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REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

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    REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

    Hello everyone, I am new here. I was doing some research on these drugs and came across this forum. My goal is not to quit drinking all together, but rather moderate the amount I drink and cut off cravings. Which one of these two drugs would work the best for this purpose? Thanks a lot

    REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

    Its hard to say really. I first tried TSM and got what you wanted pretty quick. I couldn't get past 3 beers... I just lost the taste. I was always shooting for abstinence though and it didn't come. I started missing doses and the whole thing back fired. I finally ran out over Christmas and spend the holidays drinking with out Naltrexone. Once my supply came I had just slid right back to square one quicker than I though it would happen tbh so I gave up.

    A few months after stopping and my drinking was back to where it was I started taking Baclofen. My experience hasn't been great. Drinking wise its about the same as TSM... I can't make it past 2-3 beers but I've had a wickedly hard time with the SEs and have started to titrate off it. I made it up to 100ish and tbh its been hell. Some tolerate it... some don't. I'm still struggling at 40mg on my way down and just want it to end.

    One thing I'd add is... TSM didn't really help my cravings as well as I had hoped. I really had to use will power to take an AF day even thought once I opened a beer I wished I hadn't even taken the pill but I had to have a beer (sometimes just the one) for the system to work). I put this down to me trying rush things by thinking every time you drink on Nal your getting a little bit closer. If you do try TSM... don't change your drinking pattern.

    My cravings where curbed a lot more with Baclofen but I could put this down to me being to out of it to even want a beer or even make it out to the shop to get some.

    I'm starting TSM again. 3 beers is better than 10 I suppose.


      REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

      tmorties;1563858 wrote: Its hard to say really. I first tried TSM and got what you wanted pretty quick. I couldn't get past 3 beers... I just lost the taste. I was always shooting for abstinence though and it didn't come. I started missing doses and the whole thing back fired. I finally ran out over Christmas and spend the holidays drinking with out Naltrexone. Once my supply came I had just slid right back to square one quicker than I though it would happen tbh so I gave up.

      A few months after stopping and my drinking was back to where it was I started taking Baclofen. My experience hasn't been great. Drinking wise its about the same as TSM... I can't make it past 2-3 beers but I've had a wickedly hard time with the SEs and have started to titrate off it. I made it up to 100ish and tbh its been hell. Some tolerate it... some don't. I'm still struggling at 40mg on my way down and just want it to end.

      One thing I'd add is... TSM didn't really help my cravings as well as I had hoped. I really had to use will power to take an AF day even thought once I opened a beer I wished I hadn't even taken the pill but I had to have a beer (sometimes just the one) for the system to work). I put this down to me trying rush things by thinking every time you drink on Nal your getting a little bit closer. If you do try TSM... don't change your drinking pattern.

      My cravings where curbed a lot more with Baclofen but I could put this down to me being to out of it to even want a beer or even make it out to the shop to get some.

      I'm starting TSM again. 3 beers is better than 10 I suppose.
      How long were you following strict TSM?

      Took about 6 months for my cravings to cease, although being able to drink regularly in safety really helped too - I wasn't fighting any longer.

      Yes TSM does also require effort.

      2 years past loss of cravings I'm now AF, took me that long to really get to dislike drinking and not to bother at all. I still have to make some effort. Few weeks ago I was out for a meal in a restaurant and I wished I could grab one of the large glasses of wine some folks were drinking on a table opposite. It however wasn't so overwhelming that I couldn't control myself and it didn't take over my thoughts. It was more of a oh look at that chocolate cake, would love a piece but I don't have to have it moment. I also still have to remember I'm a non-drinker and not to drink 'just because I can'.

      Hope it works this time and as I said above you can combine the two approaches (baclofen and naltrexone).
      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

      AF date 22/07/13


        REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

        Ukblonde;1563870 wrote: How long were you following strict TSM?
        Going on 5 months before I messed up. My units were way way down to the point were I'd became a low to moderate drinker in most peoples eyes. I was always shooting for abstinence though. I really hate drinking 2-3 beer. I've never seen the point and it makes me sort of feel weird.

