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liquid and solid- night and day difference

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    liquid and solid- night and day difference

    I had run out of solid baclofen a couple weeks ago and got a supply of liquid which arrived very quickly. Initially i did not notice much of a difference in side effects except that the liquid had a "cleaner" feel to it- that is until i was traveling over the weekend and took my remaining solid supply again for convenience.

    I spent the past two afternoons sleeping, and side effects i had forgotten about abruptly came back- the weird taste in my mouth, the somnolence and that limp, "dirty" feeling in my muscles. And this is my maintenance dose of 75 mg.

    I will readily advocate the use of liquid baclofen over solid- especially for people going up in dosage. I can't help but think how many problems I could have avoided had I gone with liquid to begin with.

    liquid and solid- night and day difference

    I was already thinking about it. Does it cost the same? Where do you get it?
    Sleepiness is the most annoying side effect for me, and since I still have to go considerably up and it interferes with my job... Does it come with dosage instructions, I mean, is it easy to compare dosages with the solid?

    Forgive my billion questions... You've reached the switch and are just maintaining now, right?


      liquid and solid- night and day difference

      Liquid baclofen

      I wonder, what is the solvent used for liquid baclofen?
      It is soluble in 1 M HCl (50 mg/ml), with
      heat as needed, yielding a clear to slightly hazy,
      colorless to faint yellow solution. It is also soluble in
      water (4.3 mg/ml, pH 7.6) and 1 M NaOH (20 mg/ml).
      I wonder whether the liquid baclofen used by people on the forum is dissolved baclofen, or actually an emulsion?
      Please, could anyone shed light on the formulation? Thanks a bunch.
      I am on 140mg/day and have sleep and anxiety issues. I want to titrate down, and also use liquid baclofen to reduce SE.
      I :new:


        liquid and solid- night and day difference

        I am finding the SEs of solid so terrifying that I am seeking a way off. I am curious about price and whether you have to take the same amount too. I've been trying to rapidly titrate down because the consequences have been rather rough at work and socially. I'd say with emails, it's particularly bad. I might as well be drinking. I imagine that going rapidly may be making it worse, but it's been pretty bad for the past few weeks in terms of productivity and social interaction. Peralik, it is probably not just liquified solid because people say it's purer.


          liquid and solid- night and day difference

          I'm in the same boat. I've struggled up to 100mg and have reduced to 80mg due to SEs. I'm happy with my units but I can't handle these dam SEs. Its took me forever to get here so I don't want to go down to quick. I'm a nervous wreck atm. Would the liquid make much of a difference? I think its the Baclofen thats the problem with me although I'll not really know unless I try the liquid I suppose.


            liquid and solid- night and day difference

            The liquid made a difference to me. I still had some SEs but I lost the fatigue. When I was on my maintance for a few weeks the SEs were gone. You do take the same amount with the liquid as you take with the pills.


              liquid and solid- night and day difference

              Just started liquid and 100% better. No "heady" heavy feeling. I did notice that it seems to be flushed from my system faster, thus causing me to take my noon dose on time instead of putting it off.

              So far no afternoon sleepiness either. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same😃


                liquid and solid- night and day difference

                As mentioned before, the datasheet of baclofen states that its solubility is much higher in acidic water. A safe and pleasant tasting acid is citric acid. It is available as a powder in pharmacies at a cheap price. To generate a 1 molar solution, 210 g of citric acid (powder) is disolved in 1 l of demineralized or distilled water. Or, at a smaller scale, 4.2g citric acid in 20ml of water. 20ml of solution can dissolve 400mg of baclofen. The solution then contains 20mg of baclofen per ml. I use 2 ml and add it to a cup of water. It tastes good, like water with some lemon juice.
                Premixed citric acid/baclofen powder can be conveniently carried during travel. It readily dissolves in water. Using small amounts of liquid avoids issues with mold or bacterial growth. If increased shelf life is desired, paraben, a common antimicrobial growth inhibitor used in cosmetics and medications (sirups) could be added.
                I have ordered baclofen as bulk powder at a relatively cheap price, which I can now use with above-mentioned protocol.


                  Help. Pleaseee!!!!

