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If i only drink at night does my baclofen dosing scheme change?

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    If i only drink at night does my baclofen dosing scheme change?

    The recommended plan i read is to split the dosages into 3 parts over the day, more or less evenly timed.

    I however only drink at night, when its 6pm 1 1/2 bottles of wine or 1/2 bottle of scotch and then i stop drinking, never really black out, just get to a stage where im drunk enough and just wait for bed time. Becaues of this I never crave during the day, in fact i hate drinking during the day.

    Should i change my dosing schedule to have a higher portion of the bac at night? or should i keep the doses consistent for a consistent amount of bac in the blood stream. I know from benzos it's important to keep a consistent blood level of the drug if your're dependent on them.

    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    If i only drink at night does my baclofen dosing scheme change?


    I only drank at night too--1 bottle of wine. I dosed 3 or 4 even doses a day just because that's what I gathered from The End of My Addiction. I wasn't aware of this site or the studies that are out. I'm not sure if I'm correct about this, but I think splitting the doses would also cut down on the fatigue that often comes with baclofen. After hitting my switch I'm at 50 mgs a day and I dose 30 mgs by 9 am and 20 around 7 pm.

    Good luck!


      If i only drink at night does my baclofen dosing scheme change?

      I used to drink at night
      I now have 40mg at 8am and 40mg at 4pm
      I always used to forget to take it at diner time and didn't see the point of taking it before bed.


        If i only drink at night does my baclofen dosing scheme change?

        I've read about some people having better luck targeting their craving. Personally, I tend to get the same effect no matter when I dose. I've tried a 2 dose schedule and currently a 3 dose schedule both with success. I like to take my last dose at around 4pm so as not to effect my sleep too much.

        I believe as long as you get your total dose into your system it doesn't matter much. If you could handle your daily dose in one go I'd guess it might also work for you. I can handle anything under 100 in one dose and have single dosed at 1pm before with success.


          If i only drink at night does my baclofen dosing scheme change?

          Me too. I was a night time drinker too, but dosed up at 11 am and 11pm. I think the only value in the dose targeting your drinking hour is that you could end up zonked by baclofen then rather than wanting to drink. But you've got to bear in mind the length it takes you to digest baclofen etc. if you follow that method. I think the idea od spacing your doses makes absolute sense: if you're going to go right up to as high a sweet spot for the switch as, say, 250 or 270mg, then you don't want to be taking that in one massive dose - there's plenty of information around about the length of time baclofen stays in your system before being processed by your kidneys and excreted through your urine, so I think the doses are for that reason supposed to be measured out. Just follow the Amiesen schedule. It worked for me! Trust it.

