:new: and I have some questions regarding Baclofen and depression/anxiety.
I'm living in the Netherlands, but on the Dutch forums they couldn't help me and the clinic which prescribes the Bac also can't help me because they only use it to get people of alcohol. (Other related problems as anxiety disorder or depression isn't something they deal with) So I'm really hoping you could give me some advise!
I'm using Baclofen since 24 April and I stopped drinking alcohol on 9 June.
But I'm also taking Baclofen to lessen my depression/disphoria. (As also described by Dr. Ameisen.) Since I have started taking it I have had fantastic days, but also really terrible days. Every time I change my dose (certainly when I increase) I'm unstable for a few days till weeks. This get's worse when the doses becomes higher. They highest dose I've took is 120 milligrams a day. I was feeling really low and depressed for at least three weeks when taking 120 milligrams (3x40), then it became bearable.
I'm suffering from seasonal depressions (winterdepression) for years, but the last few years it lasts longer, even throughout the whole year now. As Dr. Ameisen and Dr. Phillip Thomas both are saying that Baclofen also helps with anxiety disorders, I was hoping it would also help with my depression/disphoria.
Are there people here that have suffered the same? What have you done to stabilise your mood/lessen your anxiety/depression? Which dose are you taking?
I've read both Dr. Ameisen book and Dr. Thomas' Handbook and one of the things they are saying is that Baclofen can help with this problems, but also that the way it works on low doses can be totally the opposite of how it works on high doses.
I've changed my doses a few times (after at least a week, but mostly after weeks) in the hope to find the right dose for me. So far no good
I'm taking 8x10 milligram now for a few days (according to Dr. Thomas you benefit more from more small doses and will have less side effects) and yesterday was my worst day since taking Bac.
Now I'm wondering would it be better to increase the doses or take less or just take the same dose for months? I really would appreciate it if I could talk to some one who has experienced the same and who could tell me what they have done...
Kind regards,
Dr.Dre (just a nick, I'm no doctor myself or rapper ;-))