That's really great Dun, that's pretty much what most of us desire, right? A "meh" feeling to alcohol. Very very cool, Glad things are going well for you.
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Abstinence Challenge
Abstinence Challenge
I am very pleased to report I was one year AF on 23/5/14.
When Juan started this thread and I said I was up for the challenge, I didn't really believe in my heart I could do it.
Well I wouldn't have done it without baclofen and MWO support.
I no longer take baclofen (newbie's please see my posts above if interested why) but that is only because I don't have any cravings at the moment. There is no doubt in my mind that one drink would kick the madness off again. I am too old and have fought too hard to go back again to drinking.
That said, knows what the future holds, but baclofen is there and I am so grateful for that.
Each day I feel a bit lighter and positive about the future. Last year I was a complete mess but I feel better now and much happier.
Good luck to all, and thanks for the support.
I am the original Caro but I keep forgetting my password and have to keep changing it.
Abstinence Challenge
Hey Newbie:welcome:
Well not so much. I've came and went like I'm sure a few have gone over the years. I tend to do my own thing but like to pop onto the web too keep up with current affairs ans such.
I'm happy to day I'm 3 weeks sober today. Longest since a 3 month stint in 08. I've tried Baclofen and Naltrexone with varied level of success but due to SEs and other reasons I never really caught onto it like I maybe should have. The last year has gotten worse. My average is 3 on 1 off (3 drunk all day until blackout and 1 of to recuperate) This can vary alot (7 on 2 of etc etc, you get the picture) both ways..
Anyway my insides have been giving my trouble for some time. The usual side pain and really bad IBS plus crazy anxiety to boot. My last bender was 3 weeks ago today and I really sort of knew deep down I needed a break and told myself I'll go 30 days to see how I go.
Its been easy enough but I'm not gonna kid you. If it wasn't for the pains I've been getting and the scare factor I don't think I'd have got to 3 weeks. Blood work is all good but to be honest I take blood work with a pinch of salt. I'd rather listen to my body. When you can't sleep on your side you know something isn't right.
I actually bought a couple of boxes of Campral in case the cravings got to bad but I haven't needed to start taking them.
I've had a few days of cravings but what I think has gotten me to this stage is I'm not kidding my self no more and have told myself I have a drink problem (Don't like the word alcoholic and don't believe your always one if you don't drink but that's just me)
I could start drinking again for sure and at first it might be of but I'd give it a month and I'll be back to square one. I've always wanted to be teetotal by 40.
I feel so f**king good. I don't want to be one of those born again teetotalers who bore every one to death. I know a few and can't stand being in their company tbh. But the thought of life being this good even 3 weeks in it seems like the world is mine for the taking lol.
Gonna stick around this thread. Hope your all doing well.
Abstinence Challenge
Xadrian;1666256 wrote: Well Bsteam, that's quite impressive.
I couldn't have done 3 weeks without baclofen, so hat off!
I remember posting on here many moons ago about how a health scare night stop you. I hope this is my blessing in disguise.
Abstinence Challenge
Health concerns to me play a big part especially when your really in pain and in places you know are related to drinkings. I feel like I've missed out on so much. That being said I've never been on out going person but I'll have a yarn with literally anyone if they instigate the conversation
It took me about 2 weeks to even start to feel 70%. My side is still a bit tender but the weight is dropping off. I'm not as big guy... well 6ft but 12st soaking wet. I've a bit of belly fat I wan to move .I look like a poor malnourished baby, it looks weird as fuck.
Big help is that my anxiety is moving on. I'm one of those few people that literally 90% of all my problems have stemmed from booze and drugs. I have no kids, girlfriend, bills, debt, car... Anything like that shit. Nothing and no excused to do what the hell I want to with my life instead of drinking it away.
Well it's been floating around that a few people are thinking about trying to force some AF time. So I thought I'd dig up this thread for anybody who's thinking along those lines. The only thing I can say for sure is that I don't want to drink *today*, but an AF November is sounding pretty good to me. Not drinking is self-justifying, so it's not like anyone needs reasons, but I figure I may as well through some out there to keep myself on track. I have a dissertation chapter to write this month, and a whole bunch of new applications to put together by December. I wouldn't mind getting in a little reading and a little of my own writing, even, if there's time - there never is, of course, enough time but there sure seems like there's more of it when booze isn't stealing hours upon hours every day. Then there are the health reasons. My blood pressure is creeping back up, and the withdrawal is getting more severe again. I'm nowhere near in as bad of shape in those respects as I was a couple years ago, but just because things have been worse is no reason to say things are fine now.
I still need to get in to see the doc, and I've been putting it off. But I did everything there was to do this morning to straighten myself out - went for the worst jog in recent memory, god it was pathetic. Drank a bunch of water. Wrote on MWO and on my own. All the things that help, and still needed a half an ativan. Down to 1 pill left. And I know where things lead if I keep on going in this direction. Major bender time, and crushing anxiety, and being shaky all the time and drunk all the time and blacking out even more than the usual not remembering getting in bed or whatever. So this is a pretty good stopping point, drinking wise, and that's my plan. At least for today. Goals are good; 30 days would be a great start. And I don't "do" AA, but I'm thinking about heading down to the weekly meeting in my neighborhood tomorrow night. Just going once a week and listening has helped me focus on my own abstinence goals in the past, and maybe it will put some things in perspective again now.
I don't much care to go to the bar at the moment, but I'm not going to avoid it either. AF beers and other NA drinks are fine. But I am pretty busy with other stuff so I'm just going to let thoughts of the bar sit on the back burner, and only go if I need a break or to get out of the house or whatever. So that's that. Onwards, upwards, and productivitywards. We'll see how it goes and I might hang out on this thread a little or just over on topa and here we go like I have been. Keep on keepin' on, peeps. Oh - and this has only been about 10 or so minutes of writing, so no more apologizing for long posts.Not sure how I feel about this new winky-face.
I'm in for an AF November. Thanks for digging up the thread, Stuck. Checking in here could be a good way to stay on track. And I know what you mean about how just because things have been worse before doesn't mean everything's fine now. That's good to check out the weekly meeting if listening in helps you stick to your abstinence goal. I don't have much to say tonight, but I'll be back tomorrow.
So I made it another day AF and I have to say, posting on this thread has already helped keep me in line. I so badly wanted to stop by the liquor store today after another painful day at work, but then I reminded myself of my month-long commitment and how I didn't want to have to admit that I caved only three days in. So here's to three days down and, hopefully, many more to come.Last edited by Lostinspace; November 3, 2014, 06:18 PM.
Lovely to see you, Reggie. Sorry to hear you've been drinking more than you'd like lately. Me too.
The first 2 days went by pretty easily. Even actually got some decent sleep last night. Need to make a grocery store run today for coffee filters. Going to stock up on some non-alcoholic beverages while I'm there.