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Tapering off Topa and starting Naltrexone - can I take both?

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    Tapering off Topa and starting Naltrexone - can I take both?

    I had some good success on Topa and was enjoying significantly reduced AL intake and some weightloss with minimal SEs (just some slight tingling in hands in feet and funny taste when drinking soft drinks). The problem is buying it (online) at high doses is too expensive to maintain, so can?t keep going on it? Plus I started looking into the Sinclair Method as suggested by UkBlonde and I?m hoping that might be something that turns out to be the long term fix for me. Something that will ?eliminate my desire to drink? forever and will be the last of the drugs I need to try (I have also tried and failed on Baclofen).

    My question is does anyone know whether I can start taking Nal as I continue to taper off Topa? I?m currently on 100mg and will drop to 50 mg tomorrow for 5 days, then 25mg for 5 days then stop. I realise it?s not medical advice but wondered if anyone had taken both together previously? :thanks:

    Tapering off Topa and starting Naltrexone - can I take both?

    Bump...good question!:thanks:


      Tapering off Topa and starting Naltrexone - can I take both?

      I am assuming you have already bought the nal. I am not a doc but would assume this is ok but if you are worried then your plan is to have stopped topa in ten days so its not long to wait. But as far as I know nal only interacts with opiod receptors so I cant see a reason why you couldn't take both.

      Its a shame you cant continue with the topa though since its working for you. Have you read the Sinclair Method book, I would recommend you do if you haven't already from what I remember it might be a good guide for you. It was the first med I heard of for treating my drinking and did want to try it, my family where very opposed tho as it requires you to carry on drinking. If it does work for you though the idea of something that can eliminate the desire to drink is very appealing. Unfortunately I cant take it because of the pain meds I take.

      Good luck


        Tapering off Topa and starting Naltrexone - can I take both?

        Thanks for the reply spacebebe. I am waiting on results of a liver function test before my dr will prescribe nal so there will only be a minimal cross-over period assuming all is well to start on the nal. I am reading the book and will follow the Sinclair Method. The topa was working but as I'm tapering off I notice cravings are creeping back and it's just not affordable to stay on over the long term at high doses. So hopefully nal is the end of the story. Thanks again

