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Abstinence Challenge

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    Abstinence Challenge

    Just to add a counterpoint to the various dosing schedules - I think it only makes a difference while you are adjusting to baclofen. After a while it is only the daily total that matters, and not how it's taken.

    I'm not that sensitive to minor changes though, so perhaps YMMV.


      Abstinence Challenge

      Xadrian;1523525 wrote: Since today I'm trying 20-20-50, but I can't tell you if and how that

      If you want to try, you could take 30-20-50 to see if it gives some improvement.

      You could try 30-20-50
      Thank you Xadrian, I will do this today, Tuesday is a busy day for me work wise so the lower doses day-time would make sense, felt very sleepy yesterday.

      And Bleep my experience has been exactly as you say, when I was on 70 mg, for quite a while, it didn't matter what combinations I took Bac I didn't feel any SEs.

      Juan - Fantastic you found last night easy to get through, yeah, rinse and repeat and the power of this group will definitely help. I'm hoping the higher dosage and the power of this group will help me get through the weekend. Dr Chick recently told me via email that I was doing great and I was breaking the habit. At first I thought he had overlooked the brain chemistry adjustment that Bac gives us but now I see how right he was. Could it be that we're actually there and it is just habit we're now dealing with, so this 30 days is perfect to 'break the habit'. Last weekend I wanted to get drunk, but I've been in the habit of doing that for years. Deep down I know this is regression not progression as even with the amazing drug that Bac is, as Colin said, we're on unknown territory - driinking while taking Bac and I was scared that something in the AL would overpower Bac and bring back the alcoholic brain chemistry.

      How is everyone else doing?
      Honour Thyself


        Abstinence Challenge

        Hi All,

        Emily I am currently taking 30mg at 7am, 2pm and 10pm. When I was on 120mg I split it up in 4 doses. I have an appointment with Dr Chick soon so I am pleased you rate him so highly.



          Abstinence Challenge

          Juan BH;1523536 wrote: JDizzle-

          I have had the no breathing episode a couple of times at night and it is freaky. You did a pretty good jump from 120 to 150 and I think you will be feeling some effects for little while, but they will pass. I don't move around more than 10mg at a time now and that is pretty predictable, which is important for me. I have had a couple of relapses like what you alluded to and they suck, but I just kept pushing on 'till I got to 240mg and that seems to be the sweet spot so far.
          Yes I usually do 10 mg every 4 days but I was severely disheartened by that episode and felt like giving up. I was willing to go through a few days of SEs to jump start me back to where I was. So far I'm just really tired. I have already had those thoughts of man I wanna get a couple tall boys. So this thing we r doing is good because i remember this and feel accountable to y'all. I don't want to be Kramer and drop out of the wack off bet the first day. Of course he was the only one that slept well on that episode. Ok I'm goin way off topic here.... That's kind of a side effect. The what the hell am I talkin about SE.
          When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


            Abstinence Challenge

            You are the master of your domain!


              Abstinence Challenge

              I did not last! I had two beers yesterday. Hardly a binge but I was going for abstinence.

              Since my derailment a couple of weeks ago I went quickly from 150 to a high one day of 190. I then started going back down. It is not as quick as it seems, I will find my log and record it on these boards. On Saturday I went down to ~160. Monday (yesterday) I had cravings that lasted several hours and then I drank the two beers. I only drank two because I only bought two.

              I went up to 165 today.

              Today, cravings have not been an issue. I am not suggesting my increase is the reason just the fact that I am OK today and I was not OK yesterday.

              Still hanging in for abstinence. Since I am dealing with depression on high dose Bac I do not want to stay at these levels longer than I have to. I need to come down, maybe not off, but lower than where I am at now. At the same time I do not want to derail again. My recent experience was scary.


                Abstinence Challenge

                So Mary is the one that slammed her money on Jerry's table and said I'm out of the contest.

                Mary, who cares. Just jump right back on. It's funny how 2 beers is a failure these days. I think that used to be a major victory that I saw once every ten years. Anyways, get that out of ur system early. Ur only like a day or two behind. I'll prob be out tomorrow.
                When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                  Abstinence Challenge

                  JDizzle;1523962 wrote: So Mary is the one that slammed her money on Jerry's table and said I'm out of the contest.

                  Mary, who cares. Just jump right back on. It's funny how 2 beers is a failure these days. I think that used to be a major victory that I saw once every ten years. Anyways, get that out of ur system early. Ur only like a day or two behind. I'll prob be out tomorrow.
                  Yep- Dizzle is 100% right on this Mary. You can jump back on anytime you want! Bac will let ya You have come a long way and you know it. Hang in there and keep positng.


                    Abstinence Challenge

                    Thank you guys! I will stay with the group.


                      Abstinence Challenge

                      Emily & Caro-

                      I don't know if either of you two ever saw this show "Seinfeld" in the UK, but it was HUGE in the States.

                      JDizzle has been referencing this episode called "The Contest" where 4 pals on the show make a bet on who can hold off on masturbating the longest. The crazy guy Kramer is the first to go and he gives up his cash. The whole thing is pretty funny if you have time to check it out. This is a 4min clip:

            [/video]]The Best Of Kramer - The Contest - YouTube

                      BTW- I am still the "Master of my Domain" tonight. I haven't had three AF nights in a row for 5 years or more.


                        Abstinence Challenge

                        Name your price. I'll pay up right now if I can have a double Jameson and a Guiness.

                        Actually, just leave the tab open.

                        [EDIT: Sorry, I shouldn't be a dick on the Abstinence thread. I'm AF for 45 days, btw.]


                          Abstinence Challenge

                          Don't have to apologize to me dude. I think u should be a dick on the quitter thread. Abstinence is for quitters. 45 it's been a while since I did that. I did 90 days around a year ago. Got my green chip and went and got hammered. I always heard rumors u could trade AA chips for drinks at certain bars. I have a whole drawer full of them. I'll try at the end of this 30 days.
                          When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                            Abstinence Challenge

                            I'm in Juan!

                            Y'all an inspiration.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Abstinence Challenge

                              Sober still. SEs r getting bad. Not as bad as my jump from 60-120, but still bad. I woke up numerous times last night panting and had to sit up and totally focus on my breathing. I'm staying at 150 though. I think right when I get to the point I can't bare them anymore, they will go away. I'm hoping they don't get too much worse though.
                              When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                                Abstinence Challenge

                                Day 3 and all's well.

                                Took my bac yesterday at 20 / 30 / 50 and have to say 50 was too much for me. Sleeping fine but felt zombified today - was also seemingly snoring early this morning (first time hubby has EVER told me I was snoring) putting that down to the 50mg last night.

                                Have taken bac today at 40 / 30 / 30 - due to go up to 110mg tomorrow.

                                Only SE is very tired but I have been burning the candle at both ends this week so that could be it and taking 50 mg last night - never taken as much in one go before.

                                Finding that when I think of the weekend and being abstinent I panic a bit and have to quickly get rid of the though just in case the thought manifests into a craving.

                                Juan - heard of Seinfeld but we don't get it in the UK as far as I know, watched the clip, very funny and JD's posts make perfect sense now, also loving your sense of humour JD and hope your SEs ease off soon.

                                Caro - Dr Chick is great, let me know how you get on. He thinks I'm on 70 mg though, I get the impression he would be horrified to know I'm on more but it could be under UK law that the highest he can prescribe is 80 mg. I did tell him about this forum but I didn't go into detail and he didn't ask. Are you seeing him in Edinburgh?

                                Welcome to the group Guitarista
                                Honour Thyself

