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Baclofen bulk powder

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    Baclofen bulk powder

    Does this exist some where for purchase? I'm looking to keep doses low and i have the scales and equipment to dose correctly.
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    Baclofen bulk powder

    Just weigh the pills and grind them. That shouldn't be too difficult.

    With a little calculating, you should be able to determine how many mgs bac there is in 1 gram of your ground pills.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


      Baclofen bulk powder

      I mainly wanted the powder because powders generally tend to be cheaper.
      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

      Baclofen prescribing guide

      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


        Baclofen bulk powder

        I know it must be possible, but I have no idea how you'd get it without medical connections. Somewhere in China would be my guess, but that's not very helpful, I know.


          Baclofen bulk powder

          Bill P. had stuff from several sources in China and other countries chemically tested at considerable cost. Moral of the story: Anyone remember the dog food from China that was killing dogs because of toxic amino acid-like ingredients made it test as though the protein content was higher?
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
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            Baclofen bulk powder

            Here are several addresses where you can buy the powder for around $350 per kilogram:

            Baclofen Powder, Baclofen Powder Products, Baclofen Powder Suppliers and Manufacturers at

            I hope this answers your question
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


              Baclofen bulk powder

              Lo0p;1531081 wrote: Bill P. had stuff from several sources in China and other countries chemically tested at considerable cost. Moral of the story: Anyone remember the dog food from China that was killing dogs because of toxic amino acid-like ingredients made it test as though the protein content was higher?
              So i should steer clear of any orders from China then... Do you still know where i can order the liquid stuff from?
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                Baclofen bulk powder

                neophyte;1531950 wrote: So i should steer clear of any orders from China then... Do you still know where i can order the liquid stuff from?
                As it comes to quality, in my opinion you should stay clear of anything that comes from China, but my experiences are mainly based on technical and electronic items from China. Although anything appears to be made in China nowadays.

                I have no idea what the quality of drugs from China is and if it is tested by any authority over there.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                  Baclofen bulk powder

                  I ordered some from China for about $350 for a kg. I had it tested for $100. >99% pure. Be careful measuring it. My scale needed calibrated and I didn't notice. I couldn't figure out why taking 90 mg was making me so sick at night and the next day. Turns out I was taking 200mg at a time!

                  Check the scale with a weight every time you measure. I put the powder in one of the pill kits that has morning, afternoon and evening M-S.

                  It is much cheaper and I personally don't want the fact that I am an alcoholic on my medical records for the rest of my life.

                  PM me if you want the vendor information where I purchased.


                    Baclofen bulk powder

                    [quote]neophyte on July 27th in a private message to me wrote: Hi there,

                    Not sure if you have read my prior message or not.

                    I can see you changed your signature with the link to phoniex labs and the mention of liquid bac. I suspect you no longer wish to offer this service are trying to distance yourself from it completely. Understandable.

                    Is there any chance you could give me a reliable source for bulk powder so i can make the solution myself or cap it myself?

                    The reason is, in Australia getting through customs can be difficult so i would rather buy a lot of bac 1kg or more and be sure i won't be running out any time soon.

                    help would be really appreciated as im sure you know more than most what being in my situation is like, desperate alcoholic, tried everything, getting no where, bac looks like the answer for me.
                    My answer, along with your now seemingly dishonest reply:

                    neophyte wrote:
                    Originally posted by Lo0p
                    I will say only four things to you:

                    Australia is one of the easiest countries to import baclofen for personal use to. I've never seen it take longer than 24 hours to clear customs. It is a legal import into Australia. That is a fact.

                    They are located in Vanuatu, pretty close to you and have excellent customer service.

                    Importing chemicals from third world countries for human consumption is beyond stupid.

                    If you are truly an alcoholic looking for a way out then, yes I agree, baclofen is your best bet by a long shot and I'd give you a very high chance of success.

                    Best wishes, but that is all I will say. - Lo0p
                    thank you

                    If I lived in Australia and wanted to secure a personal supply of powdered baclofen, I would only feel comfortable doing so from a reputable manufacturer in Australia. As they have a regulatory agency like my own USA's FDA whose responsibility it is to ensure manufactures meet certain requirements. And I'm quite sure we are talking about requirements that go far beyond the purity of a batch. Proper storage conditions for every medication (temperature, humidity, oxidation, uv radiation), exact logs of policies and procedures followed concerning all kinds of seemingly inane but incredibly crucial things like:

                    the replacement of parts that may bey susceptible to contamination or wear on the various machines that process and handle the medication itself, it's precursors etc.

                    the methods used to ensure the accurate of labeling of lots.

