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Antabuse Question

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    Antabuse Question

    As above... this is the plan I have in mind. Antabuse twice a week. The very thought of having it in my system would put the fear of god into me. I really need a sober couple of months. My insides are really starting to give me trouble. I've had the usual all clear with blood tests (not a nice experience taking a panic attack with a needle in your vein) but something must be up as a healthy person shouldn't feel like they have a constant stitch in their side.


      Antabuse Question

      I'm just coming out of a 2 week booze binge that had totally run havoc with my body. I was hoping getting hold of some benzos to take the edge off on Monday but the guy decided to take himself off to a festival. Long story short I just kept gong till Wednesday. It had got to the stage where I was drinking to keep the jitters at bay... drinking .. falling a sleep. Waking.. drinking.. falling a sleep. I woke on Wednesday morning praying for the postman to come which didn't happen.

      Jesus that was a hard day yesterday. Anxiety through the roof. A nervous/worried felling you couldn't imagine. I was sick to my stomach with worry. The intrusive thoughts were driving me insane. And that's just the psychological symptoms. I didn't think the day was gonna end. Thanks I fully I made it through the night and with a bit of luck got hold of some benzos to get me through he weekend this morning. 2 pills and I was right as rain mentally. I'm still sick as fuck with a god awful pain in my side but I honestly couldn't face a drink the weekend I honestly don't think.

      I've been waiting and waiting on Goldpharma to restock Antabuse buy its gone nearly 3 months now. I tryst the company as I like that they sell EU branded meds that you actually get on the NHS. I might have to have another look at my options.

      Does anyone know of any UK or EU stockists. I've nothing against Indian meds its just that they usually take forever to arrive.

      Thanks for reading.


        Antabuse Question

        Free's method is interesting-- I may adopt that tactic myself once I get through my first 30 days AF. For me, I've been taking half a pill of Antabuse daily. I see no reason to take a full pill as I know that even half a pill daily will make me sick as a dog if I drink even a drop. It's really helped quiet the mind, as of course the choice to drink is taken away completely.

        Flyer- I've got a similar situation going on- a noticeable stitch in my side- though a quick Google search showed me it's not in the same location as my liver, thankfully. Still, I do a full blood panel bi-monthly, and have clear results so far, so I feel at ease. It sounds like the pain in your side is more intense though-- has the doctor addressed it, and if so, what did they say? If it's really painful please get it looked at by a doctor.

        As for the unbearable anxiety, I know it well... Alcohol just piles it on and it feels unbearable and neverending. I promise you, whether you use baclofen, antabuse, whatever- some sober time will lift the anxiety significantly.

        And as for Antabuse, I'm sure you know that once it's in your system, drinking even a small amount of alcohol can be very harmful and even life-threatening. Good to keep in mind always.

        Best of luck, Flyer. Keep us updated.


          Antabuse Question

          flyer. You should get that pain looked at. Liver damage is not always indicated by a pain exactly where the liver is. Take care


            Antabuse Question

            I get my blood work done every 6 months and every time its clear. The pain does clear up somewhat after a week or two AF but its getting harder to even go a week these days. I've tried TSM (some success) and Baclofen (brutal anxiety, paranoia, crippling fear). It would probably take me a year to get anywhere near 100mg of Baclofen and with drinking on the way up that's a no no.

            Antabuse seems what I need right now. I finally got a small amount of Xanax of a friend yesterday to see me through the weekend. It made a hell of a difference. I was actually physically sick with worry. My nervous are wrecked. Walking along a street and the sound of a horn had me totally on edge.

            I still fell awful though. Drained, diarrhoea, not eating well. I've been taking a B Complex and drinking loads of water.

            What scares me is, once I'm out of the worst of it the merry-go-round will start over. I'm gonna take a punt on a overseas company. I couldn't be arsed waiting on Goldpharma.

            Thanks for the replies


              Antabuse Question

              I'm sort of embarrassed doing this but if some kind soul would be willing to spare me say 6ish Antabuse pills? I've eventually made an order with inhouse but from previous experience they can take up to 10-14 day. My plan is to take a 1/2 a tablet twice a week so 6 pills would see me through 3 weeks if my maths is right in time for my order to arrive. 3 weeks AF would be an absolute holiday for me.

              I not looking a free be by any means and can pay (PP?) or help someone out with some Baclofen I have hanging around.
              I'm in direr straights and would give an arm and a leg for a month AF.

              Sorry if this is against the rules...I appointive if so.

              Thanks for listening.

              PS... By the way I'm UK based.

              PM if interested... thanks again.


                Antabuse Question

                I can how do we go about it ?

                there 500mg
                Its easier not to start than stop


                  Antabuse Question

                  As I said i could post some to you if needed ?

                  I have been drinking everyday since I counted down the days on AB 2 weeks ago I got back up to drinking a 1/4 bottle of vodka neat and 4 beers on Saturday and 2 bottles of wine Sunday.

                  I feel like shit my skin is blotchy and my face puffy I have had anxiety and basically just felt weird all day..

                  Today is my first af day again and I have put that above just in case I want to drink again I can read it and hopefully see sense.

                  Is there any other help groups apart from AA?
                  Its easier not to start than stop


                    Antabuse Question

                    Hey guys.

                    I hear a lot about Antabuse being hard on your liver. The thing is my last blood work was in January and it was all clear. they usually are. I really don't want to go for another as I had a panic attack with a f**king needle in my vein (not nice)

                    I'm only plaining on taking it twice a week as that would scare me enough not to drink. Surely 2 tablets of Antabuse couldn't do more damage as 5l of 5% beers every night of the week?

                    I can't wait to get this on. I f**ked right off with booze. I was getting quite emotionally yesterday. Might be a good sigh that I really want to give this a go.

