You will know when you are indifferent. I can't explain it for you because it seems that everyone experiences it differently, but you will know, I am sure of that.
One way I know for myself is by seeing visual cues such as beer in the supermarket or billboards advertising booze. I used to get an automatic craving response from seeing those things, but now nothing happens. What I mean by craving response is like a little instant brain twitch. Not a longing, more of an instantaneous "I want that!" thought. It would be imperceptibly fast, but I could still "feel" it. Now if I see cold beer in the supermarket display, it's just like looking at anything else in the store like broccoli or cheese or something like that. The booze has no power to induce any thought or feeling in me like it did before.
I can't speak to what you should do re the bac. If you were drinking out of habit, just see what happens after being AF for a while and go from there.