                    I've spent too much time thinking about this.

                    If I wanted to secure a baclofen source for personal use from a place that either does not have an agency that controls quality or has one who's values reflect the fact that they are a 3rd world country. Then I would buy the smallest possible quantity (I'm guessing 1 kg?) and have it illegally (I would assume that is the only way) shipped into Australia.

                    Then in all seriousness
                    (If my maintenance dose were say 240mg/day) I would throw 800,000 of the million milligrams I ordered in the trash.
                    Because in two years, I would need only 175,200 mgs. I would take the remaining, have it tested for purity and, because it's my life I'd probably have several samples of it tested. Order some kind of pharmaceutical supplies where I could portion the .2 kilos into 12 separate sections and evacuate the air out of each one, ensure for the two full years that I used them that they remained they remained at a stable temperature in a place with no light and then only open one every two months knowing full well that by the time I got to the end of my 175,200 mgs that each 20 mgs was less active than the same 20 mgs two years ago. How much less? I wouldn't know. I wouldn't fucking trust how potent or old it was two years ago when I first bought it.

                    If I did all those things would I take it to save my life. As a last option and probably a more expensive one. Would I give it to someone else? No.

                    I will not respond to this type of stuff again.

                    edit: this is psychotic. I'm not even going to get into the proper handling procedures that you need to utilize to protect yourself when you're handling a kilogram of baclofen. Because there are 1: real risks involved the very moment when you're handling a something like a million milligrams of baclofen and for some time after.
                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      Baclofen bulk powder

                      Lo0p;1539780 wrote: My answer, along with your now seemingly dishonest reply:

                      If I lived in Australia and wanted to secure a personal supply of powdered baclofen, I would only feel comfortable doing so from a reputable manufacturer in Australia. As they have a regulatory agency like my own USA's FDA whose responsibility it is to ensure manufactures meet certain requirements. And I'm quite sure we are talking about requirements that go far beyond the purity of a batch. Proper storage conditions for every medication (temperature, humidity, oxidation, uv radiation), exact logs of policies and procedures followed concerning all kinds of seemingly inane but incredibly crucial things like:

                      the replacement of parts that may bey susceptible to contamination or wear on the various machines that process and handle the medication itself, it's precursors etc.

                      the methods used to ensure the accurate of labeling of lots.

                      I've spent too much time thinking about this.

                      If I wanted to secure a baclofen source for personal use from a place that either does not have an agency that controls quality or has one who's values reflect the fact that they are a 3rd world country. Then I would buy the smallest possible quantity (I'm guessing 1 kg?) and have it illegally (I would assume that is the only way) shipped into Australia.

                      Then in all seriousness (If my maintenance dose were say 240mg/day) I would throw 800,000 of the million milligrams I ordered in the trash.
                      Because in two years, I would need only 175,200 mgs. I would take the remaining, have it tested for purity and, because it's my life I'd probably have several samples of it tested. Order some kind of pharmaceutical supplies where I could portion the .2 kilos into 12 separate sections and evacuate the air out of each one, ensure for the two full years that I used them that they remained they remained at a stable temperature in a place with no light and then only open one every two months knowing full well that by the time I got to the end of my 175,200 mgs that each 20 mgs was less active than the same 20 mgs two years ago. How much less? I wouldn't know. I wouldn't fucking trust how potent or old it was two years ago when I first bought it.

                      If I did all those things would I take it to save my life. As a last option and probably a more expensive one. Would I give it to someone else? No.

                      I will not respond to this type of stuff again.

                      edit: this is psychotic. I'm not even going to get into the proper handling procedures that you need to utilize to protect yourself when you're handling a kilogram of baclofen. Because there are 1: real risks involved the very moment when you're handling a something like a million milligrams of baclofen and for some time after.
                      Relax buddy, I wasn't being dishonest in my reply and dont see how you saw that. I made this post a while ago when i just found out about bac, and i saw in many posts that you sold it in liquid form, as soon as i asked you about it privately, you removed any mention of it from your signature and didn't reply. I assumed you just didn't want to do that business anymore. I was hoping for a reliable contact for the powder in bulk. Obviously if you were selling it to members and they were happy with the service then the powder you had obtained would have met all your stringent requirements thats why i asked you in the first place.

