I will receive print and send batches of emails in support of Dr. Levin from anyone who is interested. It's been a week since I spoke with him so I should give him a call to see if, well, he still has a chance.
It has been way too long. I am sending him the 13 letters I have received so far since August 26th. They're going out today....ehhh, no tomorrow. I've got to write something as some kind of a preface to soften the blow. It's really none of my business.
Anyway I'll take anything:
Lo0p@baclofenforalcoholism.com --- the second "0" in Lo0p is a zero. Or just click on it

Since he's only got 13 letters so far I can guarantee you he'll read them, cherish them and keep them until they day he dies. :l
Please send it to me as an attachment to your email and just write "hey you are one hell of a dufus" or something in the body to me. I cannot edit these, please don't ask me if it's "okay" I'm sure it is wonderful and will be appreciated more than you know for many years to come!