I've been using solely Baclofen for a while now, with amazing results thus far.
I remember one of the GPs I talked to a while ago to get a bac prescrip, said, after I explained how bac worked so well for me: "Well, we have comparable results with Nal, why don't you go for a legit prescription of that?".
I would like someone who tried both Bac and Nal, to tell me what are the differences in results (and why the heck not the SEs as well).
If ever I end up in this situation again, I'd like to
1/ be sure Bac works better
2/ if so, explain precisely why
I expect some people here to say "Well it depends on the person...Bac works better for some as does Nal". Regardless, I'll take personal experiences, even if it's not objective.
Thanks !