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Looking for answer on se's

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    Looking for answer on se's

    Need answers,please. I started on Baclofen 25 days ago. I am now up to about 100mg - 120mg a day. I am under a Doctors care. First time he has ever prescribed Baclofen for Alcoholism. His words are this is an 1 person experiment. I quit drinking for 2 days prior to starting on 10mg 3 times a day using librium. Usually I have severe anxiety headaches for 3 or 4 days after trying to quit drinking now I have had them a headache since starting on the baclofen. When will the headache and dizziness go away? I drank 3 drinks after 2 weeks and did not enjoy it or get the usual instant relief from the first drink. I am sober just dizzy and left temple headache with insonmia. Will it subside at a greater dose?

    Looking for answer on se's

    SEs are fairly dose-specific. So a higher dose does NOT mean more intense SEs, but you might have different ones. Also, SEs usually get better after being at a stable dose for a while, like a week or two even.

