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Baclofen dilemma

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    Baclofen dilemma

    An interesting situation has come up, and presented me with a tough choice. Now, I'm in the middle of nowhere at the moment, and our plane only flies in to get us on Thursday; I've already made my choice, and obviously it has turned out ok or I wouldn't be here writing about it, but here it is (I'm probably not going to be online until at least Friday): What would you have done?

    You are in the middle of nowhere, with no access to extra baclofen. Getting back to civilisation is only an option in the most extreme of circumstances, which I don't think this is. Being a conscientious and careful chap, you have bought 2 separate bottles of baclofen with you, in case one breaks, of the liquid variety. One bottle is nearly finished, the other unopened, mixed from your own supply of baclofen powder. Anyway, when you land, you notice that the nearly-finished bottle has leaked a little. Big deal, and you think nothing of it. However, when you take your next dose of 150 that morning, it absolutely knocks the shit out of you. Obviously, the liquid has leaked out, but not any baclofen, dramatically increasing the concentration, and anyway, that bottle is now nearly finished after leaking. No problem, you switch to other bottle. As you pull the baclofen in to the syringe, you notice small black mold-like things in the solution. Closer examination reveals the bottle to be swirling in them. They have either gotten into the powder, which was then mixed, or have grown in the solution. On the plus side, they don't appear to move, other than when you shake the bottle.

    So your choices are, either go back to the nearly finished bottle, and take less, but now you are on an unknown dose of baclofen, on an important business trip, where people are drinking daily. You also don't want to take so little that you go into withdrawal, however there is no way of knowing what dose you are taking, except if you take too much and get SE's. Twitching and looking stoned are also not desirable outcomes in the crowd you are in! Or, do you go to door #2, the mouldy baclofen, which you are confident is at the required concentration?

    As I said, I probably will be only able to check back here on Friday. I'm just curious what people would have done?

    Baclofen dilemma

    Hi bleep...Being a guy, who does things like eat food which has dropped on the floor, and leftovers which have been in the fridge for a week or more, I would have gone with the mouldy bac. Cass

    PS You getting any exercise? Goes great with mouldy bac!
    With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


      Baclofen dilemma


      I'm with Cass. I lived on a sailboat for 4 years and ate all kinds of questionable stuff. We'd meet people in the Bahamas who'd charter boats for a week and give us all their remaining food and drink. I wasn't drinking then and I figure if I could eat Beenie Weinies from the can washed down with hot Diet Coke I can handle most anything!


        Baclofen dilemma

        Was this liquid something you made, or did someone else make it? Is there a preservative in it? Silly questions....

        I'd take the mouldy Bac, and take some probiotics too. It's the stuff you don't see in contaminated food that will hurt you.



          Baclofen dilemma

          Congratulations Bleep. You just discovered the Mucor circinelloides ssp baclofenensis.

          Beer, wine and bread are produced using mould, French cheese is mouldy, you eat mushrooms.

          It might affect the taste of the baclofen ;-) but you probably will survive drinking the mould (although I don't guarantee it). Just chew it well ;-)
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            Baclofen dilemma

            Bleep, you're making your own shit so I don't know exactly what the situation is even though you've described it in detail.

            Are you at home? I'm calling.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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              Baclofen dilemma

              Duh. Got your wife. Should read before freaking out. Didn't tell her anything. So your in the "bush" eh? She said Thursday.

              Gimme a GMT+2 time and date we can talk and you better be there.
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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                Baclofen dilemma

                And for the record. I would have brought pills (an option for you we can talk about) and liquid which wouldn't ever have "black spots" in it.

                In other words, you wouldn't find me in that position. :H
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Baclofen dilemma

                  Hi Bleep -sounds like your choices are limited and that leaves but one choice. Certain molds can have a very negative impact. However, however, in the "got-no-BAC? arena, I'm going to have to ingest some might even discover a new product like Penicillin -lol-jk. Good luck Bleep.


                    Baclofen dilemma

                    Well, great minds, and all that. I went with the mouldy baclofen, and despite it being a little bitter, it seemed fine in every other respect. I was secretly hoping for a psychedelic, ergot type mould, but alas, I can report that our little black dots are benign, at least in the short term. Doesn't look so good in the syringe though.

                    I will get a fresh batch mixed up this week regardless!

                    Lo0p, I would also normally take pills, except the ones I have are running low, and getting more is a PITA. Coupled with the cost, I'm happy to rely on the liquid entirely.

                    This was caused by getting the pharmacy to mix too large a batch, so it sits in my cupboard for months. I just need to stop being so lazy, and go in every couple of months for a fresh supply. Appreciate the call regardless!


                      Baclofen dilemma

                      Am I reading (skimming) this wrong? The pharmacy made liquid for you and there's black spots in it in only a matter of months..? I must be. Either way we need to talk.

                      I'll call this morning, realize that I'm talking to your 2-3 year old again (guessing) and plead "is daddy home?"

                      Love you. Glad you're alive and not sick. And I hope my "on the fly" decision not to tell her a thing about what you wrote to us and not to alarm her was the right thing to do. My rationalization was "what the fuck could she do anyway, but worry?"

                      edit: looks like I read it right. Next time you head out there and you want to have a "spiritual" experience, put some rye (the grain) in the mix with just enough sugar for it to ferment (I think, or whatever it takes to grow mold).
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Baclofen dilemma

                        Got your wife, thank the universe. You'll be home in an hour. You speak English (that I can understand) better than all of my friends in Australia and the UK. But you've got to work on your son... :H
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Baclofen dilemma

                          Cool, all sorted, thanks Lo0p. Will try and speak to the pharmacy early next week. I suspect that when I go through what we discussed, they will gaze at me blankly, and then ask for detailed instructions, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


                            Baclofen dilemma

                            Hi bleep, just reading through and curious. I don't know the cost of liquid bac but Im assuming it is a lot cheaper/better than the pills. Ive never taken liquid bac or looked into it at all. But, the thing I was going to say is why not get some pills to keep in for emergencies like this, they have a long shelf life and don't require any special storage so you could just leave some in your car/bag whatever in case you ever need them.

