First-time-poster, so please be gentle.
I'm a 29 year old female - 5' 5.5", weighing 119 pounds.
I started baclofen about three months ago after attempting suicide due to my drinking and long-term depression and have titrated up to 220mg, which I'm on now. I'm due to titrate up to 240mg next (I've been going up 20mg every five days or so), but this last move up has been particularly difficult. My vision is permanently obscured by flashing white spots, and occasionally I see lightning flashes of red or orange, and the twitching in my hands has got a lot worse. I also suffer from untreated carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists, so wake up about 5 times during the night anyway because of with the twitches it's a lot worse (up to 8 times a night) as it seems to set off the numbness and burning in my fingers. I also find that I'm getting much more anxious and panicky. Before baclofen, I suffered badly from anxiety, and baclofen has really helped me to conquer it, but suddenly it has returned. I tend to get anxious due to side effects though. When I'm lying in bed, the twitching and flashing lights get so bad that I start to panic about fainting (I have fainted twice and fitted once in the last week and a half), or I panic about not being able to sleep.
Prior to this, my chronic insomnia had vanished on baclofen, as it would knock me out in the evening (disturbingly so - my boyfriend would shake and shake me if I fell asleep downstairs but simply wouldn't be able to wake me up - he described it as being unconscious). Meanwhile, I would have terribly vivid dreams. When I did wake up, I'd wake up feeling incredibly lucid and awake straight away (and would invariably have to shake out my twitching carpel tunnel hands).
However, this last week has been a bit different. I still fall asleep when I'm least expecting it...but as I mentioned above, don't fall asleep when I want to. When I am asleep, I wake up repeatedly but am increasingly confused. I walk around and talk to myself and to my boyfriend as though I am still in a dream. Last night I felt as though I was dying - the panic was almost unbearable.
I'm due to go up to 240mg today, but have serious reservations. I didn't get baclofen prescribed by a doctor, but got it online and have managed my dosage myself. Unfortunately, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to think about my situation rationally, due to my side effects - today I was on the verge of going cold turkey! So, I thought I'd turn to you all for help.
My main questions are these:
- How do I know if I've hit my switch? I stopped drinking over a month ago now, but my last drink (at about 120mg) didn't really have that much appeal - it just made me INCREDIBLY tired. I could barely finish my last beer. I definitely didn't have that baclofen fairy-blessed, transcendent, epiphanic moment that many of you describe, and after that last drink I still thought a lot about drinking, but didn't do it. As a result, I didn't think I'd hit my switch. How do I know if I actually had, or how much higher I need to go to hit it?
- Should I keep on going, or should I start scaling down? Should I even try drinking something to test my switch out? I suppose I'm reluctant to keep on going higher and higher just for the sake of it - I can barely see out of my right eye as I'm typing this and the depression, which had finally lifted, is returning with a vengeance.
- I'm scared of scaling down. Very scared. Right now, I just want to keep on going up and up and up into oblivion. If I do go down, how quickly can I feasibly do it? How on earth do I know when I've hit my maintenance dose? Do I need to stay on that dose for life?
I don't know whether I can do this. I'm stuck in a bind now taking a drug that I have to keep on taking that is making me feel horrendous. A couple of weeks ago I would have posted on here raving about how wonderful it was. I suspect it might have changed my life for the better; only, right now, it doesn't feel that way.
Please, please help me.