                  Please I saw your post awhile ago. I'm a first time blogger here. I need help. I just broke up with my boyfriend, who had been making his own liquid baclofen and supplying me for months. I am up to 200mg a day. As we left it, he did not even give me enough to titration down safely. He told me to either figure it out or suffer the pain staking withdrawals. I need to know for your 210g of citric acid, and 1L of distilled water how much baclofen you use. Also if there anywhere you could direct me to get it. He refuses to to tell me where or how to get it. Baclofen has changed my life, it has made me a better person today. Finally able to get out of the drunk hungover haze that I was in to actually accomplish my dreams. I don't want to quit my treatment and I don't want to be hospitalized for terrible withdrawals either...please help.


                    Sorry, double posted.
                    Last edited by Molly78; December 23, 2015, 06:12 AM.


                      Baclofen is available in the UK on prescription as baclofen oral solution 5mg/5ml, from 2 different manufacturers. I take it these are not the same thing as the refined form people on this thread are making themselves? Otherwise it would be worth searching for an overseas pharmacy that supplies it in this form. Though sending liquids through the post probably not practical.

                      Interesting thread - I had forgotten all the hype about liquid baclofen & how much better it is than the solid form. I don't get too many daily SE on the solid form, but so important for people who may be giving up on it for that reason.

                      Fred - where did you get the liquid from?


                        Hi Taylor - sorry for your troubles....Can you start by telling us where you are located, and how much baclofen you have left?

                        I think your best bet is to secure some baclofen in pill form from 1)a legitimate doctor (by explaining your situation - or at least *a* situation), 2) from an online pharmacy, or perhaps 3) another forum member if there are any near to you with pills to spare.

                        I would remind all of the other members here that MWO is not an appropriate place to discuss homebrewing or trading medication *publicly,* if you must do it, please do it via private message. Of course, public calls for help are always welcome.

                        In the meantime this article I wrote might be useful. The link is in my signature (although the original post is broken), I'm reposting it here:

                        What to do if you are running low on (or out of) baclofen

                        Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional.

                        Now is a good time to give some general information on what to do if you are running low on baclofen, if you can no longer obtain baclofen from your regular supplier, or if you run out.

                        Why this is important:

                        Abruptly stopping baclofen, or stopping too rapidly, can cause withdrawal symptoms in any person that has been taking baclofen at any dose level for any length of time.

                        Severe withdrawal symptoms usually occur more frequently in people who have been taking higher doses for longer periods of time, but everyone's individual body chemistry is different and your experience may vary.

                        Titrating Down Safely (and comfortably):

                        It's been widely recommended that anyone who wants (or needs) to taper down or off baclofen do so by decreasing no more than 10mg/d per week. That means if you are taking 200mg/day, it's week one at 200mg, week two at 190mg, etc.

                        There are reports of people on MWO who have been able to taper down faster than that with little or no trouble. Once again everyone's individual experience will be different and it's better to err on the safe side and have enough spare medication to go at the pace your body needs to go.

                        It's my firm recommendation that *everyone* that makes the decision to use baclofen, whether it be by self-medicating with pills/liquid purchased online, or through a bona-fide physician, take whatever steps necessary to secure enough baclofen to always have on hand to titrate down safely and comfortably in the event of an emergency.

                        How much baclofen to always have at hand to taper down at 10mg/d per week:[/b]

                        daily dose in mg        total mg needed    # of 10mg pills
                        10		        70                7
                        20			210              21
                        30			420              42
                        40			700              70
                        50			1050            105
                        60			1470            147
                        70			1960            196
                        80			2520            252
                        90			3150            315
                        100			3850            385
                        110			4620            462
                        120			5460            546
                        130			6370            637
                        140			7350            735
                        150			8400            840
                        160			9520            952
                        170		        10710          1071
                        180			11970          1197
                        190			13300          1130
                        200		        14700          1470
                        210			16170          1617
                        220			17710          1771 
                        230			19320          1932
                        240		        21000          2100
                        250			22750          2275
                        260			24570          2457
                        270			26460          2646
                        280			28420          2842
                        290			30450          3045
                        To figure out how many pills you need, divide the total number of mg needed by the size in milligrams of the pills you have (10, 20, 25). If you have multiple pill sizes, just add all of the different amounts up to see if they equal the minimum mg to titrate down safely from a dosage. With liquid baclofen, total mg per bottle is mg per ml X # of ml in the bottle.

