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Baclofen and Xanax newbie

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    Baclofen and Xanax newbie

    From day 4 of BAC and on...I figured I'd post my journey as I walk through it in hopes to help someone.

    I've been an alcoholic for many years and in and out of treatment numerous times in the States and in Europe(The infamous Priory). I've tried anti-depressants, Naltrexone, Topamax, AA, NA, outpatient care, acupuncture, yoga/meditation, therapy, blah blah...Aside from the medications, they all work great for a couple of months, if that. The medications I didn't care for. EVERYONE around me expects me to be 100% abstinent from AL. If I drink I'm a total fuck up (excuse my language).

    About a month ago I started doing more research and came across Baclofen and this site. I'm SO HOPEFUL! Of course any of my family that I mention it to, they just roll their eyes and think that I'm just looking for any excuse in the book. Although, my fiance is HIGHLY supportive in this certain therapy.

    So, last week I started Baclofen thanks to the very kind and generous(and scattered) Dr. L. I started at 5 mg in the morning for the first 4 days. Today is day 5 and will be taking another 5 mg in the evening for the next 3 days. Next week will be 10/10/10 and will go up 20mg a week there after as long as SE's are tolerable of course. So far ZERO side effects but it's such a minuscule amount.

    I normally take a handful of OTC sleep aid at night. However, Dr. L said that the mixture is no good and prescribed me Xanax. The alcoholic in me was jumping around in joy (whoohoo I get to get fucked up). But the sober Mandie is timid as I've seen first hand what Xanax can do(held a girl while she seized out). From my understanding it does the same thing alcohol does to us, so would it be counter-productive? I promised myself I would only take 1 in the evening as needed for sleep. Although, I have 120 for the month. (Again, that unwanted joy) I did take one last night, I actually woke up before 10 (I'm a non-working depressive) and am feeling quite refreshed and chipper this AM.

    Also note, I'm attempting this new therapy completely abstinent. I will tell you, it is soooo difficult. Two days ago was my first day alone since my last bender and detox and I sat and cried for hours just wanting so badly to walk to that store and buy me my lovely liquid heaven(hell). It was quite the struggle inside. I can't wait for that indifference, and if it doesn't come, well then I can't say I didn't try.

    Today is 13 days sober.
    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

    To contact me, please msg me here:
    Baclofen for Alcoholism

    Baclofen and Xanax newbie


    Thank you for posting this. I've been off Bac for a week because I can't manage the SE but need to get Dr. L's number so I can have a support in place and help me titrate up. Going off Bac is hell....

    I will keep up with your posts. 13 days sober is wonderful😇


      Baclofen and Xanax newbie

      Oh I'm so sorry to hear! Dr. L's home phone is (312)642-5803 Call him between the hours of 7-9 pm central time and he'll direct you from there. Be patient with him, he's pretty...forgetful.

      I hope that it all works out for you. What dosage were you at when you stopped?
      ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

      To contact me, please msg me here:
      Baclofen for Alcoholism


        Baclofen and Xanax newbie


        But you are going on it with a doctors help. I went up by myself, which was too fast. You will be fine. Even at 30mg I was drinking far less. My usual bottle of wine a nite went down to one glass. I started my alcohol journey because of social anxiety.....

        Thanks for the number!



          Baclofen and Xanax newbie

          Mandiekinz;1538839 wrote: From day 4 of BAC and on...I figured I'd post my journey as I walk through it in hopes to help someone.

          I've been an alcoholic for many years and in and out of treatment numerous times in the States and in Europe(The infamous Priory). I've tried anti-depressants, Naltrexone, Topamax, AA, NA, outpatient care, acupuncture, yoga/meditation, therapy, blah blah...Aside from the medications, they all work great for a couple of months, if that. The medications I didn't care for. EVERYONE around me expects me to be 100% abstinent from AL. If I drink I'm a total fuck up (excuse my language).

          About a month ago I started doing more research and came across Baclofen and this site. I'm SO HOPEFUL! Of course any of my family that I mention it to, they just roll their eyes and think that I'm just looking for any excuse in the book. Although, my fiance is HIGHLY supportive in this certain therapy.

          So, last week I started Baclofen thanks to the very kind and generous(and scattered) Dr. L. I started at 5 mg in the morning for the first 4 days. Today is day 5 and will be taking another 5 mg in the evening for the next 3 days. Next week will be 10/10/10 and will go up 20mg a week there after as long as SE's are tolerable of course. So far ZERO side effects but it's such a minuscule amount.

