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Liquid Bac- Qs

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    Liquid Bac- Qs

    Pls tell me where to get it for cheap and how the titration schedule works. I'm looking forward to not being drowsy anymore...

    Liquid Bac- Qs

    LoOp, a member here, used to run a lab and sold high quality liquid Bac for research purposes. Not sure if he still does. Maybe someone can respond one way or the other.


      Liquid Bac- Qs

      The whole liquid bac thing seems really shady to me. I would just get the tablets and not entrust some random person on the internet to mix up baclofen for me.
      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

      Baclofen prescribing guide

      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


        Liquid Bac- Qs

        Reading through the posts, those who create it seem like stand up, reliable individuals who support a lot of people on their way. They would know the composition well too and aren't complete unknown entities like the online pharms with viral ads. None of us have guarantees.

        I'm taking stuff from Osco and titrating slowly, and I am having terrible reactions. I'm always sensitive to meds, but I am hoping there are options that are less caustic, for lack of a better word.

        I don't think risks are ideal. Ideally, we'd have a medical practitioner, not only that, the dr. could prescribe a type, if the kind we are taking isn't so good for us, and the dr could prescribe more than a certain limit without that pump thing (have yet to understand that). Until we have those options, we have to advocate for ourselves with the drs and look for different avenues. I had a horrible time getting topamax from my gp in 2007. I ended up with a bunch of kudzu only for a long time. Who knows where any of the herbs we take come from.

        We risk every time we drink though too, and that costs everyone. It's not to say it is a safe route. I don't think we have any guaranteed safe routes in anything really.

        Oh, so I said this on another thread. Inhouse pharmacy (pacifen) and Goldpharm (ratiopharm or rationfen, sth like that) are supposed to be good. It's not entirely price conscious. Inhouse seems to have the best deal on Pacifen and Goldpharm is the only one with the ratiopharm. I searched for best read as least SEs in the posts, and that's why I zeroed in on them.


          Liquid Bac- Qs

          Rite, do you have a thread started? I'm curious about your reactions... (And welcome, too!)


            Liquid Bac- Qs

            neophyte;1543643 wrote: The whole liquid bac thing seems really shady to me. I would just get the tablets and not entrust some random person on the internet to mix up baclofen for me.
            What do you think is happening when you order online? Have you inspected the facility in India the generic bac is coming from? (BTW that's where the vast majority of it originates.) Has anyone inspected it? You don't get more random than that.

            With liquid bac, many of us know the person who is producing it and trust him. It's cheaper than online pills, purer and produces less side effects. You can snipe as much as you like (I'm sure you must have your reasons) but the fact remains: everyone who has used baclofen pills and then swapped over to liquid baclofen reports reduced side effects.
            "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


              Liquid Bac- Qs

              Hello after a long time.
              In 2011-2012, I quit drinking under Bleep's liquid Bac--the formulation that really worked for me. I titrated down to nothing and went radio silent on the forum as I started drinking more. Within months, the urge and the consumption were as great as ever.
              In 2013, I stopped drinking again the same way and have maintained AF. However. my liquid Bac is almost gone.

              Please help me.

              Is there another RC source of Liquid Bac available, anywhere?


                Liquid Bac- Qs

                I stand by liquid bac. By comparison the solid is nearly intolerable. I think most people who have switched types will say that.


                  Liquid Bac- Qs

                  Well I would say perhaps in the beginning liquid might make sense. No idea.
                  I can tell you over time you really don't get the SE's from the pills. Well I don't notice them.

                  Good luck


                    Liquid Bac- Qs

                    I can't tell the difference between the effects of liquid and solid bac - they both work fine for me. I don't get side effects from either anymore, but I did get side effects from solid bac when I first started out (4 1/2 years ago!).

                    The only differences I can tell are the cheaper price and terrible taste of liquid!


                      Liquid Bac- Qs

                      I started with pills and after titrating up to 30mg had horrible SE. Liquid Bac has helped me go up to 70mg since mid August with mild SE but not half as bad as the pill form.


