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Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

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    Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

    I googled baclofen and came up with this website:

    What a great description! It makes sense reading this analogy.


    Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

    it is now extremely evident that the Amygdala is integral to how humans process their emotions (such as fear; sexual activity; pleasure; eating; aggression). It is essentially a bit of brain that thrives on excitement of whatever kind.

    Interesting to read that, ever since i started baclofen im much less aggresive. I do brazillian ju jitsu which involves intense sparring, i've stopped going recently because i just dont care to win anymore, my muscles are also weak feeling because of the baclofen. I was hoping this was all just a temporary side effect.
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


      Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

      Interesting to read that you do experience muscle weakness. I always wondered why since Baclofen is a muscle-relaxant, for spasms and MS-complaints, "healthy" people don't mention anything odd about their muscles.
      I don't experience any of that. But I don't do intense sparring...


        Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain


        Hi. I also had muscular fatigue. I hike a fair amount and I've found that I can't hike the mileage I did prebac. Some of it may be tied in with the summer heat. This SE is the most frustrating one for me.


          Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

          I do the hot form of yoga (Bikram) and find that Bac keeps me from getting that post workout "high" that I once got. My muscles feel the same, meaning no weakness. Maybe I have no muscles!😿


            Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

            Samandkatharine;1553466 wrote: I do the hot form of yoga (Bikram) and find that Bac keeps me from getting that post workout "high" that I once got. My muscles feel the same, meaning no weakness. Maybe I have no muscles!😿
            I notice this too, i miss my post workout high. However i also would combine my post workout high with codeine, wine and sometimes xanax to turn it into a stronger high. If baclofen discourages that, then that natural high is something im willing to forego.
            01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

            Baclofen prescribing guide

            Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


              Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

              Sometimes after a particularly brutal gym session I would have to wait in my car for fifteen minutes for the endorphin high to subside before I considered myself safe to drive.

              Here is my experience:
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                neophyte;1553498 wrote: I notice this too, i miss my post workout high. However i also would combine my post workout high with codeine, wine and sometimes xanax to turn it into a stronger high. If baclofen discourages that, then that natural high is something im willing to forego.
                Yeah, I'll stick to kombucha after my workout. Just getting the motivation to go to class is a "good enough" high.


                  Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                  Sam -Hi, this is a good thread and I wish those with knowledge would add to this discussion.


                    Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                    Consequently, scientists now believe (although the details have yet to be worked out completely) that a malfunctioning or damaged Amygdala has a crucial role in the development of a wide range of psychological and psychiatric conditions. To date, these include:

                    ? Alcoholism and other addictions, especially if they are caused by chronic anxiety

                    ? Panic Attacks

                    ? Bipolar Disorder

                    ? Clinical Depression

                    ? General Anxiety Disorder

                    ? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

                    ? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

                    ? Phobias

                    ? Panic Attacks

                    ? Autism

                    ? Schizophrenia

                    Please put quotes at the beginning and end of this paragraph.

                    Except for schizophrenia, phobias, OCD and BP, the other brain disruptions are almost a given. All of them are either me, or in my family. My Dads mother hung herself when my dad was on his early teens. He tried to slit his wrists when I was 25 with a rusty hunting knife. My half sister had bp and was in and out of psych units. My niece was a raging alcoholic who's liver failed when she was 40yo. I have a son with Aspergers, a cousin with it and my BIL has it. God, it's no wonder I'm so fucked up!!:nutso:

                    I digress....thanks for bumping this thread up. This article explains alcoholism in a way that even I can understand. Unfortunately it comes back at a time when I'm fully loaded on Baclofen and can now see why I am(was) the way I am or was. It's good and horrible at the same time. Does this wonder drug cause others to gain perspective, or is it sobriety? Do others using AA or other support systems suddenly look at their past and just plant their palm firmly on their foreheads?



                      Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                      On another tangent, I can't wait to see Running from Crazy, the documentary with Mariel Hemmingway about her famous family. Alcohol and suicide...right up my alley!!


                        Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                        Thanks for bumping this up. Great read!


                          Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                          Sorry to bump an old thread. I'm new here and new to baclofen. I noticed a couple of months ago that I really enjoyed a good run after taking baclofen. That despite having let my muscles atrophy and my stamina lapse I was able to go out and run 3 miles when I hadn't run in a year. This was before I discovered this place and that baclofen had a use for alcoholism. I was taking it for muscle pain. Like everything else I do I assumed if the directions said to take 1 or 2 then 4 or 5 would be even better. I look back now and can't believe I stuck with it because it would make me so completely nauseas. Hmm anyway like I said sorry for bumping an old post.


                            Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                            And in another newb move I just noticed I posted in the wrong thread. I had clicked through to read lo0ps story of working out on baclofen.


                              Fantastic description on how baclofen works in the brain

                              Vitriol;1553413 wrote: Interesting to read that you do experience muscle weakness. I always wondered why since Baclofen is a muscle-relaxant, for spasms and MS-complaints, "healthy" people don't mention anything odd about their muscles.
                              I don't experience any of that. But I don't do intense sparring...
                              From personal experience I can tell you thet baclofen doesn't make the muscles weaker: I can still pinch 110 kgs (242 lbs) in the scales, but in the beginning I sometimes dropped small items, like pens, screws, carkeys, etc.

                              So it doesn't partly disable the muscle tissue itself, but less signals are being send to the muscles. That way it helps to relieve muscle spasms.
                              So if you learn yourself to just do some more effort to let your muscles work (i.e. to let your brain send more signals to the muscles), you will notice no difference than before baclofen.
                              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