        Hope this time goes as good. Gonna make sure not to mess with the protocol this time round.


          REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

          Did you guys use the SINCLAIR METHOD or just take medication on daily basis? For exampl, shall i take it on the days I do not drink alcohol?

          I guess my problem is 1. stress. My first reaction is red wine. 2. I decided not to drink on weed days, only weekends. I ended up getting waisted every weekend

          My problem is i sometimes do not have breaks.


            REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

            zadira;1563933 wrote: Did you guys use the SINCLAIR METHOD or just take medication on daily basis? For exampl, shall i take it on the days I do not drink alcohol?

            I guess my problem is 1. stress. My first reaction is red wine. 2. I decided not to drink on weed days, only weekends. I ended up getting waisted every weekend

            My problem is i sometimes do not have breaks.
            I don't know which day would be worse. A weed day or an alcohol day ;-)
            Sorry I made a joke on your spelling error.

            More serious: If you decide to start taking baclofen, you have to take it everyday. Alcohol or not.
            I have no experience with naltrexone, nor TSM, but baclofen changed my life for the better.
            I'm in control of drinking alcohol, instead of alcohol being in control of me.
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


              REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

              zadira;1563933 wrote: Did you guys use the SINCLAIR METHOD or just take medication on daily basis? For exampl, shall i take it on the days I do not drink alcohol?

              I guess my problem is 1. stress. My first reaction is red wine. 2. I decided not to drink on weed days, only weekends. I ended up getting waisted every weekend

              My problem is i sometimes do not have breaks.
              Tmorties used TSM, so did I - we took naltrexone 1 hour before drinking.

              To Tmorties I'd like to say my goal was NOT to drink and it took me 6 months to get rid of the cravings, then just under another 2 years to get to the point where I didn't want to drink full stop.Meantime I put up with moderate drinking, mostly not drinking, occasionally getting drunk. This allowed me to get my life back on track, and start on some personal recovery. It got to the point where I really started to dislike In fact the thought and sight of alcohol most of the time makes me feel sick. To me it's bitter, rancid tasting stuff that doesn't quench thirst. Unsure if this is the end result of 2 years of TSM but I'll buy it.

              To the OP both methods attack the problem from 2 angles, baclofen didn't help me, TSM/Nal did and had a positive effect almost immediately. Thing I liked about Naltrexone & TSM is that if you don't drink then you don't need to take the medication. Right now I only use Naltrexone with food binges (I tend to comfort eat and it's believed nal can break the habit in a similar way to that with alcohol).

              Your success depends on what the underlying basis for your drinking is, adherence to the protocols, and that little extra I believe you have to put in to make changes in your life.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

                Ukblonde;1564052 wrote: Tmorties used TSM, so did I - we took naltrexone 1 hour before drinking.

                To Tmorties I'd like to say my goal was NOT to drink and it took me 6 months to get rid of the cravings, then just under another 2 years to get to the point where I didn't want to drink full stop.Meantime I put up with moderate drinking, mostly not drinking, occasionally getting drunk. This allowed me to get my life back on track, and start on some personal recovery.
                I seem to have been on about the same road even timing wise as yourself before I f**ked up. I was moderate right off the bat after my first pill with TSM. Now nearly another year has passed but I'm wiser I think this time round and know the pit falls that lie ahead.


                  REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

                  tmorties;1564066 wrote: I seem to have been on about the same road even timing wise as yourself before I f**ked up. I was moderate right off the bat after my first pill with TSM. Now nearly another year has passed but I'm wiser I think this time round and know the pit falls that lie ahead.
                  Definitely requires patience, I'm stubborn!:H I also wasn't prepared to go back to where I'd come from so those 2 or 3 drinks, occasional drunkness was manageable and fine with me.
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    REVIA (naltrexone) vs Baclofen.

                    One thing I'm not looking forward to again is the famous "nalovers". My God they were brutal.

