Day 13 AF.
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Abstinence Challenge
Abstinence Challenge
StuckinLA;1546942 wrote: Day 103. Realized suddenly that I may now actually be able to stock a full bar at home. Could never keep liquor bottles full enough for a bar in the past...
Abstinence Challenge
No. It's still there and I have a super-small fridge so it's taking up valuable real estate in there! I have no room to keep my O'Doules cold!
And thanks. It's been a little trying the past week and a half on vacation, with old drinking buddies. Well, I guess anyone who used to spend any amount of time with me was by definition a drinking buddy. And then on top of everything a weekend trip to my college and the bars there.
Keep up the good work everybody on the challenge.
Abstinence Challenge
Copy/pasted from the AF August thread over in Newbie's Nest...
Day 17 AF. Feeling better today, especially after a day of introspective thought regarding yesterday's emotional rollercoaster. Living life sober certainly is a whirlwind indeed, particularly in these early days/weeks.
The advantages of being sober that I'm experiencing, quite happily, are that I'm finally slowly but steadily losing a bit of weight, while getting stronger (lifting weights), through my ongoing exercise and healthy/clean nutrition that I've stuck with quite well. That spare tire is starting to sliiiiightly shrinkAnd I've had a couple people now comment that I'm looking slimmer, stronger, healthier, so that never hurts.
Mentally/emotionally, doing pretty well, though the lingering sad/anxious emotions still come up and bother me from time to time, like an irritating and persistent gnat in my periferal vision. When that happens I can usually swat it away and continue being (mostly) pretty productive and positive, and not being a hungover mess every other day. Being sober does actually feel quite a lot better than drunk, so I'm happy with my progress.
Best to all!
Abstinence Challenge
Weight loss is a major buoy Skull and it will keep happening, especially if you are working out. I've lost 10 lbs and I'm not even exercising. Some people comment on how good I'm looking, especially if they haven't seen me in a while. I think it's mostly because my face isn't bloated or red anymore. Hang in there with the ups and downs, it'll get better. Someone had a signature that I read a while back that I thought was perfect. It went something like "The monkey may be off your back, but the circus is still in town."
Abstinence Challenge
Hey folks--it's been fast AND slow, if that makes sense. But I was teaching in a very intense summer program for 7 weeks, and then almost immediately flew back home for vacation, and have been here for the last 2 weeks. So I have to say I've been pretty well out of my normal routine for a while now.
I guess it hasn't been that difficult, but the emotional flatness is maybe still an issue. I just feel kind of awkward, anxious sometimes and disconnected sometimes. Maybe I'm a bit more vulnerable than I'm taking into account. But I did get laid last night, so that was cool.
Er, sorry. The pertinent info is that I'm almost certain I've gone through PAWS around the 60 and 90 day marks, and then again right around 100 days. A tiny tiny bit of Ativan helped get through that last weekend, but no issues stopping that when it was no longer needed. And AF beer has been really helpful when hanging around old friends. Thankfully, they are tactful enough to not really mention my not drinking and no one makes a big deal out of it.
Mostly I just feel ready to get back to my apartment, my cats, and ready to start chipping away at the all the work hanging over my head.
Abstinence Challenge
@Juan- Yeah, I look at myself in the mirror and already look healthier just from not being red, puffy, bloated, bloodshot eyes, etc. Feeling pretty good. Also, I really like that line you quoted. Life will always be a circus!
@Stuck- Cool to hear. Sounds like the emotional flatness/disconnected stuff, though while still present, is not as acute as it was before... hope that's the case and that it continues to fade. Also nice that your old friends are cool enough to not make a big deal out of the non-alcohol thing. PS, what is PAWS?
Abstinence Challenge
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It's all the fun of AL withdrawal, but months after the last drink. For me mostly it's just crippling anxiety and the 'OMG I'm gonna die RIGHT NOW' feeling. It comes on pretty randomly and lasts a couple days, then goes away.