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Abstinence Challenge

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    Abstinence Challenge

    Maybe if I can quit drinking I will be able to prevent a couple of things from happening.


      Abstinence Challenge

      Not driving around in a blackout ever again could save lives of innocent people and their families from years of heartache.


        Abstinence Challenge

        Don't let that shit eat you up. You'll be shit-faced before you know it. You don't know me and you don't know what kind of suffering I have caused. It's not easy at 240mg anymore and it sure as hell isn't getting any easier.


          Abstinence Challenge

          What the hell is going on here?

          I'm on board with the continued abstinence Xadrian. That's probably (my) best bet long term, but let's just stay focused on the challenge. AF beer is just fine- I had a couple at the ballgame the other night. I am liking Sharps quite a bit, but St. Pauly's NA tastes like (explicative of your choice).

          My perception of reality is just a weeee bit off right now. No sleep last night, but got a nap in earlier. Dropped 10 mg to 230mg Monday in an effort to restore balance. Switch is solid though. It's kind of a bitch JD, but worth it!


            Abstinence Challenge

            Man i keep goin to sleep for an hour. Then i wake up and cant sleep for 2 hours. Im starting to get batty. Forget more time for me. I just wanted a good 30 days to reset. Then i can be more responsible about my switch. Im actially thinkin of getting a loan for a backyard man cave for football season. A kegerator and a bar r on the wish list. Anyone that brings AF beer is not welcome.
            When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


              Abstinence Challenge

              What does "be more responsible about my switch" mean?


                Abstinence Challenge

                I think I need to take some responsibility for my switch JD. Thanks for bringing that up.


                  Abstinence Challenge

                  Oh crap as usual I was only serious about part of my post. Ur not gay if u drink Sharps. Stick with them. What were ur motives in doing this thread? We're u drinking too much?
                  When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                    Abstinence Challenge

                    Hah- now I get it... shoulda picked up on that with the man cave thing,

                    The thread was based on a suggestion by bleep.


                      Abstinence Challenge

                      Hiya, peeps.

                      Love the thread. Love the reasons for it, too. A 30 day reset really helped me back in the day. And even now, I think it reminds me that I really do have a choice and that I really don't need/want/like booze very much whenever I decide not to drink. (Mind you, it's not exactly the same when you don't care. But it's very easy to pick up a beer on a hot summer day. I know you know! :H)

                      JD, every home we've lived in has had a room for each of us. (Well, when we could afford it.) I think it was based on the fact that even though we lived together we drank apart. And since what we did was drink, we each needed our own space.
                      The house we bought last summer has a room of my own in it. Same concept I suppose. But Ed's motivation is that I am limited to spreading my crap/projects/brilliant ideas to this one room, and he (we) can live clutter-free in the rest of the house. He's got his own space, too, but we call it the living room. :H At least the dart board is in there (discreetly hidden behind a picture.)

                      I can't imagine the whole European living thing. Have you seen those homes? Tiny, tiny, tiny. It's a different world! It doesn't surprise me that we (Americans) have too much stuff! So much space to fill! anyhoo. What the hell were you guys talking about? Sorry to pull a Ne and completely digress, completely off topic.

                      Juan, SLEEP. Some of the best advice I got when I was titrating up was "Guard your sleep!" (From Lo0p.) (Not that he's very good at it, mind you. :H) It's a tough one. Hopefully we can touch base later today...

                      Ed's pounding around in the attic and clearly getting annoyed that I'm not up there dripping sweat and being productive.

                      Cheers folks.


                        Abstinence Challenge

                        I finally got some rest. It makes a huuuuge difference. I'm going to take a benadryl before bed tonight to see if that helps with the insomnia. Part of the problem is that I have too much MWO in my head all the time along with the real life stuff I need to deal with. It's like juggling two realities. Thanks for the assist Ne


                          Abstinence Challenge

                          JD- I was still drinking too much before starting the thread. It was probably just habit tho because after 5 days of doing this I realized I was switched. I have no cravings now. You?

                          I'm throwing $50 down on the 49ers going all the way this year btw. Build my own man-cave. AF beers only.


                            Abstinence Challenge

                            Stickin with the 1989ers huh. GO COWBOYS!!! Ofc we r gonna suck until Jerry dies and he'll prob live to be 180.

                            I was drinking more often and more often. Got drunk the last time I drank so I knew I needed to do this. I hit my switch before this though. Was unreal to drink a few beers and be able to stop. I thought something was wrong with me
                            When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                              Abstinence Challenge

                              liquorlost;1529405 wrote: what are you trying to say Ne? that you're envious of european way of living but the houses in Ukraine are much smaller than in certain places of US...
                              A dutch man gets his cousin from the USA from the airport.
                              He takes him to his Mercedes and asks "Don't I have a great car?"
                              The cousin replies: "In the USA the cars are way bigger than that one"

                              When they drive past the Euromast, the man tells that it is the largest tower in The Netherlands.
                              The cousin replies: "In the USA we have buildings that are way higher than that."

                              When they drive past a farm, the man pulls the car over, gets out, takes a shotgun out of the trunk and shoots a horse, after which he says: "That damn rabbits everywhere."
                              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                                Abstinence Challenge

                                liquorlost;1529405 wrote: what are you trying to say Ne? that you're envious of european way of living but the houses in Ukraine are much smaller than in certain places of US...
                                Condescending uh? You're not an arsehole all the time lilo.

