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Bac and high heart rate and blood pressure

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    Bac and high heart rate and blood pressure


    I started on Bac about 3 weeks ago and have had generally a good result. It lifted my mood quite a bit, made me require less sleep, made me a bit more motivated and able to enjoy the moment. In some ways it makes me more relaxed but also at the same time a bit tense. I think its made muscle tension a bit worse because I often now wake up with an aching neck. Generally I would associate these effects with an increase in my heart rate and blood pressure and I felt that these may have been elevated although I never checked them for the first 2 and a half weeks. Then I started using my blood pressure meter and it kept saying 'error' or gave some pretty high readings like 155/120. So then I tried my parent's machine and it gave 183/120 after I was just sat at a desk working on a computer and I felt fairly relaxed albeit 'tense' as I described. My pulse was about 80. I tried it later in case it was a one-off and it came back 178/120. So I visited the doctor and was pretty nervous - 'white coat syndrome' or something, and he measure my BP at 195/100. But he wasn't overly concerned about it because he said that my pulse was so fast he would expect that kind of reading and he suspected I had some kind of anxiety disorder. He said that he though that psychically I was fine and may just have a slightly high background BP and an anxiety problem. I didn't tell him I was taking Baclofen, I was going to but he seemed like a bit of an arrogant prat so I didn't bother.

    So anyway, I've been taking my BP several times since. That evening it was 150/98 with a pulse of 103 after I was just lying in bed feeling quite relaxed. The next day I didn't take my BP but for about 2 hours my pulse was reading up to 150 after doing nothing except sitting at a desk. Since then the last 2 days its completely calmed down, I'm getting BP readings in the 130/88 range consistently. I have only backed off the BAC dose by 10mg from 100mg/day to 90mg/day. I'm not sure what to do now, can anyone think of an explanation? So far I have contemplated the following:

    This was happening about 1 week after my last binge, a time when I would generally have been feeling major cravings but wasn't, but maybe high BP and pulse was the physiological signs of alcohol withdrawal.

    I had just started on a new strip of Bac tablets (from the same supplier AllDayChemist), could they have been duds? Maybe I had gone from 100mg/day to 0 because of a dud strip? Come to think of it I was generally getting a bit of a rush after taking the tablets normally but that seemed to be absent those days. I have also noticed AllDayChemist doesn't seem to be selling the 25mg tablets anymore - maybe they had problems with quality.

    I got a bit of a head injury about a week before that - maybe some reaction to that. The doctor looked at it and didn't think it was that.

    Something else? Seems a pity to stop Bac as it now seems to have subsided. I was also taking Milk Thistle and Natokinase but doubt these could have caused it.

    Bac and high heart rate and blood pressure

    I'd ascribe it to alcohol withdrawal, personally. Bac can raise blood pressure--and there are members here who've stopped taking it due to high b/p, but they're kinda rare. Bac can also lower b/p, so anyone's guess what's going on. But your symptoms do sound like withdrawal. And--please please don't quote me on this--I'd almost guarantee you didn't go from 100mg/day-0, even if there was some variation in strength of pills. The "rush" goes away as you become accustomed to a certain amount floating around in your CNS.

    I also dealt with elevated vitals a while back (it's been an ongoing thing). Anyway, b/p and hr will be elevated when you're drinking, and when you're not drinking, ya know? Mine were, and anyway I'm on a beta blocker now and things are getting down to about normal, but I also haven't had a drink in about a month and a half. So really it's more about getting the alcohol out of your system more than anything, in my opinion.

    Also I've been off bac for almost 2 months, but I don't really attribute anything to that, vital-sign-wise.

    So of course I'm not a medical professional, this is not advice, etc. But it's something to get under control and soon--a diastolic reading over 100 is Stage II Hypertension, and you really don't wanna stroke out (or at least I don't). In my experience blood pressure meds (the beta blocker, and I was on a different kind for a minute last year) are no match for alcohol or alcohol withdrawal--especially coupled with anxiety, which I also have when drinking. Sucks, but it is the way it is, and I haven't found any ways around it yet. (If I had, I'd be drunk right now, by the way).

    Best of luck.


      Bac and high heart rate and blood pressure

      ADC is probably out of the 25 mg pills because I bought them all last month I hope they get more soon.


        Bac and high heart rate and blood pressure

        Hey, Rupert!

        Forgive me if I'm missing something, but it seems to me there is one thing you didn't mention. Couldn't it be that you were taking too much baclofen? 3 weeks from 0 to 100 is rather rushed. (Ah, yes, I know people! It's been done before, and I'm sure it will be done again. But let me tell you, for every person I've read about that plunges in to the deep end and actually makes it to the far side of the pool, there are many more that swim for the closest exit. Or worse. just sayin')

        So anyway. Bac generally lowers blood pressure. That's the conventional wisdom anyway. But it can increase it too, and those aren't silly little numbers up there! If your BP has settled down, and you're following up on taking care of yourself and stuff...sounds like you might be on the right track? Maybe you can use your bp as an indication that you should go down a notch, or can go up a notch...Just a thought, I certainly don't know what will work best for you.

        I used to get this strange numbness/muscle spasm-y thing running from the right side of my head down to the top of my right shoulder. First time it happened completely freaked me out, but I was just coming out of a binge and so everything was nightmarish. Anyway, I definitely associate that muscle thing with taking too much baclofen at once. I don't know if that's similar, but maybe it'll help?

        Hope you're still feeling better!


          Bac and high heart rate and blood pressure

          Oh, and in my own personal experience, 10mg can make ALL the difference in the world. Baclofen is weird like that.

