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Abstinence Challenge

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    Abstinence Challenge

    StuckinLA;1530580 wrote: You are off Bac, if I'm remembering correctly?
    No, I was, but it turned out that it wasn't such a good idea. The cravings returned after a few months at zero.
    I had to go back to my switch at 90 and I'm currently at 80 and am craving free.

    Over time I will get back to my previous maintenance dose at 50 and will stay there for at least a year, before I will make another attempt to go down any further.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


      Abstinence Challenge

      Ne/Neva Eva;1529779 wrote: I have never tasted gelding pee! Is it carbonated, too?
      Yes, but after it is carbonated, they call it Budweiser.
      Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


        Abstinence Challenge

        Heeeeey I drank Budweiser. Well I drank vanilla extract and listerine too so I guess my vote doesn't count.
        When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


          Abstinence Challenge

          They don't stop selling vanilla extract or listerine at 2 am. Therefore:

          listerine > budweiser

          EDIT oh btw, I'm on day 61.


            Abstinence Challenge

            JDizzle;1530784 wrote: Heeeeey I drank Budweiser. Well I drank vanilla extract and listerine too so I guess my vote doesn't count.

            Me, too.

            In rehab there was a teenager who drank Listerine so much that when she came in, her tears were blue. Sheesh.

            I guess teenagers can buy Listerine and no one would question.
            AF April 9, 2016


              Abstinence Challenge

              Still going strong.
              I will drown my sorrows in bitter lemon and sprite.
              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                Abstinence Challenge

                20 days. Starting the countdown

                When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                  Abstinence Challenge

                  well done JD,

                  I'm in a bit of a pickle! I have a girls night on Saturday, it's been booked for weeks, all drinkers, we'll be in a hotel all bloomin day and then - in the same hotel - at some sort of show. I've already been asked 'what are you drinking' and I said beer!!

                  I really don't want to draw attention to myself by being all 'I'm not drinking' so was thinking that if I just open the beer and phaff about with it, it won't be long before they are pissed anyway and won't even notice if I'm drinking or not.

                  Any suggestions folks?

                  I've also reduced my bac by 10 mg - from 120 to 110, I feel I've switched, is this wise, should I stay at 120 for a while?

                  Just to add, I'm on 18 days tomorrow
                  Honour Thyself


                    Abstinence Challenge

                    Ahhhh so close. I have no suggestions. Ur totally screwed hahahaha. If the 30 days is a huge deal to u, try and not drink. But if ur happy to just get close, just have a good time. I would have 0 chance of not drinking on a boys night out.
                    When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                      Abstinence Challenge

                      haha, love your response JD, yeah, feel it's a bit catch 22.

                      I really don't want to drink. I'm not scared to say I don't want to drink but can't be bothered with the drama that'll go with it and me having to PRETEND I'm having such a great time because I feel I have to PROVE to them (and in the past trying to convince myself) that I'm having a great time BECAUSE you can enjoy yourself and not drink!!! I've been there, done that in the past and I can't be bothered!!

                      I think I'll take some alcohol free wine with me, cause there will be drinking in someone's room before the real fun begins!!! I'll put it in another bottle and just act dumb as to why I did that, they'll all have their own alcohol so no-one will want to taste mine.

                      By the time we're all ready to hit the show, they'll all be pissed anyway and won't know I'm not drinking. I'll just have to be all cunning and devious.

                      Just to add, I am really looking forward to it but really don't feel I need to drink to do so, this 30 days thing is really working!!
                      Honour Thyself


                        Abstinence Challenge

                        Hey peeps!

                        I've been meaning to ask you if you're titrating up or staying at a dose and whether or not that's where you want to be, JD?

                        Emily, 99.8888% (scientifically speaking) of the time people don't notice whether or not I'm drinking. It's astonishing actually. "Can I get you something?" is met with, "No, I'm good." And ditto "I'll get the next round." I usually order an NA drink, and have them put it in a drink-drink glass. That keeps the people that I used to drink with from trying to arm-twist me or suggest just one...

