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bac side effects intensifying after reduced drinking?

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    bac side effects intensifying after reduced drinking?

    Ok folks, the results from this experiment are in- and you most certainly DO NOT develop an ability to reduce your maintenance dose over time as a result of increased sobriety.

    I stayed at 62.5 mg this past week with no ill effects like cravings or anxiety- this morning I dialed down to 50 and felt kind of irritable at work. Next I'm relaxing at home doing some programming and playing guitar and I feel like a beer at 3:00- BOOM. I downed it in 5 minutes and started craving more.

    It is now 5:00 and I have not had more, nor will I go pick some up. Instead I will down 50 more mg and step back up to 75 tomorrow morning.

    This underscores a very basic and unpalatable fact- the changes to our brains are permanent and there is no renegotiating the maintenance dose for good behavior. It is what it is.


      bac side effects intensifying after reduced drinking?

      Fred_The_Cat;1534627 wrote: This underscores a very basic and unpalatable fact- the changes to our brains are permanent and there is no renegotiating the maintenance dose for good behavior. It is what it is.
      I think it can be done, but you have to be patient. The brain will probably recover, but it will take some time.

      When I went down to find my maintenance dose, at 40 I got mild cravings (I did not drink the beer, like you did, but took 10 mg extra) and returned to 50.

      When I went down to 40 a few months later, there were no cravings. Even when I tapered down to zero. Cravings returned after a few months.

      I'm convinced that I could have gone to 40 and stay there. I should have stayed there for a year or so and then go to 30 and see what happens.
      But that's an experiment for the future, since I'm on 80 now and first will go down 10 every month until I'm at 50, where I will stay for at least 6 months.
      Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


        bac side effects intensifying after reduced drinking?

        I'm with Xadrian on this one. I've also noticed the same pattern that he talks about in the post above. I'm not sure that it would ever be a permanent change, and I think for someone who wants to moderate, baclofen must always be a part of their life, but I definitely noticed changes after I came off baclofen. However, I had been on it for about 18 months, and included in that period was nearly a year of absolutely no drinking.

        Be aware that it will normally take a few days before your increase actually makes any difference to your craving.

