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Antabuse Question ?

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    Antabuse Question ?

    Started taking it yesterday I had 250mg in the morning and then again at night for the first day. Then the plan is 250mg at night for up to 6 months
    OMG I had a fantastic nights sleep I actually woke and thought wow lol does AB do this then almost like a sleeping pill. I ve done research on how i think the best method for me to go AF and I read alot of people say AB makes them drowsey so why is it not prescribe before bed instead of the morning. .
    I have read on here how some folks say its bad for your liver and you should have blood tests.
    I never read this in the research I have done and surely drinking daily must be worse than 250mg of AB
    Any response with advice would be gratefully appreciated
    Its easier not to start than stop

    Antabuse Question ?

    I think people take it in the morning so it removes the option to drink for the day, ie it's taken when you wake and are freshest, whereas at the end of a bad day when tired your resolve might not be what it was.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Antabuse Question ?


      Yes, it says to take in the a.m. but my doctor said evening if it causes drowsiness, which it does, so I do.

      She says the liver issue is rare but should be followed up by regular LFT to be safe.

      Great on the first AF day with AB. Many AF days to follow if you continue to take AB. Please, please do not drink on AB and if you decide to quit taking AB, wait a minimum of 2 weeks before drinking.

      I truly believe without AB, I would not have this much sober time under my belt today.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Antabuse Question ?

        I cant believe the difference it makes to quitting mentally."although I do know its early days "
        I am actually planning things to do this weekend that does not involve drinking even when I have been on the wagon in the past I never did that I just did the same as if I were drinking but did not drink and I expect its because for the first time in my life I know I will not be drinking this weekend as I have no choice and I must say it feels great to do that :O)
        Its easier not to start than stop


          Antabuse Question ?

          gmc38609;1528030 wrote: I cant believe the difference it makes to quitting mentally."although I do know its early days "
          I am actually planning things to do this weekend that does not involve drinking even when I have been on the wagon in the past I never did that I just did the same as if I were drinking but did not drink and I expect its because for the first time in my life I know I will not be drinking this weekend as I have no choice and I must say it feels great to do that :O)
          That is it in one. It's PRICELESS ! gmc
          The choice of 'maybe' is gone
          I am so happy for you
          Enjoy the AF weekend !:goodjob:


            Antabuse Question ?

            I'm so happy for you - that's awesome! Do you really feel that good?

            I am still dithering about whether to take the antabuse. I'm quite scared of what life will be like, and its such a long term commitment (believe me, three or four days in a row is a long term commitment for me, never mind the two weeks you would have to wait if you changed your mind!). From what you say, it sounds like a really positive thing

            I am almost there, and reading your post is making me forget my doubts

            Thanks for sharing, and continued success to you


              Antabuse Question ?

              I dithered for 2 weeks before I took the pill.I am on day 5 AF now and 2 or 3 times I thought OMG what have I done no Alcohol but only for a few seconds. Apart from that it has been remarkably easy compared to the daily battle I was having all day with shall I drink today or not.
              You do not have to think your giving up booze forever that's to big just think your taking a break from it to give your body time to recover with a little help.
              Is that worth a 2 week gamble just in case there is a tiny chance you may hate it I thought so and I am glad I did. I shall post Monday to see how my AF weekend goes I am actually excited by the thought of it
              Its easier not to start than stop


                Antabuse Question ?

                antabuse can be a great tool and as you say it takes the will/won't I out of the question. Well done! You will be surprised at what you start doing after some AF time - there will be grieving times, boredom and anxiety - but this is giving you another shot - just without the booze. Its not worth thinking of what it will be like to be AF forever or weeks ahead. It takes years to cement an addiction into your daily life and thoughts but it does not have to take years to un-glue this.
                From what I have picked-up antabuse works if you keep with the roll - ie don't play guessing games about having a few days 'off' and drinking. Not only is that dangerous but it mucks up your resolve to quit, and just delays the process. AB is a serious medication and there is no point in introducing it to your already damaged body (esp the liver) unless it is to be a tool to an AF life. There is a trade-off here in terms of health and getting out of the addiction spiral. Thats my opinion and my advice only.


                  Antabuse Question ?

                  mycall;1528217 wrote: I'm so happy for you - that's awesome! Do you really feel that good?

                  I am still dithering about whether to take the antabuse. I'm quite scared of what life will be like
                  , and its such a long term commitment (believe me, three or four days in a row is a long term commitment for me, never mind the two weeks you would have to wait if you changed your mind!). From what you say, it sounds like a really positive thing

                  I am almost there, and reading your post is making me forget my doubts

                  Thanks for sharing, and continued success to you

                  One day I woke up and realized I was more afraid of what life would be like if I continued drinking. My descent into alcoholism is probably much worse than yours but we all face the same fate if we continue.

                  I want my life, the good the bad the ugly, to be my life and no longer a slave to a horrible master.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Antabuse Question ?

                    Great comments guys totally agree with both of you I hope mycall takes the leap
                    Its easier not to start than stop


                      Antabuse Question ?

                      Friends interested in Antabuse:

                      Here is a link to a very good webpage regarding Antabuse.

                      I thought you might like to read it.

                      Antabuse-Disulfiram Guide for Recovery

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Antabuse Question ?

                        Cinders;1529788 wrote: Friends interested in Antabuse:

                        Here is a link to a very good webpage regarding Antabuse.

                        I thought you might like to read it.

                        Antabuse-Disulfiram Guide for Recovery

                        Oh, awesome. Thanks for that Cindi!


                          Antabuse Question ?

                          I just completed my first full week on AB ans so far I am really impressed with it. I have had no side effects and not drinking has been pretty easy.With the hot weather and tennis I would of definitely drank without it. Alcohol as you would expect from a 25 year habit is still in the background with my thoughts and I look forward to the day that it is not.
                          I am now making plans that do not include alcohol so I am definitely on the road to recovery and would recommend AB as a positive step forward
                          Its easier not to start than stop

