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goldpharma - requiring signatures?

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    goldpharma - requiring signatures?

    Heya folks.. I've been on low-dose bac for awhile trying to maintain sobriety (with varying degrees of success, long story.)

    I placed an order with Goldpharma a few months ago, which has never been a problem, but I unusually received a note from the post office requiring me to pick up the shipment at the local office. I was quite suspicious (maybe paranoid,) but I've ordered from them probably half a dozen times and never had this issue.

    Has anyone else had this issue in the US recently with Goldpharma?

    goldpharma - requiring signatures?

    Not recently, but I am fairly certain I remember a case of needing a signature once when ordering from them. This was over a year ago, and I am kinda an alcoholic, so my memory may be less than rock-solid evidence.


      goldpharma - requiring signatures?

      I had to also sign and was paranoid but nothing happened. That was about 4 yrs ago and I did not get arrested or go to jail.


        goldpharma - requiring signatures?

        They might have sent it by EMS which requires a signature. Its usually priority which just goes through you letter box. To be honest EMS is a bit more expensive and I'd rather have it that way.

