I get here your coming from mate but sadly I can't see it being quire so easy. I very nearly quit a few weeks back because of crazy anxiety (intrusive thoughts, paranoia, social anxiety, I could go on)
I took me 14 weeks to get to where I am and this is about as high as I likely to get. Surely theres more out there like me or maybe they just packed it in. Its not really the fault of the MWOs. They try to help as best they can but a lot don't really understand how brutal it can be when you've been 14 weeks in and can't get past 80mg.
To be honest (and its not being selfish) if I had hit indifference in all honesty, I'd have thanked everyone and been on my merry way

Like I said above... I reckon it would surprise some members the amount of users who fail for one way or another.
IMO... More controlled tests need to be done and more GPs need to be on board but to be honest who could blame them. Scripted a medicine to doses of maybe 300mg+ could be a law suit waiting to happen.