                        Total amounts for daily doses greater than 290mg/day can be calculated as follows:

                        For 400mg/day: (400X7)+(390X7)+(380X7)+etc all the way down to+(10X7)= a whole lotta milligrams and pills

                        Online Pharmacies

                        | medical and pharmaceutical articles at goldpharma

                        note: some online pharmacies have blocked access from specific countries in the past for legal reasons. Using a proxy or VPN is (has been) a way around this barrier.

                        Asking for help on a baclofen forum

                        You can ask online if anyone has some spare baclofen to borrow until you can stock up from another supplier:

                        Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums (English)
                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions - Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions (English)
                        Baclofen Forum gegen Alkoholsucht (german)
                        Baclofen Forum vs Alkoholismus • Foren-?œbersicht (german)
                        Forum alcoolisme et autres addictions - Alcoolisme et baclof?ne :: Accueil (french)

                        Doctors that prescribe baclofen:

                        Your regular physician / Hospital Emergency Department

                        You may be able explain your situation (or at least "a" situation) to you regular doctor or a doctor in the ER/ED/A&E and have them give you a few days/week/month script of baclofen at 80mg/day (the "recommended maximum") to give you some time to find another source - a week at 80/d will give someone at 200/d another 2 1/2 days. Baclofen is *not* a controlled substance, and it's not associated with drug-seeking behavior. That said, you probably won't find too many sympathetic physicians out there and might earn yourself an earful of scolding.

                        Switching brands

                        To minimize side-effects when switching brands always taper in the new baclofen whilst simultaneously tapering out the old, like this: Week 1: 100% Brand A, Week 2: 75% Brand A + 25% Brand B, Week 3: 50% Brand A + 50% Brand B, Week 4: 5% Brand A + 75% Brand B, Week 5: 100% Brand B

                        It's been reported that switching between liquid and solid baclofen can cause marked side-effects, so be extra careful when tapering the pills.

                        Running Out

                        It's been reported in medical literature that people taking baclofen become susceptible to withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt cessation (or too rapid downward titration) after about 1-2 months at a dosage level. That said, each individual's body chemistry will affect that person's experience, but it's safe to say the the majority of people who stop baclofen abruptly after taking any dose for more than a month or two will experience withdrawal symptoms.

                        As compared to alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal which can set in within 12-24 hours of cessation, onset of baclofen withdrawal can take from 1-4 days after the last dose. And unlike alcohol or benzo withdrawal which can be remedied quickly with a few doses of equivalent medication, resolution of baclofen withdrawal requires reinstitution of baclofen (with possibly additional medications) and may take 48 to 72 hours. [/b]

                        Acute baclofen withdrawal, especially from high dose, is a medical emergency. If you are experiencing it go immediately to your nearest ER, ED, A&E, and enlist the care of medical professionals.

                        It would not hurt to print out this journal article to have with you to give to the doctor:

                        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                          TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                            Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
                            Baclofen is available in the UK on prescription as baclofen oral solution 5mg/5ml, from 2 different manufacturers. I take it these are not the same thing as the refined form people on this thread are making themselves? Otherwise it would be worth searching for an overseas pharmacy that supplies it in this form. Though sending liquids through the post probably not practical.

                            Interesting thread - I had forgotten all the hype about liquid baclofen & how much better it is than the solid form. I don't get too many daily SE on the solid form, but so important for people who may be giving up on it for that reason.

                            Fred - where did you get the liquid from?
                            The liquid available in the UK is intended for pediatric use - It is available online, but 5mg/5ml for even a moderate dose of 80mg/day would be prohibitively expensive and cumbersome

                            The liquid that Fred mentioned has somewhat of a history around here, and it would be best to leave it at "it just is not available anymore".

                            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                              Yeah, I guess 80mls a day would need a pretty big delivery for a month's supply! Just curious as to whether it is the same as the "pure" form that people have been brewing themselves. I guess not, as it has flavourings & sweeteners added to make it palatable for children, plus probably the same excipients that baclofen tablets have to make them stable over time & hold them together as a compound.

                              I know a bit about the "history" of liquid baclofen, as when I first looked at MWO it was being actively discussed. Sounds as though a lot of people still want to access it - this topic has produced a flurry of posts from new or returning members.

