking it and drink the next day. Since it builds up in your liver, you must go a few weeks before drinking. So it also manages short term impulses.

              That said, if you do quit taking it, wait the requisite time, and start drinking again, chances are very, very good you will be back at pre-Antabuse levels of drinking before long.

              In my mind, Antabuse is simply a tool to help me stay sober while I work on all the other areas of my life to improve my chances of staying sober and to help me become a happy person sober.

              AF April 9, 2016

