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Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

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    Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

    Hi All,

    My Doc has recently put me on Antabuse after still having a few drinks after being put on Campral. I consider myself a functional heavy drinker (few beers and a bottle of wine a night) but not a binge drinker or party goer....

    Ive seen an D&A counsellor who disagrees with me being put Antabuse as it doesnt help me teach myself and learn new methods to control and moderate my drinking my drinking - all it does is instill fear into me?? Im also on Lexapro for mild anxiety issues...

    Does anyone agree with this - that counselling and Campral is a better alternative to Antabuse??

    Any input would be great!!

    Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

    Hi there!! Welcome.

    I am on Antabuse and have been since Mar 15. Up until I started taking Antabuse again, I tried it years ago and ended up drinking on it and in the ER, I could never get some good sober time under my belt.

    No, Antabuse does not help with cravings, it does, however, help with the "chatter" that says you can just have one, etc.

    Campral did nothing for me except give me diarrhea. It works for some, not for me.

    Besides taking Antabuse, I am going to AA, I am going to a counselor and I am doing new things in my life to change my life for the better.

    In my opinion, if I wasn't taking Antabuse, I would have relapsed by now. Perhaps it is just placebo effect, but it is working for me like a charm.

    However, I was the one that asked my psychiatrist for Antabuse. It would not "work" if someone else gave it to me to keep me sober. It was my choice, and my choice alone.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

      Campral was just a placebo for me. When I did not drink I did only out of sheer willpower. Many agree with me on that. My doc says it works for binge drinkers, though, not for regular drinkers like me, so that may be why it did nothing for me. As for Antabuse, I agree with Cindi: it can't work if someone is giving that to you. It must be your choice. And I can see how it would instill pure fear in you: that's why I could never take it. If it does nothing for the cravings and adds terror on top of them, it would only make things worse for me...


        Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

        I think Antabuse is great, It takes away your choice to drink until you get so used to not drinking its no longer your bad habit, well that how see it anyway.
        You still have the choice each day whether take it on or so it requires a certain amount of will power
        Its easier not to start than stop


          Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

          HI, I was on Campral a few years back abnd found it did help with the cravings but I did eventually give in to the drink again and messed it up myself. I have also had some success with antabuse, last years six months without a drink then stopped tasking it and drank but have staerted taking it again recently so I dont go and end up on a bender after another six month AF stint where I just had a few drinks over a week or so but dont want to risk goingback to daily drinking. I have recently been wonderiing though what would you think about taking both, with the antabuse you know you cant drink so it stops the arguments in your head about should I, shouldnt I and then the Campral may help with any cravings you do have, its also supposed to help put the brain back to that of a non heavy drinker which is I think the best effect it can have is if its actuaslloy doing you long term good aswell as helping keep you off the booze.

          good luck


            Antabuse vs Campral - which works better psychologically?

            Hi Squirrel- I can't speak to Campral/counseling because I don't have any experience with them, but I do know that Antabuse does not actually help lessen physical cravings. However, Antabuse works well to take away the thoughts of "will I or won't I", since you'll get quite sick if you drink on it, but you do have to guard against skipping doses and counting down to when you can "safely" drink.

            Also, I assume you know that Antabuse has a long half-life and can damage the liver if you drink too soon on it, correct? Like, talking a matter of weeks, not days...?

