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Spreading your Baclofen dose

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    Spreading your Baclofen dose

    I was just wondering what the general opinion is with regards to splitting your dose up? From what I've read it seems to be a 3 dose and 4 dose plan are the most popular. I'm thinking about starting with a 3 dose plan, something like 8am/1pm/6pm?

    I just want to stick to a steady plan and take it easy to avoid SEs.


    Spreading your Baclofen dose

    For the ant-craving effect, it doesn't seem to matter very much how you divide your day dose. Only the day dose itself is important.

    For the side effects however, it is very important. You could adapt the individual doses to minimize SE's at certain moments.

    For example, I take my 80 mgs in 20-20-40 at 8AM-2PM-11PM, so I'm more alert during thr daytime.

    If you're at really high doses, I would suggest 4 doses instead of 3.

    I'm not a doctor, just a fellow recoverer, so if you take my advice, you do it at your own risk.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


      Spreading your Baclofen dose

      Thanks Xadrian. This will be my second attempt so SEs are a big factor. I don't want to split the daily up to much as I'm likely to start forgetting doses.


        Spreading your Baclofen dose

        Staying on a certain dose for a while, until SE's subside and then continue to go up slowly is also an option. Some people had benefits from doing so.
        Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


          Spreading your Baclofen dose

          When I was titrating up I split my doses into 4 equal doses. At that point my last dose was around 9-9:30. After my switch I take 2 doses and my last dose is by 7:30. Everyone's different, but I find I sleep better if I take baclofen earlier in the night. Good luck.


            Spreading your Baclofen dose

            Hey guys,

            I've finally tapered off Bac altogether with the help of some Librium and Diazepam. I'd like to say it was easy enough but at one time or another it was pretty hard gong. The anxiety, paranoia, intrusive thoughts and generally feeling of not feeling totally in control was pretty scary but I took my last dose of 6/6/6 yesterday and will give it 3-4 days to see how I feel.

            I'd like to be at base line before starting on my journey again and follow a structured plan no matter how long it takes. Last time out it was a bit of a rush. It was sort of successful but to be honest the SEs were brutal but I thought if I pushed through I'd be ok. Big mistake.. I could hardly leave the house, Crossing the road was hard going. It took around 6 weeks to get back to here which might have been to short but the benzos have helped a great deal. I have boxes upon boxes of Bac put aside in case in the nest few days I might need a small dose. (touch wood I don't). I also plan on purchasing liquid.

            Would anyone know ballpark how long after the last dose your out of the woods? I'd like to have my system clear of drugs before titrating up again so I know where I stand when and if SEs arise.

            At one point I was up to the mind 200s with all sorts of dosing regimens. I now from reading up believe that sticking to a plan and going slow to let you system get accustomed to the medicine is key.

            To say that I didn't really take a proper titration schedule would be an understatement. Along with constant drinking and drug use combined with sporadic messing with dosing schedules it was a disaster from the off.

            My plan is 10/10/10 to start. My question is, is it better to go up 10 every 3-4 days or maybe 20 every week (7 days)

            I know we're all different and everyone has a different opinion but I really want to follow this by the letter this time out. I fell like this could be my last hope. Before Bac even before the first disastrous attempt I was started to have a very hard time going 1 AF day per week which scares me.

            Again... Any help would be greatly appreciated.


              Spreading your Baclofen dose

              thomas m;1536737 wrote: Crossing the road was hard going. It took around 6 weeks to get back to here.
              That's either a huge road or extremely slow walking, Thomas :H

              thomas m;1536737 wrote: Would anyone know ballpark how long after the last dose your out of the woods? I'd like to have my system clear of drugs before titrating up again so I know where I stand when and if SEs arise.
              I don't know exactly, but I think in two weeks everything should be pretty much out of your system.

              thomas m;1536737 wrote:
              My plan is 10/10/10 to start. My question is, is it better to go up 10 every 3-4 days or maybe 20 every week (7 days)
              The best option is as gradual as possible. No big jumps. So 10 every 3-4 days would be better than 20 every 7 days.

              I myself did 5 every day when I first titrated up. No big effects. But as soon as you experience severe SE's, you could just stay at that particular dose until SE's diminish and then continue to slowly go up.

              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                Spreading your Baclofen dose

                Xadrian;1536784 wrote: That's either a huge road or extremely slow walking, Thomas :H

                Thanks Xadrian. Some of the SEs I experienced where verging on psychosis... not nice at all. Hence the reason I'm gonna take baby steps this time round. 10 every 4th day may be the way forward. I'll maybe leave it to the end of next week to start over again. Diazepam stays in your system for quite some time so I'd like to know that that's not gonna be interfering with me starting off again. The last few days I've felt really zonked out because of it but it has totally killed my anxiety. I'm only on small doses and it only been a few days so hopefully I shouldn't need any more touch wood starting next week.