                        Truth is, I usually have a glass of wine/beer that I nurse all night. That works too. On the other hand, I've had some post-indifference experiences where I had more than a glass (kind of unexpectedly) and regretted losing yet another day to yet another hangover. But after a year or two of not drinking, hangovers come easy and from not much booze...(relatively speaking. )

                        Good luck. Hope you have fun!


                          Abstinence Challenge

                          thanks Ne, I've had a night, with friends over, which was in my house, a while back (on bac) and I drank 4 drinks that night - would normally have had much, much more - and no-one noticed at all.

                          When I started the challenge I was on 70 mg but titrated up to 120mg, added 10 every 3 days. Have been at 120mg for just under 2 weeks, I think (my memory is awful just now) and thanks to this challenge I can honestly say I'm now indifferent. Last night I decreased to 110 mg.

                          I'm trying to lose some weight and it's also that time of the month just now and for the last 3 or 4 days have felt very whacked out at the 120. I'm also very sensitive to all medication so don't know if it's been a combination of weight, period and sensitivity that's made me feel like I'm walking about in a daze, and forgetting EVERYTHING, appointments the lot, hence, coming down a bit.
                          Honour Thyself


                            Abstinence Challenge

                            emily;1531079 wrote: haha, love your response JD, yeah, feel it's a bit catch 22.

                            I really don't want to drink. I'm not scared to say I don't want to drink but can't be bothered with the drama that'll go with it and me having to PRETEND I'm having such a great time because I feel I have to PROVE to them (and in the past trying to convince myself) that I'm having a great time BECAUSE you can enjoy yourself and not drink!!! I've been there, done that in the past and I can't be bothered!!

                            I think I'll take some alcohol free wine with me, cause there will be drinking in someone's room before the real fun begins!!! I'll put it in another bottle and just act dumb as to why I did that, they'll all have their own alcohol so no-one will want to taste mine.

                            By the time we're all ready to hit the show, they'll all be pissed anyway and won't know I'm not drinking. I'll just have to be all cunning and devious.

                            Just to add, I am really looking forward to it but really don't feel I need to drink to do so, this 30 days thing is really working!!

                            Some ideas that popped into my head, that may or may not work for you--

                            If nobody will be buying rounds or pushing their drinks on you, the idea of putting N/A wine into another bottle and drinking that is a good one. Could even be fun, like an "acting" game you play-- a secret challenge to see if nobody notices.

                            If you just don't want to deal with it at this early point in your sobriety, you could always just back out. Say you got sick or something. If I was trying for 30 days and I was in your shoes I might just tell myself, 'well there'll always be good times with friends in the future, won't hurt to miss just one while I get my 30 days'.

                            It sucks to miss out on life when getting sober but in some cases it might be the best choice. Good luck on whatever you decide, and congrats on reaching indifference :goodjob:


                              Abstinence Challenge

                              Hey all... I haven't been sober as long as you guys but I thought I'd chime in and say that today is Day 10 for me. I'm going at least to Day 15 if not Day 30.


                                Abstinence Challenge

                                Emily, there's a million things u can say dude. My stomach has been really upset today, I have a ton of shit to do tomorrow and don't want to be sluggish, maybe later, I'm afraid a drink will make my clothes fall off. I agree with Neva... People don't pay as much attention to us as we think they do. Yeah they may say something, but our reaction is what makes it worse. .... Hey I notice ur drinking soda... Yeah because I'm an alcoholic and I don't wanna ruin my life .. Is that ok with u lil miss perfect god why does everyone hate me ...JESUS. See what I'm sayin. U could just say yeah I like soda.

                                Anyways, I see ur serious about abstinence, so just don't take urself so seriously. If u go into it thinking it is going to be a huge deal, it probably will be. It can be easy as far as dealing with them. For me, it would be hard dealing with me. I would want to drink.
                                When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.

