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California Bac users be warned

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    California Bac users be warned

    I was sadly surprised at WallGreens this morning, in San Francisco.

    They called up Dr. L as usual to get confirmation for my bac prescription. He then asked me to call him personally, and what he told me ruined my day: "I am facing a law suit later this month, because the state of California does not want out of state Drs to prescribe drugs, I can no longer help you".

    He told me to contact a local Dr to see if he can contact him and find an agreement. In the meanwhile, I ordered on goldpharma and hope to god I will get some bac in time before I run out.

    My question is: ANYBODY KNOW A DR in CALIFORNIA WHO PRESCRIBES HIGH DOSE BACLOFEN? I am extremely desperate at the moment.


    - FishCake

    California Bac users be warned

    Apparently this also goes for residents of Washington too...


      California Bac users be warned

      I can

      Supply you with liquid baclofen. Sacramento to SF is typically overnight shipping for $5.

      Prices don't beat medical insurance co-pays but they beat everything else.

      Sincerely - Evan 209 256 5952 call me now if you want.
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        California Bac users be warned

        I just got off the phone with Dr. Levin.

        He informed me that he is willing to speak with anyone's doctor in California or Washington to help get them on board.

        And it's not a lawsuit.
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          California Bac users be warned

          CA accepts prescriptions from out-of-state doctors. However, the state medical board, like all other states, frowns on physicians prescribing over the internet for "patients" they have never seen face-to-face. For a drug like baclofen, miscreants would be low on the list of investigative priorities. But, it sounds like Dr. L was probably reported (multiple times) by pharmacies, and the medical board finally has to look into it.

          This isn't unique to baclofen. Physicians have lost their licenses (and thus their livelihood) for Internet prescribing. No one is going to chase them down for prescribing antibiotics once or twice for their sister-in-law out-of-state, but repeated verbal prescriptions at 4* the recommended dose for multiple clients you have never met? That will get your license pulled. Appropriately so, in my opinion.

          "Oh My Gawd, Becky, here is a prescription from an out-of-state doc for four times times the usual dose, month after month."

          "Gollee...Dr. of Pharm, what should we do?"

          "Well, let me check the database of my corporate master, Wall-E. Hmmm, here is the same out-of state doc, again and again. Should I ignore it and risk my pharmacist's license, or flag this? What do you think, Becky?"


            California Bac users be warned

            zone;1542160 wrote: CA accepts prescriptions from out-of-state doctors. However, the state medical board, like all other states, frowns on physicians prescribing over the internet for "patients" they have never seen face-to-face. For a drug like baclofen, miscreants would be low on the list of investigative priorities. But, it sounds like Dr. L was probably reported (multiple times) by pharmacies, and the medical board finally has to look into it.

            This isn't unique to baclofen. Physicians have lost their licenses (and thus their livelihood) for Internet prescribing. No one is going to chase them down for prescribing antibiotics once or twice for their sister-in-law out-of-state, but repeated verbal prescriptions at 4* the recommended dose for multiple clients you have never met? That will get your license pulled. Appropriately so, in my opinion.

            "Oh My Gawd, Becky, here is a prescription from an out-of-state doc for four times times the usual dose, month after month."

            "Gollee...Dr. of Pharm, what should we do?"

            "Well, let me check the database of my corporate master, Wall-E. Hmmm, here is the same out-of state doc, again and again. Should I ignore it and risk my pharmacist's license, or flag this? What do you think, Becky?"
            onequart;1471829 wrote:
            This a joke post,right?

            Oh. My. Gawd. Becky.
            How are you onequart aka BillF aka dustbin aka arsenic? Still a frustrated little troll, I see (EDITh yeah....tenured ).

            For who this guy really is, see:

            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              California Bac users be warned

              I don't know who those guys are. "OMG Becky" is a pretty standard joke (tired, I know).

              How does that affect my OP that you better not rely on out-of-state docs for your steady drug supply? You are just plain nuts.


                California Bac users be warned

                zone;1542186 wrote: I don't know who those guys are. "OMG Becky" is a pretty standard joke (tired, I know).

                How does that affect my OP that you better not rely on out-of-state docs for your steady drug supply? Some of you guys here are just nuts.
                onequart;1466969 wrote:

                ??? It just takes an internet-savvy person minutes to trace most posters, if he/she cares. Heck, just give 20 dollars to the 12 year old kid next door with the thick glasses if you are too lazy to do it yourself.