          I normally take a handful of OTC sleep aid at night. However, Dr. L said that the mixture is no good and prescribed me Xanax. The alcoholic in me was jumping around in joy (whoohoo I get to get fucked up). But the sober Mandie is timid as I've seen first hand what Xanax can do(held a girl while she seized out). From my understanding it does the same thing alcohol does to us, so would it be counter-productive? I promised myself I would only take 1 in the evening as needed for sleep. Although, I have 120 for the month. (Again, that unwanted joy) I did take one last night, I actually woke up before 10 (I'm a non-working depressive) and am feeling quite refreshed and chipper this AM.

          Also note, I'm attempting this new therapy completely abstinent. I will tell you, it is soooo difficult. Two days ago was my first day alone since my last bender and detox and I sat and cried for hours just wanting so badly to walk to that store and buy me my lovely liquid heaven(hell). It was quite the struggle inside. I can't wait for that indifference, and if it doesn't come, well then I can't say I didn't try.

          Today is 13 days sober.
          Xanax and alcohol are both gaba agonists true, however being addicted to Xanax is a whole new world of pain you don't want to go. I was addicted to 6mg last year and had to come off slowly over 6 months, it was hell. I used it at the time for an alcohol substitute which was stupid.

          anyways, some rules of thumb when it comes to benzos. never take consistently everyday for more than 2-4 weeks sometimes 6 weeks but thats pushing it. Keep the doses low when you do take it. try not to go above 0.5mg to help you sleep.
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            Baclofen and Xanax newbie

            neophyte;1538941 wrote: Xanax and alcohol are both gaba agonists true, however being addicted to Xanax is a whole new world of pain you don't want to go. I was addicted to 6mg last year and had to come off slowly over 6 months, it was hell. I used it at the time for an alcohol substitute which was stupid.

            anyways, some rules of thumb when it comes to benzos. never take consistently everyday for more than 2-4 weeks sometimes 6 weeks but thats pushing it. Keep the doses low when you do take it. try not to go above 0.5mg to help you sleep.
            I couldn't even imagine trying to come off of 6mg ox Xanax. That's a massive dose. I've had problems with benzo's in the past and still read a lot of the self help sites. Some of the stories are truly horrific. I heard of people being on 7+mg of Clonazepam.... Madness.

            If your good with med's 0.5 should be fine and help you. MAybe try and take one every 2nd or 3rd night so as not to build a tolerance. If you find yourself eating them to catch a buzz it might help to let someone hold onto them for you. I personally couldn't have a bottle of 120 Xanax sitting around. It would be a recipe for disaster.


              Baclofen and Xanax newbie

              If your the type who like to catch a buzz Mandie, I'd let some one hold onto them for you and use if and when needed. Benzo's can be very seductive. Lots use them and find them very helpful. Lots get carried away and end up in a world of hurt.

              Been there.

              Congrats on getting off of 6mg of Xanax neophyte. That must have been insanely hard. I've heard of people getting down to about .5 and just not being able to jump off. Where you scripted 6mg per day? That's a crazy dose. Some doctors need there heads looked at imo.

              If I personally had a bottle of 120 Xanax, they'd be gone in a week if even. I had to get hold of some Diazepam a while back to help with alcohol induced anxiety. I took 50 10mg pills in 48 hours. I get addicted to pretty much any substance I try but that's just me.

              I love my GABA agonists. GHB was also very seductive. I'm sure I'd have probably ODed on Quaaludes back in the day.


                Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                I've only clicked just now that you were scripted 120 a month for sleep? That's an insane amount. Basically 4 pills for every night. Surely for sleep a script of 20-30 would have done?

                I'd have though Ambien would have been a better choice?


                  Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                  benzo buddies forum;1539259 wrote: Why is my message beeing blocked, censored and deleted....
                  Because... well, because we've been through this before, liquorlost/chaos/baclofan/desperados/benzo control board.


                    Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                    Thanks Neophite, that's a good rule to go by. I've only been taking 1 (.25mg) at night. I shall try and break up the days so it's not a necessity. Great work on getting off them! I've seen the agony of friends trying to get off of them. Scary, scary stuff. How are you doing today with your alcoholism/addiction?

                    Benzo, .25mg at 4 a day is only 1mg. I don't forsee that as illegal...just dangerous for someone like myself.

