I just skimmed this thread and will go back and read through it more carefully, but I just wanted to jump in and say that I very much agree with the other posters that you've ramped up really quickly and that's likely the main reason for your challenging SE's.
Going up 20 mg every 4 days does seem really fast. From what I've read many people go up 10 mg every 4 days.
Myself, I go up significantly slower, only 10mg every 8 days, because I'm scared of SE's like the ones you describe. It's true that it's taking me a long time to get to my switch but in the meantime SE's are quite easy to handle going so slow. Check out my progress thread for more detail, if you're interested.
Since you were already dealing with issues of depression/anxiety prior to bac, I'd encourage you to be very careful about titrating to quickly (whether up or down). Going too fast in either direction can really intensify those things.
Whatever you decide, please do so as you've already mentioned- not in a rash manner, but do some carefully, calmly, and with due consideration.
Best of luck to you
