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TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

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    TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

    Today marks 3 years since I found indifference to alcohol with high-dose baclofen.

    My dose has been stable at 200mg/day for the pretty much the past two years. At this level I experience no cravings and zero side-effects.

    I'm still here and I'm happy, healthy, sane, and sober.

    As I've done for the duration of my indifference, I have a beer or two occasionally - every few weeks (maybe even a couple of days in a row around the year-end holidays). During those instances, I experience no pleasurable effects or further desire to get drunk (or ability to drink to excess even if I try and "test" myself), nor any cravings returning the next day. I'm not condoning moderation, and I do not want to give anyone the impression that baclofen is a pathway to it.

    I said "sober" because I haven't been drunk (literally or legally) in 3 years*. That might not fit your definition of sober, but that's the way I see it for me. And it's how I know that baclofen works. Alcohol is such a non-issue in my life: it's not on the radar - as a reward, or a threat. I have a hard time remembering how it fit so completely in my life before, and I'm continually amazed when I realize that I've gone on with my life for days (or weeks) and not even remembered to think about it, let alone miss it. This isn't spontaneous remission - baclofen simply makes the booze not fit anymore.

    * Shortly after finding indifference, I tested it with Ameisen's "drink a bottle of scotch and see if cravings return in the morning" - I passed/they didn't/obviously I was ostensibly drunk here (though it didn't feel like it).

    I find that 200-220mg/day is my magic number - any lower and I start having "drunk dreams," though no real cravings and even at that lower dosage I find drinking completely unenjoyable. But the mental game is no fun and I'd rather this whole business be effortless, which lucky for me it is at the proper dosage. In the interest of taking the smallest dose that remains effective, and hoping that my (alcohol damaged) brain may be healing, I will continually attempt to reduce my dose in the future.

    I can titrate down comfortably ~10mg/week. Any faster than that and I experience some anxiety and depression. Much faster than that (like when I dropped 40mg in 2 weeks) and I invite panic attacks towards the end of week 2.

    It's been a tough year with the passing of Olivier Ameisen and the licensing action against Dr. Levin. I feel as though I owe both men for saving my life: Ameisen through his original discovery and the few emails I shared with him, and Levin for returning my calls from the hospital I was admitted to for overdosing on baclofen with guidance that eventually enabled me to find indifference.

    Thanks for reading and thanks to the usual suspects who helped me along the way. I'm always around and I'll certainly be here in another 365 to tell you how year 4 went.

    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

    TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

    Last year, from (9/26/12):

    22 years ago - I started drinking in college.

    16 years ago - I was drinking most nights, and probably pretty heavily on the weekends. It never got in the way of my life, my job, or anything really. I could stop if I really wanted to, with maybe a sweaty, sleepless night or two. I took a couple of weeks off here and there only when I had to.

    10 years ago - I was drinking pretty heavily every night, and getting shitfaced on the weekends. I powered through my daily hangovers with aplomb. I could always wait until after work, or even after the gym, to start drinking, but absolutely, I needed at least 5 or 6 to fall asleep. I was concerned, but I wasn't able to cut back.

    6 years ago - I could barely wait to get home from work to start drinking. I planned my days around where I could get alcohol. I carried a hip flask. I hid bottles in my house. I hid my drinking from my girlfriend. I considered a six-pack of pounders (8 US units) a sober night for me on weekdays, then I would get completely obliterated Friday and Saturday (and then Sunday) hoping to be able to taper back down to my 6 (8) beers a night maybe by Wednesday with Friday just around the corner. If I wasn't drunk enough when I went to bed, I would wake up after a few hours without being able to fall back asleep. I started drinking in the middle of the night. I started drinking in the morning. All efforts to cut back failed over and over.

    4 years ago - My life was completely unraveling. I would wake up sometimes with a dry heaving, retching sickness that I could only stop with a couple of shots of liquor. I missed work. I snuck drinks on the job. I obtained some benzos to stave off my withdrawal during the day and wound up propelling my drinking to the stratosphere. I switched to the cheapest vodka. I sometimes drank mouthwash. My health was failing (Liver Panel, Gout, Blood Pressure). I felt like I was dying. I wanted to die. I went to the ER a handful of times; Outpatient detox twice, and inpatient detox twice.

    3 years ago - I got home from my 2nd inhouse detox and white-knuckled for the next 5 months without alcohol. Everyday seemed like a waste - I was miserable, and I made everyone else miserable.

    2 years, 7 months ago - After reading "The End of My Addiction," I started self medicating with baclofen that I purchased online, soon after from a local psychiatrist.

    2 years, 4 months ago - I was hospitalized while trying to titrate too quickly on baclofen. 150mg/day to 235+mg/day. I talk a little about it here

    2 years ago - I reached my "switch" - indifference to alcohol @ 280mg/day

    1 year ago-

    Today - Still cured of my alcoholism! Completely indifferent!

    I've been high dose baclofen consistently for over 2 1/2 years, currently taking 200mg/day (I was at 280 for about 6 months, then dropped to 220, was at 240 for more than a year, and then recently dropped to 200).

    Though I had severe side-effects throughout my titration (even continuing for a few months after my switch) I am 100% side-effect free today.

    I occasionally have a beer or two (every couple of weeks or so). Except for the time I tried Amesien's "drink a bottle of whisky on baclofen and see if you have cravings the next day" experiment (I passed with flying colors) I haven't been drunk in 2 years (BAC or otherwise), as it is, baclofen makes drinking more than a couple pretty unpleasant for me.

