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Abstinence Challenge

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    Abstinence Challenge

    Oh and Neva. I went from 120 - 150 when I started this. I am hangin here. I'm just now getting a little less SEs. I definitely don't want (and don't think I need) to go any higher. I was regulating my drinking at 120. I just need to be more responsible this time. Alcoholism shook it's ass in my face for so long. I figured I deserved to shake my ass in its face too. Not gonna do that again though. Gonna kick back and slowly enjoy my gift.
    When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


      Abstinence Challenge

      emily;1531069 wrote: Any suggestions folks?[/video]]LMFAO - Shots ft. Lil Jon - YouTube


        Abstinence Challenge

        JDizzle;1531151 wrote: Hey I notice ur drinking soda... Yeah because I'm an alcoholic and I don't wanna ruin my life .. Is that ok with u lil miss perfect god why does everyone hate me ...JESUS.
        omg. That is my favorite answer ever. I so want to use that one.

        StuckinLA;1531153 wrote:[/video]]LMFAO - Shots ft. Lil Jon - YouTube
        hmmmmm. wtf. First of all, I thought it was a parody. Second thought was not so generous. wtf


          Abstinence Challenge



            Abstinence Challenge

            I am glad you got to this place! I have been a little self-conscious about not drinking alcohol in public, but it's a good problem, no? Caught a show last night and I did think about grabbing a cold one, but I remembered the challenge and all you guys. Easy choice.


              Abstinence Challenge

              Juan BH;1531193 wrote: Emily-
              I am glad you got to this place! I have been a little self-conscious about not drinking alcohol in public, but it's a good problem, no? Caught a show last night and I did think about grabbing a cold one, but I remembered the challenge and all you guys. Easy choice.
              Man and u already agreed to another 30 days. Bummer. I'll drink one for ya!!!
              When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                Abstinence Challenge

                Hi all I havent posted on this thread befor so most of you may not know me, I usually post on the topa thread. Since I dont take bac I have noticed that I do seem to miss the support on here that a lot of yu all give to each other. I saw this abstinence thread and though I might join in since I have just ended over a 6 month stint of not drinking. I didnt intend to stop drinking, in fact I thought I couldnt do it and abstinance was a bad idea for me as it had always resulted in disaster before but I decided to not drink over christmas as I had stuff to do to get ready for christmas and then the day itself I wanted to be drink and hangover free for my children. After that I just didnt want a drink and didnt see the point in it, I have to say here that I had nill social life at this time though but not drinking was easy and I had no cravings and very rarely thought about it.

                Fow a while now though I have thought about whaether I will remain abstinant or should I try a drink, I have been wanting to try a drink as I have always wanted to be normal rather than a recovery alcoholic which is a term that repels me so have wondered when rather that if I should have a drink. Anyway I went out for a meal on wednesday with friends and after thinking about it decided to try a drink and ended up having a pint of shandy, I had asked for a beer first but did feel pretty thirsty so got the lemonade put in as an afterthought. It unconsiesly took me a good while to drink it, no one asked me if I wanted another they all knew I was driving anyway so it was easy to just get a soft drink next. The strang thing was after I left I started feeling a bit down the reason for this being feeling lonely I think, I was aware that in the past I would have picked up a bottle on the way to have when I got in but I really didnt want to. I had a lovely day, have ended my stint of absinence for this time and dont know when I will have another drink but Im not bothered about it anyway so things atre going well foor me on the drinking front. I have thought for a while though that my drink problem where pretty much sorted, it was a long time comming for me but I really do believe I have got to where I want to b where drink is concirned e its just staying there I have to work on now.

                There are other problems I now need to sort after such a long relationship with drink I am now seeing a therapist to work on myself and my relatioship with people, something I stopped bothering with long ago when drink replaced my need for friendship and love. I am feeling possitive for my future now which is something I havent felt for a long time.



                  Abstinence Challenge

                  spacebebe01;1531257 wrote: I have just ended over a 6 month stint of not drinking..... and ended up having a pint of shandy.
                  I wouldn't call that a hard drink, especially if it was only one. You should consider yourself still abstinent in my opinion.

                  spacebebe01;1531257 wrote:
                  There are other problems I now need to sort after such a long relationship with drink I am now seeing a therapist to work on myself and my relatioship with people, something I stopped bothering with long ago when drink replaced my need for friendship and love. I am feeling possitive for my future now which is something I havent felt for a long time. xx
                  I guess we all have to learn how to be "normal" people again. But you're on the good way.
                  And guess what? You're not alone!
                  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                    Abstinence Challenge

                    Space, love! So good to hear from you (I guess I could pop on over to the topa thread anytime, but I just haven't been over there, sorry). Six months is amazing! And having one shandy with dinner isn't a big deal I don't think. The important thing is that you're not worried about it. It doesn't sound like it was that much of a thing at all.

                    If I remember, you were thinking that it was a combination of meds that took away your thoughts about drinking back around Christmas, too, yeah? And you were worried about changing those up at one point? Well, it sounds like it might not've been the meds after all, but either way, I'm really glad to hear you're still doing great, at least on the drinking front. :l:l:l


                      Abstinence Challenge

                      Nice to meet you spacebebe01! I am thinking along similar lines too. Alcohol has been covering up a lot of problems for me for a while now. Thanks for stopping by


                        Abstinence Challenge

                        When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                          Abstinence Challenge

                          9ers? You wouldn't!

                          edit: you did... damn. How do I set myself up for this shit?


                            Abstinence Challenge

                            No that's 1989.
                            When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                              Abstinence Challenge

                              I understand that was a good time for you. I am not going to dwell. I think this is probably pissing Lo0p off.


                                Abstinence Challenge

                                Naaa he's mad about some gay shit.
                                When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.