                    Thomas, I'm glad you ARE alive! I myself was in a scrounge to find some xanax/diazapam/valuum a couple weeks ago when I was attempting to detox on my own. No dice, but man I sure could have used these back then. I am in for any kind of buzz I can get usually. I keep telling myself to get some hallucinogens and that'll cure me but it's just another excuse to get fucked up I really appreciate your advice, I'll have my fiance take the pills with him during the day while he goes to work. A bored Mandie at home is usually not up to any good. So far no desire to take anymore than 1 at night but once my head gets to thinkin', there's no telling what I can and cannot control.

                    *edit* Also, Thomas, thank you...the fiance is going to take the pills and will leave one for me to chose to take that day or not in case of emergency. Emergency being that I break down into another fit wanting so desperately to drink. I absolutely cannot drink, whatsoever. No budge room, no nothing. So thanks for the ideas and reminders!
                    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

                    To contact me, please msg me here:
                    Baclofen for Alcoholism


                      Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                      I wouldn't let the xanax scene sidetrack you, which seems to be happening on the thread. Just gently go up on baclofen as per Dr L's titration, and see how you do. Take or don't take xanax as needed...

                      Not drinking will definitely help with your titration.

                      Best of luck.


                        Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                        Mandie, welcome! Great to hear that you're starting a bac treatment.

                        A couple thoughts-

                        If you really enjoy getting a high (and who of us doesn't?) I for one would be really careful about the xanax. For me, OTC sleep aids are a better way to go- I don't want to risk developing another addiction. That said, I'd never heard of OTC sleep aids being a bad combo with bac- I'll have to do some reading up on that. Anyone else know about this?

                        As for bac titration, I'll just throw it out there that some people have a tough time with going up 20mg per week- that seems like a moderately fast-paced titration- read some recent threads such as Lookingforawayout's thread. Though I may be in the minority about that opinion- some people go up pretty fast- I know I go way slower than most, but it's because I'm scared of SE's such as those mentioned in the thread by Lookingforawayout.

                        Just my two cents! Whatever you decide, good luck and best to you!

                        PS, sounds like you have a supportive partner, that's great and can make a world of difference!


                          Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                          Mandiekinz;1539392 wrote: Thanks Neophite, that's a good rule to go by. I've only been taking 1 (.25mg) at night. I shall try and break up the days so it's not a necessity. Great work on getting off them! I've seen the agony of friends trying to get off of them. Scary, scary stuff. How are you doing today with your alcoholism/addiction?

                          Benzo, .25mg at 4 a day is only 1mg. I don't forsee that as illegal...just dangerous for someone like myself.

                          Thomas, I'm glad you ARE alive! I myself was in a scrounge to find some xanax/diazapam/valuum a couple weeks ago when I was attempting to detox on my own. No dice, but man I sure could have used these back then. I am in for any kind of buzz I can get usually. I keep telling myself to get some hallucinogens and that'll cure me but it's just another excuse to get fucked up I really appreciate your advice, I'll have my fiance take the pills with him during the day while he goes to work. A bored Mandie at home is usually not up to any good. So far no desire to take anymore than 1 at night but once my head gets to thinkin', there's no telling what I can and cannot control.

                          *edit* Also, Thomas, thank you...the fiance is going to take the pills and will leave one for me to chose to take that day or not in case of emergency. Emergency being that I break down into another fit wanting so desperately to drink. I absolutely cannot drink, whatsoever. No budge room, no nothing. So thanks for the ideas and reminders!
                          Thats great to here Mandie. You seem a lot like myself.

                          "A bored Mandie at home is usually not up to any good."

                          ^^^That right there says it all. Benzo's are absolutely top notch for putting in a boring day. Especially if your not drinking. This can be a slippery slope if you have a tendency for catching a buzz.

                          The main thing is you have a script for Bac which not everyone is lucky enough to have. Your on the right track.


                            Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                            Thank you, Bleep, Skullbabyland, and Thomas!

                            Skull, I've certainly read some horror stories through the threads which is a bit intimidating but I feel is much better than the latter. Tomorrow is my first day going up 20mg....dun dun dun...I'll keep you all updated and maybe even be crawling to you for support

                            Thank you, thank you...I'm very grateful for you guys and this site! Have a wonderful weekend!
                            ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

                            To contact me, please msg me here:
                            Baclofen for Alcoholism


                              Baclofen and Xanax newbie

                              Mandiekinz-Be extra careful with Xanax-one of the most addictive drug in the world. Baclofen is not addictive,however withdrawal sometimes occur high dose. Titrate slowly upward. Baclofen also has antianxiety effect,but takes time for Antianxiety effect and anticraving effects to develop.Do not rush baclofen.Stay safe,sober and clean. Best wishes.

