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Abstinence Challenge

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    Abstinence Challenge

    Samandkatharine;1622815 wrote: Fred,
    I feel your pain with the Abilify withdrawal. My son went through that and it was awful. Turns
    Out he was misdiagnosed and didn't need it. I felt like such a bad Mommy. Antipsychotics are not to be trifled with. I'm glad you found a substitute.

    The misdiagnosis was quite possibly not an accident, doctors get kickbacks for peddling the profitable top shelf stuff. But that's a rant for another thread.


      Abstinence Challenge

      Fred_The_Cat;1623263 wrote: The misdiagnosis was quite possibly not an accident, doctors get kickbacks for peddling the profitable top shelf stuff. But that's a rant for another thread.
      Agreed!!! There were a few times I've walked into a psych's office and asked for baclofen. They offered me Lexapro?!

      Sorry, dude...did you not HEAR what I was asking this for?!

      "Well if you have PTSD, so you were self medicating with alcohol. So if we fix the PTSD, you won't have the urge to drink."

      False. Very false. As I'm looking at all the posters for Lexapro, Zoloft, Abilify and other anti-depressants. Not to mention my 10-12 years of trying an assortment of different pharmaceutical cocktails that did not work.

      Glad you wisened up, and got yourself off of it. I'd walk back in the office and pitch a fit, throw up a stack of papers on my way out. hehe
      ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

      To contact me, please msg me here:
      Baclofen for Alcoholism


        Abstinence Challenge

        I am on Day 20. Feeling really down today. I don't think it alcohol related, but not sure. Not going to drink mostly because I have no desire to do so. Not sure I have the desire to do much of anything. Blah. Hope everyone is feeling better than this.


          Abstinence Challenge

          Fred_The_Cat;1623263 wrote: The misdiagnosis was quite possibly not an accident, doctors get kickbacks for peddling the profitable top shelf stuff. But that's a rant for another thread.

          Along with my AL use, I harbor guilt regarding how my son was diagnosed during this time. I know it's not warranted, but he brings this period up now and then.



            Abstinence Challenge

            Hi all... just checking in on this thread. I'm super happy to report today is Day 100 AF for me. Seems so surreal and strange, and happy Keep the faith folks, if it's working for me it can work for anyone. Hope everyone is well!


              Abstinence Challenge

              Way cool Skull, way cool.
              "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                Abstinence Challenge

                Ne/Neva eva here. Until I get my new password, I'm under a different name.

                Part of the reason that I logged on was to say CONGRATULATIONS!


                  Abstinence Challenge

                  Thanks Poink and Ne, I appreciate the comments of support very much


                    Abstinence Challenge

                    Congrats, Skull.

                    1 day AF for me. And I'm going for a lot more. With the new brand, I finally feel like I can do it again.
                    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                      Abstinence Challenge

                      3 days for me. Insides are crying out. I'm not much of a spirit drinker but I had a fair old blast over the weekend with a 750ml bottle Friday and Saturday along with some beer. On Monday I really felt like my body just wanted to shut down. How anyone keeps up a vodka had it for a lot of years is beyond me. I've had a banging headache for days now with no letting up in sight.

                      I'll see how I feel on Monday and take it from there. I just received my naltrexone in the mail so touch wook the crazy binging is over even when I start back. Last time out the TSM knocked my totals down over night.

                      I feel that at 37 its around the time when a few health problems could start to creep in. I just feel like I've been burning it at both ends for so long I might just get bit in the arse very shortly if I'm not careful.

                      Anyway... I'll have 7 days under my belt at the least come Monday. I don't usually get that much anymore.


                        Abstinence Challenge

                        Hi Thomas. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. I don't get the Vodka habit either. I get way too drunk and feel like hell.

                        I am on day 24 AF. Yesterday was the first day in a while that I had the "feeling" that I wanted a beer. I could smell it, and could imagine that expansive feeling I get from the first one. Ahhh. Didn't do it. Too close to 30 days. I will go more than 30 before having a cold one. Not sure how much more. I'm guessing I won't get that feeling at this point. Which makes me a whole different kind of sad. Might put it off for a while since I am finally not so flippin' depressed.


                          Abstinence Challenge

                          Hi, I'm new here, just got baclofen from 4rx and wondering if there's a quick and dirty way to verify it's real and not a placebo... wasn't really sure where to post this. Any help would be fantastic!


                            Abstinence Challenge

                            Thomas- I really relate with your post. I too am 37 and I too often think about how I'm not a kid anymore and I'm definitely playing with fire when drinking, since I can't drink moderately. I have a lot of anxiety over when "the other shoe is going to drop" with my health and when will real health problems, perhaps irreversable ones, make themselves known. Ultimately, these fears were helpful to motivate me to gain some AF time. My progress thread has more if you're interested, but either way I just wanted to say that I relate to your thoughts.

                            Since you usually give in at/around 7 days, could you commit to doing a longer stretch, like 30? My first 30 days were really invaluable and I know a lot of people on this thread experienced the same thing.

                            Dun- great job not giving in to the beer temptation. I know how hard that is. Just a thought- maybe give some consideration to committing past your 30 days. Could you do 60? or 45? One thing I do know almost for certain- for most of us, heavy depression like you're experiencing will get better with sober time but will STAY (or even get worse) if you go back to drinking. Just a few thoughts- good luck Dun.


                              Abstinence Challenge

                              Feeling positively biblical here as when yesterday ended I had 40 days and 40 nights AF. I doubt that it's causing any historical changes outside my corporeal being but inside things are getting better every day.
                              "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                                Abstinence Challenge


                                Congratulations. I love your sense of humor.

