out of curiosity, what kind of doctor is he? Family doc, GP, internist, psychiatrist, addiction specialist?
what do you get for the 675$ initial visit? Will he take a comprehensive history and commit to treat co-morbidities?
how much of the 675$ would be covered by your insurance (if you chose to make a claim/s?)
what would be involved (in terms of time and cost) in follow up visits with him and the therapist, if you did decide to go forward with him?
does he prescribe high dose baclofen? up to what limit?
has he had any 'success stories' treating alcoholics?
Hope you don't mind answering these questions and/or following up with the doc. These are all important issues to us if the medical community is going to take responsibilty for the treatment of alcoholism.
FWIW (and playing a bit of devil's advocate), I can't help but think that 675$ plus subsequent visits plus the therapist plus the cost of bac and other meds might not be such a bad deal if (i) you were assured thoughtful, professional, competent treatment and (ii) there were a fairly high likelihood of eventual success. It would certainly be cheaper than rehab and might even be cheaper medical treatment than the cost of self-medication with booze, when all is said and done.
