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Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble:(

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    Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble:(

    Hi guys,
    I have a favour to ask. Yesterday something happened within my family and I need to take the most important decision ever. I am stuck between what my family expects me to do and my wife and I can really mess up my life.
    Baclofen messes up with my brain a lot and I cannot think clearly at all. I need to stop it asap but wouldn?t like to stop cold turkey and mess up my life even more.
    Can you please please please help me with titration down? This is my log so far ? each line is another day. I would really need your advice. Thank you so much in advance.
    25 today

    Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

    I count 2 1/2 weeks(ish). Medical literature (in the only instance I can remember) stated that physical dependency sets in after [a couple of months] but even they stated it vaguely and without any definitive timeline.

    If I were in the same position I'd take 25 for 2 more days, 12.5 for three and as close as I could get to 6 for three more and be done with it.

    It's 2 am here, enter terryk for a more detailed and supported comment hopefully sometime tomorrow.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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      Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

      My experience is after a few months at high dose withdrawl is minimal, so would go with Loop's recommendation.
      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

      AF date 22/07/13


        Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

        You'll be fine the withdrawal thing is very over rated in my opinion ...not to underestimate it ..but be safe ..either way..I just think triage down like any other substance in a sensible way you will live to wake up to another sunny day just relax and be sensible ..and this is coming from a major stress head. You will be ok don't freak out no point you WILL be OK


          Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

          Thank you guys. I missed my midday dose and at 14:00 I felt total anxiety (probably intensified with my family situation) so I took 12mg extra (total of 37mg today) and I feel much better now. Do you believe that I am better off with the schedule suggested by loop or to do 60,50,40,30,20,10,5 or something like that?


            Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

            There were only 5 days in which you took more than 40 mg.

            Time is the factor that causes physical dependency not necessarily dose. Start now with a plan. You're initial titration was haphazard so you may be averse to the idea. But a written out plan is a good place to start.

            Using the suggestion for myself was going off of the fact that it sounded like you were using 25mg tabs (eg lioresal or aliud).

            As always, let your body be your guide.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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              Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

              Yeah, just drop 10 (or 12.5, depending on you pills and how you can split them) every 3 or 4 days. You may very well have some anxiety, and perhaps some depression on top of that, but it does pass.

              I've dropped to 0 from the 200s using the 10 every 4 days schedule, and it is doable. Not the most comfortable thing, but totally safe.


                Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                I needed to take additional of 12mg yesterday (total of 50mg). I just felt so awful and even had 0,75ml of vodka.
                I’m just in such a terrible place and it seems that I cannot come off it faster then that. My anxiety skyrockets.
                Do you believe that Xanax for 7 days would work on the anxiety while coming off Baclofen?


                  Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                  I'd posit that that you're not physically dependent on it yet (or at least just barely). Don't take my word for it.

                  Where did all this anxiety come from? Was it present before you started taking baclofen? It's difficult for me to wrap my head around the fact that attempting to discontinue baclofen is causing you anxiety, considering your minimal history with it.

                  Xanax should always be taken prn (on an as needed basis). But yes, it would help.
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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                    Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                    Baclofen worked its magic. I could have stopped drinking with just a slight will power. Unfortunately I believe I titrated up too fast because I felt positive about anything what was not a problem untill I was hit by a family crises. Therefore I would like to titrate down asap. Do you believe xanax would be helpful with that? I will not get hooked on xanax


                      Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                      Thanks loop. I really appreciate your imput. With regards to anxiety - it was caused by the family situation and a lot of stress + I believe lowering Baclofen from 75 to 50.


                        Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                        Lo0p;1542383 wrote: Xanax should always be taken prn (on an as needed basis). But yes, it would help.
                        I'm just making an educated guess of course trying to place myself in someone else's shoes. I am very familiar with xanax. Just do not ever get yourself into a situation where you're taking it on a daily basis.

                        If you want to talk about a nightmarish scenario of trying to titrate off of something, the above scenario would be the king of them all as far as anxiety is concerned.
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                          Loop can please please explain what you mean by 'nightmarish scenario'? I'm kind of afraid I do not understand something


                            Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                            Titrating off of xanax is a hellish and brutal experience. The prevailing, persistent and "nightmarish" symptom of titrating off of xanax is anxiety.

                            Titrating off of baclofen is peanuts compared to xanax.

                            Do not allow yourself to become physically or psychologically dependent on xanax.

                            Yes you can take it for 7 days in a row. Do not do this if you don't have to. Do not take more than you need to. Do not take it every day.

                            edit: you should not need to take xanax to titrate off of baclofen.
                            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                            A Forum
                            Trolls need not apply


                              Titration down as fast as possible - please help me I'm in big trouble

                              Xanax is a benzodiazapene. Benzodiazapenes tend to be highly addictive, definitely dependency forming and not recommended for anyone with any addictions issues.
                              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                              AF date 22/07/13