                You present yourself as some expert by dragging up Google articles and old posts. You have also insinuated that golf master=me=BillSomeInitial=some other people. Why don't you dig up their info to prove any of them - um, me - are the same person?

                Go ahead. Some of you guys are just plain nuts.
                TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                  California Bac users be warned

                  I hit reply before you edited that part out. Not.quick.enough.Becky
                  TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                    California Bac users be warned

                    zone;1542186 wrote: You are just plain nuts.
                    Nope, but still on hdb with enough IQ and "psychomotor" skills to spot you a mile away.
                    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                      California Bac users be warned

                      terryk;1542188 wrote: I hit reply before you edited that part out. Not.quick.enough.Becky
                      I thought it inflammatory, but re-edited. "Plain nuts" is also a common expression.
                      (Next, terryk runs google search on "thought", gets thousand hits, tin-foil hat overheats.


                        California Bac users be warned

                        zone;1542191 wrote:
                        (Next, terryk runs google search on "thought", gets thousand hits, tin-foil hat overheats.
                        So it's another "wasted" saturday night for you......Have fun, I'm off to enjoy a nice evening out with some friends.


                        p.s. what a maroon.
                        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                          California Bac users be warned

                          It is very sad to hear Dr. Levin is in trouble.

                          I have to say, however, that I expected this. It is plain to anyone with a bit of legal experience in medical issues that it is prima facia negligent to prescribe to someone over the phone without taking a proper history or even seeing them in person. Also, while one might have been critical of BillP for his "Coffe" spoof, he did it for a good reason, that he understood that taking baclofen without a doctor supervising it is dangerous and, as we have seen, can have lethal consequences.

                          That is why, from the start, I focused on putting pressure on various agencies to get doctors to prescribe this and in the UK, our licensing agency is now looking into it.

                          Of course this is a horrible situation and I hope Dr. Levin is vindicated or let off with a slap on the wrist but it was glaringly obvious that this was going to happen if anyone got wind of it, I am afraid to say. If he did it all, knowing that he was risking his license then I have to give him every credit for such courageous conduct and I do wonder if it would help his case if everyone here wrote to the board who are considering his case to plead on his behalf and to point out that in this case, he was acting in he best interests of patients who desperately needed his help and in he face of neglect of the very people who are now "trying" him.

                          Does anyone know the address of the disciplinary board in case people want to write in support of him?



                          Olivier Ameisen

                          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                            California Bac users be warned

                            I thought very hard about posting on this subtest but for months I was puzzled at how this was all kosher and above board. Baclofen isn't a drug to take likely. Sure its been proven safe under the guidance of medical professionals but we're all guinea pigs weather you like it or not. Dr As book can make it look like a walk in the park. For a vast majority it is nothing but. From vague memory Dr A went up to 270 in about 30+ days... 20 every 3 days that's a big big titration schedule. I'd have been bed ridden with border line psychosis.

                            What I found strange was the Dr L was scripted a pretty safe drug but in doses of up to 300mg per day without really knowing this person or very much at all about their previous history. They could have been psychotic for he knew. The patient could have filled his head with wee white mice.

                            Fast forward.... someone goes up to fast.. lands in A&E and low and behold blames it on the Doc. Good knows what other meds might have been at work. Law suit waiting to happen.

                            The Xanax thing baffles me. That was just wrong and was a disaster waiting to happen. Reg flags all over the country must have been going up.

                            I really feel for Dr L but I really do think he was very naive or knew his current practice was coming to an end and would just battle on.

                            I'm sorry this has happened..

                            On another point..

                            I read the French forum and although its hard to translate, They are really on the ball. From what I gather they titrate up was slower. I'm talking on average 4-6 or more to get to even 100mg and you'll find their switch doses are way lower than you'll find on here from previous reading.


                              California Bac users be warned

                              flyer;1547286 wrote:
                              On another point..

                              I read the French forum and although its hard to translate, They are really on the ball. From what I gather they titrate up was slower. I'm talking on average 4-6 or more to get to even 100mg and you'll find their switch doses are way lower than you'll find on here from previous reading.
                              Interesting... is there someone here on MWO who is fluent in French/English who can translate some of the more important info, such as the titration info mentioned by Flyer?

