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Legal Highs

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    Legal Highs

    I am on AB and have been AF for 3 weeks now with no problems. However lsst night I had nothing to do and was so bored I started looking at legal highs on the net. I know is not the way to go but has anybody tried them or know anything about them? I have has enough of alohol it must be virtually the worse drug on the planet but maybe a blast on one of these legal highs now and then might be a bit of fun? Anybody's thoughts on this would be most welcome
    Its easier not to start than stop

    Legal Highs

    Can you be more specific about the stuff your talking about. Just because something is legal doesn't mean its safe so make sure you do your research before you go trying anything.

    I don't go along with the idea that your not really sober if you doing other things to get a buzz, what you do with your body and life is up to you and getting off the drink is a fantastic thing so give yourself a big pat on the back. There are a few people who like to smoke weed now they've stopped drinking and are successful with that but I don't know if you can get it legally where you are, or if that bothers you.

    Just be careful, I don't know much about it but there have been quite a few legal highs going round in England over the past years made from god knows what chemicals and they are definitely not good for you so my advice would be to err with caution.

    Well done on the not drinking x


      Legal Highs

      spacebebe01;1568000 wrote: There are a few people who like to smoke weed now they've stopped drinking and are successful with that but I don't know if you can get it legally where you are, or if that bothers you.

      I have a good baby boomer friend who did just that. Thank god he has pot because he was able to function in a job into retirement rather than destroy his life. I won't touch it again because of psychosis issues, but I do think it's far less harmful than alcohol.


        Legal Highs

        There is no real substitute for alcohol imo. Weed comes close and can be used sort of the same way as alcohol but it comes with many a SE. As Fred said above... If you've any sort of trouble with mental issues... I'd stay way clear.

        "Legal highs" cover a wide base. Most are stimulants and would not in any way be a good sub for booze. You wouldn't start taking speed every day all day as a sub for booze. I've tried most of the earlier "legal highs" which are now class A drugs. Says it all really. Mephedrone is a prime example.

        All the ones on sale now are s**t basically as the governments have blanket banded them under a sort of umbrella policy. Before you could have changed say one molecule and re-branded the drug... now they're all covered under the same act. I'm speaking about the UK but I'm sure the US is the same if not more strict.


          Legal Highs

          Lift weights!!!!

          Put a couple hundred pounds (very relative) on your shoulders and do 4 sets of 20 barbell squats.

          I get so freakin' high sometimes I have to sit in my car for 20 minutes before I consider my self safe to drive!

          I had the cops called on me once in the grocery store right around the corner from my gym once because I could barely walk and the employees thought I was drunk!!!

          Endorphins my friend, are your friend!
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Legal Highs

            Regarding boredom, my best advice is in the bottom of this post in bold:
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Legal Highs

              So called legal highs are dangerous.Never know what's in it.Could be synethecic cannaboids,canthiones or some type unknown research chemical(The Nbomes for example(very toxic).Avoid legal highs and research chems period.Some legal highs can be sold OTC such as DXM and Bendryl among others. Add alcohol too-not good at all for recovering alcoholics/addicts like us. Stay away from from all of them !


                Legal Highs

                I've just done some training on this.

                Please do be aware I have dabbled with various things, legal and illegal so I'm not coming from a 'never used' goodie 2 shoes angle.

                Legal highs have never been researched or tested, as fast as they get banned or sussed out they reformulate.

                If you get taken into hospital, because they don't know anything about the exact chemical, they don't know how to treat overdoses, or bad reactions, or how to get the stuff out of your body or make it safe again.

                They can be addictive, they can be harmful, they can vary in strength even within the same brand.

                They can also contain illegal drugs and if caught with them doesn't matter if you thought you were buying legals, if they test and are found to contain illegals you can be prosecuted for 'possession' of whatever class the illegal is.

                Let's move on to what Loop's probably trying to say;

                Getting of alcohol you don't want to be interfering with your mind any more than you have to, you need to get used to being you without any influence from other substances.

                It's kind of the whole point.

                Another thing, I was warned that using mind altering drugs would bring me back to alcohol. Like a smart arse I was recommended other drugs because they aren't as bad as alcohol, they did bring me back to alcohol in the end.

                This is your addict mind keeping you in denial.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Legal Highs

                  Alcoholics are addicts. Better to be addicted to endorphins. When I wasn't drinking alcoholicly I ran. 8 miles and my Walkman gave me a high that lasted 24 hours, and I slept like a baby.

                  Lo0p is right. I need to start running again.👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟



                    Legal Highs

                    I think I just had a bad weekend due to boredom so my addicts mind referred back to what it knows getting smashed in one way or another. I belong to a 24 hour gym although never been could of gone there or for a jog, boredom is a funny thing really as you can always find something to do. It was my 3rd week end on AB and strangely last time I was on AB I felt very depressed about this time also then snapped out of it?
                    Its easier not to start than stop


                      Legal Highs

                      In my experience, the general rule with drugs is: You pay for the good time, later, with rebound anxiety, dysphoria etc. If you want to avoid that, stay away from drugs and do sports, go into nature, have a hobby, be social, etc.
                      I like Kratom once in a while, like every two months. They have mild opiate-like effects, and actually, they act stronger together with baclofen.
                      Stay off from "research chemicals", synthetic, little-investigated drugs. They are legal, but can be very, very dangerous.


                        Legal Highs

                        Since i am not drinking i will have a cone of my sons pot. It helps me in the witching hour and for the night. I know i am not going to get addicted to pot. I was previously a very stoned person in my younger years and found giving pot up was easy. Why the hell cant AL be like that.

                        I would not do the other drugs that can be bought off the net, you never know what the hell is in them. An internet company just got closed down for selling legal substances that were supposed to be like pot as it killed a couple of people.

                        Exercise now that is a total coup the endorphins. I need to do that...... when the weather gets its act together in Melbourne.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Legal Highs

                          available;1568527 wrote: Since i am not drinking i will have a cone of my sons pot. It helps me in the witching hour and for the night. I know i am not going to get addicted to pot. I was previously a very stoned person in my younger years and found giving pot up was easy. Why the hell cant AL be like that.

                          I would not do the other drugs that can be bought off the net, you never know what the hell is in them. An internet company just got closed down for selling legal substances that were supposed to be like pot as it killed a couple of people.

                          Exercise now that is a total coup the endorphins. I need to do that...... when the weather gets its act together in Melbourne.
                          It's not addictive as such but I found I started using it just like alcohol - knocked myself out with it so decided it was a none starter, and to stick to alcohol to reduce possible legal issues. Pot can also bring mental health issues.
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Legal Highs

                            What *doesn't* bring mental health issues?


                              Legal Highs


                              I'm talking so high you can't walk straight.

                              Lift weights for it, don't run. Takes too much time and damages your body too much.

                              It has a more of a major positive influence on more mental and emotional conditions that addicts suffer from than modern drugs IMO. Excluding of course non-vague, clear cut diagnoses.

                              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                              A Forum
                              Trolls need not apply