    I'm happy, healthy, sane, and as sharp as ever.

    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


      TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

      Two years ago, from (9/26/11):

      It's been 365 days since I reached my "switch," indifference to alcohol at 280mg/day baclofen. I'll try and keep this short and sweet....

      Some background: I'm in my 40's I drank heavily for 20 years, just about every night for the first 15, and more often during the days, then 24/7 towards the end. Typical week night for me was 8 beers and almost a pint of scotch, weekends were no holds barred.

      In my late thirties I had 4 trips to the ER, 2 outpatient detoxes (lorazepam), and 2 inpatient detoxes (phenobarbital). Attempts at moderation invariably put me in the exact place I left off in a month or less. CBT, SSRI's, counseling, did zero. AA was a profoundly poor fit for me as well (to put it mildly). I did try Moderation Management online, and had no luck finding Rational Recovery.

      I heard about, then read Ameisen's book in early 2010. I stumbled upon MWO soon after. I began titrating in March 2010 with Fexobac baclofen ordered online from India, I was also extremely lucky to find a psychiatrist who began writing me a legit script in late spring 2010.

      Post "switch," my indifference has been effortless. My titration, however, was *definitely* not. I had very, very severe side-effects and wound up restrained in the ER and hospitalized for 5 days when I tried to increase my dose too high, too soon (recounted here). Increasing 20mg/week was too rapid for me and I settled closer to 10mg/week, and even then, day 2 after the increase was always a doozy, with intense hallucinations and shocks to my hands/fingers. All in all, it took 7 months of slow, steady titration for me to find indifference @280mg/day.

      I am very happy to report that today I am indifferent *and* side-effect free on high-dose baclofen (currently 220mg/day). I have been taking baclofen continuously for 19 months.

      My simple answer to overcoming side-effects is 1)slow, consistent titration 2)even dosing on an even schedule 60/60/60/60 at 6am/12pm/6pm/12am 3)consistency in brand of baclofen - don't interchange brands day to day and if you need to switch brands do it this way: (100% Brand A to 75% Brand A + 25% Brand B to 50% Brand A + 50% Brand B to 25% Brand A + 75% Brand B to 100% Brand B ).

      I've had a beer or 2 (or 3) a few times and that probably doesn't fit many people's definition of sobriety, but I know that baclofen has cured my alcohol addiction. I don't think about drinking, I don't remember about drinking, when I try and make a plan to drink a beer to enjoy the taste of it, I always forget it. I don't like to have more than 1 or 2, I don't like the feeling (it doesn't get me buzzed or drunk anymore) and I don't like how I feel in the morning. I don't have any of the cravings that made me feel like every night I was missing out because I couldn't drink a beer. I don't know if it will last forever, and maybe it's a slippery slope, but that's the way it is, and I feel confident, sane, and sharp as ever. Thank you Dr. Olivier Ameisen for making this journey possible, and Dr. Levin, Ne/Neva Eva, RedHead77, Lo0p, Cinders, craving, ZenStyle, beatle, ignominious, XXXXX, bleep, _serenity_, moglor, guardian, birdy02, Otter, and anyone I've left out, for helping me along the way.

      TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


        TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

        Major congratulations, TerryK! You are a shining testament to the possibilities of baclofen.


          TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

          This is great TerryK. - you have a life back


            TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

            Baclofen works? Baclofen works.
            With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


              TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              :goodjob:Terry K - this is just the type of report I have always wanted to see and read. I would have to say that my results are quite similar -and I am only in at 6 months af/+baclofen. After day 30 +, I knew baclofen was for real. Now, you are further proof -as are many others. This is a hot-off-the press report and continues to help me realize there is REAL-REAL-long term hope for baclofen-alcoholism.

              I too am at about the 200-220 mg/day. My biggest question in the back of my mind is when would I HAVE to start titrating down. After all, all seems just right at my current dosage, why reduce? Well, I see that you have not and now I have no immediate plans to do so either. My side effects are extremely minimal now (except I don't get the rush-feeling after exercise and somnolence sneaks in every third or fourth day.)

              TerryK -I realize that we are all different, but if you could share any other information, it would sure be welcomed.

              Congrats again. And for me, I don't feel like I got my life back again; I feel like I have a new life that I can now mold into my new outlook on life.

              As CASS says: "Baclofen Works!!!!!!!"


                TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                I love these stories.... Post this on LoOps site if you haven't already..



                  TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                  Awesome post, i really enjoy reading the stories like this, especially the people who have been on baclofen for years with positive results.
                  01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                  Baclofen prescribing guide

                  Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                    TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                    Congrats! Thanks for sharing and building up our long term knowledge bank on here.


                      TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                      Congratulations, Tk. And as always, thanks for all of your support, info and expertise. :l


                        TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                        Thanks for the wonderful update and continuing to contribute here to MWO, Tk!
                        This Princess Saved Herself


                          TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                          Amazing to read tk. Thanks for your continued valuable input here.


                            TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                            Congratulations Terry, keep up the great work. Thanks also for all your informative and interesting posts.


                              TerryK celebrates 3 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

                              Excellent!! Puts my faith back in baclofen which i know for sure cures my anxiety but was struggling with believing cured my dependence on drink.