                      As to handling a kg of bac, it sounds like your over exaggerating, measuring out doses isn't rocket science, is this powder going to explode?

                      You won't be hearing from me again dont worry, but I am disappointed with you showing my private messages on the forum and attempting to publicly shame me by saying im dishonest. You seem to be a senior member in this community which has a culture of helping each other out and obviously if bac is really a great treatment then this needs to continue so it gets more exposure.
                      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                      Baclofen prescribing guide

                      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                        Baclofen bulk powder

                        neophyte;1539834 wrote: As to handling a kg of bac, it sounds like your over exaggerating, measuring out doses isn't rocket science, is this powder going to explode?
                        Funny you should ask. That was the perfect question.

                        Ever open a bag of flour the wrong
                        way? Ever accidentally drop a 200mL container of flour on the floor. Now imagine an innocent little mistake like that and combine it with the fact that baclofen is molecule which, naturally, is much smaller than a complex carbohydrate which is a chain of many, many molecules connected together (take flour for instance)

                        Bare minimum 1. Ventilator mask (a real one) 2. Adequate ventilation.

                        You can spare yourself the trouble of buying the equipment and trying to learn how to set up a sterile environment and learn then ingrain sterile operating procedures and probably just get a good microscope so you can make sure nothing is growing on it in year or two.

                        neophyte;1539834 wrote:
                        publicly shame me by saying im dishonest. this community which has a culture of helping each other out
                        I did not say you were dishonest. You said "thank you" after I offered you my thoughts, which were my honest attempt at helping you.

                        After reading your further inquiries as to how to obtain dangerous chemicals. I'll never know, but I thought an honest reply would have been more along the lines of "thanks but no thanks." I then made the subjective statement "seemingly dishonest".

                        Apologies for posting our private conversation. It was inappropriate but done in the spirit of "helping each other out" (as in don't do things that are "beyond stupid"). I'm hoping what I meant by "beyond stupid" has been elucidated further.
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Baclofen bulk powder

                          Lo0p;1539995 wrote: Funny you should ask. That was the perfect question.

                          Ever open a bag of flour the wrong
                          way? Ever accidentally drop a 200mL container of flour on the floor. Now imagine an innocent little mistake like that and combine it with the fact that baclofen is molecule which, naturally, is much smaller than a complex carbohydrate which is a chain of many, many molecules connected together (take flour for instance)

                          Bare minimum 1. Ventilator mask (a real one) 2. Adequate ventilation.

                          You can spare yourself the trouble of buying the equipment and trying to learn how to set up a sterile environment and learn then ingrain sterile operating procedures and probably just get a good microscope so you can make sure nothing is growing on it in year or two.

                          I did not say you were dishonest. You said "thank you" after I offered you my thoughts, which were my honest attempt at helping you.

                          After reading your further inquiries as to how to obtain dangerous chemicals. I'll never know, but I thought an honest reply would have been more along the lines of "thanks but no thanks." I then made the subjective statement "seemingly dishonest".

                          Apologies for posting our private conversation. It was inappropriate but done in the spirit of "helping each other out" (as in don't do things that are "beyond stupid"). I'm hoping what I meant by "beyond stupid" has been elucidated further.
                          Yes your help was appreciated, when i said "thank you", i intended it. I even ordered from the pharmacy you posted, i took the advice around here and didn't order the powder. I have already received one package from goldpharma also. I was merely exploring my options when i was asking around. I'm new here after all.

                          The private message thing isn't such an issue in hindsight, i was just more concerned if i had personal details in there as i value my anonymity here. You probably would have excluded any personal info anyways.

                          I don't agree with your arguments about the powder being inherently more dangerous than tablets due to safety of handling it or that it's beyond stupid. I'll just leave it at that. I have my tablets now and I've started taking them. All the best.
                          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                          Baclofen prescribing guide

                          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                            Baclofen bulk powder

                            I never ususally post on the baclofen threads but there is something I have been wondering about for a while now. Loop are you a Chemist or a Pharmasist, I have never heard you mention that you where just that you bought all the stuff of a guy called Bill I think. Are you qualified ie have a degree in chemistry or related subject, have relevant training to make pharmasuticals and licencing to have your own lab. Since you did use this site to advertise your business I do think you should state you qualifications to anyone on here who want to know.

