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Sleepiness during the dazy

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    Sleepiness during the dazy

    im on day 7 AF and hell i get tired during the day. I'm a web developer but also moving house at the moment so im cleaning the house which keeps me awake and working on my projects but i keep getting sleepy. I don't know if it's the bac, when i was drinking i wouldnt get any of the day time sleepiness at all which is supposedly a common side effect of the drug. Since i've stopped drinking though i keep getting drowsy.

    I wonder is this a common thing that happens when people stop drinking? My new 8 hours of sleep at night doesn't seem to help either, even though that's 8 hours of continuous quality sleep.

    Strange because when i was tritating up on bac i was probably getting about 4-5 hours of sleep a night, and i would wake constantly; people noted the dark circles under my eyes yet i didn't feel tired during the day.

    I just awoke then from a 2 hour sleep that was filled with the most bizarre dreams, i thought my girlfriend came into the room 3 times but then i would awake and realise she wasnt there. there was one point where i thought i was 1/2 hanging off the bed and needed to be rescued because i was lying on a non existent nail board :|
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    Sleepiness during the dazy

    8 hours is absolutely good going Neo. Regarding dreams. Dear god almighty, I'd scare you shitless if I told you some of mine. I had one a few months back where I woke thinking someone was about to come into my room and attack me, I was ready with a hammer to go to town. Could have been my mum ffs

    The dreams can be great but also seriously f**king scary.


      Sleepiness during the dazy

      Neo- yup, both bac itself and also new sobriety can make ya want to sleep a loooot more. It'll pass with time, at least sometimes. If you're getting 8 hours at night, that's great- when you still feel the somnolence, can you take a 30-60 min power nap? Or even 20 min?

      Mark Sisson, among others, maintain that naps during the day can optimize your sleep and thus your productivity. Just a thought.

      As for the dreams... yeah man they can be nutty as hell, or sometimes a lot of fun, or sometimes downright scary. For me, sometimes they're difficult emotionally (themes of abandonment, anger, rejection from people in my past etc.) I always take comfort that even in the scary/sad/horrifying ones, that it's just my subconscious processing negative emotional stuff, thus making me a little healthier. Flushing out the toxins, if you will.

      It's balanced out by the odd dream every now and then where I'm flying around like Superman or swinging around like Spider-Man


        Sleepiness during the dazy

        On a lower dose I was craving a nap after my noon dose, but now that I've gone up the sleepiness is gone. The dreams are a pleasant side effect😴


          Sleepiness during the dazy

          well the new me has been noted at work and i got an award of sorts for going above and beyond, i wanted to celebrate with some booze but did not of course

          So there are some lingering cravings, im on 150mg, it might be worth going up a bit higher, side effects are quite tolerable now. Sleepiness, but i do wake up a lot during the night still. I think however that might have been me doubling my caffeine intake to deal with the sleepiness. I will have to recede to my prior caffeine use.

          all in all though im feeling great.
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            Sleepiness during the dazy

            Neo -good post. 6 months into af/baclofen. 200+/-mg day. Every few days I find myself in a situation where I HAVE to stop and sleep. Today, I had to stop and sleep for 30 minutes in shopping center parking lot. It was quite inconvenient but I was at a zero functioning point and did not want to fall asleep driving. As I said, these days happen. However, these days are few and far between when I am on an exercise bender. The problem is that I go to many days without exercise and then things begin to fall apart. When I do exercise, I sleep great and the somnolence is much less. I think the baclofen has a role in discouraging me from exercising. I use to catch a buzz after exercising and now I just feel tired. Think I will now go exercise.


              Sleepiness during the dazy

              Hi neo - I'm on day 5 and feel like I could sleep all day.

              Caffeine is my best friend at the moment, this morning I could hardly drag myself out of bed. I too had weird nightmares last night.

              Hope this all passes for us soon!! Stay strong


                Sleepiness during the dazy

                The dreams can evolve to full mind movies while wide awake if u take to much.CEVs(closed eyed visuals)can occur on excessive doses without titrating up.Be careful,can be terrifying and think ur losing ur mind.It can evolve to OEVs(Open eyed visuals).In most case these effects decrease rapidly..Always titrate up and down slowly so can avoid bad dreams and hallucinations.

