But in a (more) perfect world, alcoholism would be understood as a disease (and not some kind of moral failing) and we and our physicians would have a more open and honest dialogue about our addictions and mental health.
And we would understand that more honesty and transparency with our physicians would lead to greater health and happiness.
We would not have to fear that our doctors would pass some kind of moral judgment on us if we admitted we drink too much.
Doctors would ask us how much we drink, and we would honestly answer. And if treatment were indicated, we would be treated. And healed.
Recently I had some bloating in my abdomen that I worried about. I went to the doctor to discuss having an u/s because I've had gall bladder issues in the past. I was frank with her about recently becoming sober and she immediately plastered on my order ALCOHOL use...how embarrassing!! She didn't ask any questions or pat me on the back congratulating me on being 3 months sober. My U/S lady was sweet. She said that this happens all the time and that the doctors do this to cover their asses. What a joke. No wonder we lie.
PS- turns out I was constipated...jeez..