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Naltrexone VS Baclofen

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    Naltrexone VS Baclofen

    Hey guys,

    I've been using solely Baclofen for a while now, with amazing results thus far.

    I remember one of the GPs I talked to a while ago to get a bac prescrip, said, after I explained how bac worked so well for me: "Well, we have comparable results with Nal, why don't you go for a legit prescription of that?".

    I would like someone who tried both Bac and Nal, to tell me what are the differences in results (and why the heck not the SEs as well).

    If ever I end up in this situation again, I'd like to

    1/ be sure Bac works better
    2/ if so, explain precisely why

    I expect some people here to say "Well it depends on the person...Bac works better for some as does Nal". Regardless, I'll take personal experiences, even if it's not objective.

    Thanks !

    Naltrexone VS Baclofen

    Google Sinclair Method, or maybe it is Sinclaire. It will give you a lot of info on Naltrexone.

    KatieSmiles on this site can give you personal experience and it has worked amazingly well for her. It is definitely a drug to consider. It is expensive it you are not using insurance.

    I am hesitant to try baclofen but would feel comfortable with Naltrexone.

    I look forward to seeing what input you get from others.

    Best wishes,
    Lucky 2.0


      Naltrexone VS Baclofen

      Thanks Lucky,

      But like I said, I'd mostly like to hear from people who tried BOTH.

      Anyone here on MWO?



        Naltrexone VS Baclofen

        I've tried both fishcake. I started TSM on July of last year and from the off my units dropped considerably. I was drinking about 100uk units per weeks but wit TSM I couldn't get past 3-4 beer. The thing with me was that it didn't seem to help with cravings. I was still craving real bad for beer even though I could only drink a few. This might be good for some one shooting for moderation. Around Christmas I stated missing doses and even when my new supply cam e I couldn't believe the back slid I had . I gave it another 3 months and jacked it in.

        If you gonna do it ALWAYS take you Nal an hour before. NEVER miss it. Also you really need to make a commitment as some can go over a year before getting better.

        I've had great success with Bac but the anxiety and psychological effects (paranoia, total fear, intrusive thoughts.) I plan on trying again in the near future but in very small baby steps.

        I'm about to start Antabuse. I'm really looking forward to some AF time.

        Hope you get where you need to be.


          Naltrexone VS Baclofen

          I did. Call me :-)
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Naltrexone VS Baclofen

            i tried naltrexone. didn't do anything for me. nothing.
            i tried baclofen: it changed my life around and since Dec 10h 2012 i'm not an alcoholic anymore.

            i think effectiveness of naltrexone is different for everyone, don't know the percentages. for baclofen i doubt if there's anything certain to say about success percentages, not formally being trialed and all (because of low financial gain in it)


              Naltrexone VS Baclofen

              flyer;1549587 wrote: I've tried both fishcake. I started TSM on July of last year and from the off my units dropped considerably. I was drinking about 100uk units per weeks but wit TSM I couldn't get past 3-4 beer. The thing with me was that it didn't seem to help with cravings. I was still craving real bad for beer even though I could only drink a few. This might be good for some one shooting for moderation. Around Christmas I stated missing doses and even when my new supply cam e I couldn't believe the back slid I had . I gave it another 3 months and jacked it in.

              If you gonna do it ALWAYS take you Nal an hour before. NEVER miss it. Also you really need to make a commitment as some can go over a year before getting better.

              I've had great success with Bac but the anxiety and psychological effects (paranoia, total fear, intrusive thoughts.) I plan on trying again in the near future but in very small baby steps.

              I'm about to start Antabuse. I'm really looking forward to some AF time.

              Hope you get where you need to be.
              I tried Baclofen first, Nal second.

              Baclofen didn't work for me, if anything it made everything worse. The side effects were terrible and I ended up drinking to cope with it. Life on baclofen for me, was well, impossible.

              A Dr currently researching baclofen for use with alcoholics told me he didn't think baclofen would address the route of my addiction, plus the side effects were just too disruptive for me.

              I then started TSM, like Flyer I found my drinking went down fairly dramatically right from the start. I did have to use other techniques (things like going to bed with a DVD early, ODAT etc) to speed things along and I found at the 6 month point my cravings were gone. I did have some spikes after that(sudden increases in amounts drunk, instances where it felt it wasn't working), but I never returned to old levels.

              I have never drunk alcohol without Naltrexone since I started TSM 2 1/2 years ago, and those who start drinking without it report becoming readdicted fairly quickly.

              Side effects, in comparison to baclofen the Naltrexone side effects are a walk in the park. You may experience extreme hangovers, sometimes on relatively little alcohol intake but this also is the same for baclofen (alcohol when taking baclofen makes any SEs worse). These do pass, I didn't get nalovers until well into TSM, then had them off 3-4 units 2 or 3 times, then nothing for another 6 months or so, then a couple, then nothing..........naltrexone can make you feel a bit flat at times, but at first just drinking less counteracted this. Some people experience dizzyness or nausea, this tends to pass in a week or so and is nothing compared to the tiredness and other effects of baclofen.

              The crux is what is at the root of your drinking, and you may not know until you try one or the other.

              Naltrexone removed my cravings and got me to a point where I was able to say, do I really need to drink alcohol, no I don't so I made the choice of abstenance.

              Just to make one thing clear, I did not embark on TSM because I wanted to drink. Far from it, I hated alcohol's hold on me and the last thing I wanted to do was continue drinking BUT I was prepared to do ANYTHING. That anything involved drinking on Naltrexone and it worked. The other beauty with Nal is that if you don't drink, you don't take the med.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Naltrexone VS Baclofen

                joanna_d;1550160 wrote: for baclofen i doubt if there's anything certain to say about success percentages, not formally being trialed and all (because of low financial gain in it)
                Here is a google translation from:
                Renaud de Beaurepaire. ?€œLe baclofène dérange?€? - Paris Match
                "However, in my experience with baclofen ten alcoholic patients, eight are far better and at least five heal.And my colleagues who prescribe correctly have the same results."

                and here is the detailed scientific study to support that opinion:
                Suppression of Alcohol Dependence Using Baclofen: A 2-Year Observational Study of 100 Patients

