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Legal Highs

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    Legal Highs

    No running?😩

    What about us wimpy women that don't belong to Golds? Crossfit hurts.



      Legal Highs

      Crossfit is like running and lifting weights and the same time. Those people are crazy...and it's unnecessary.

      Lifting weights is relative. A couple hundred pounds for me might be the bar (45lbs) or two ten pound dumb bells for someone else.

      The key is intensity.

      2.5 hours a week, half of it resting, waiting for your next set. Much less stress on your body than running and much less time wasted (literally) if you are looking for results which include: burning fat, transforming your body and getting a legal HIGH!
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        Legal Highs

        Then man, I must be doing it all wrong. I've tried all sorts of random exercise, and have never felt this thing called an endorphin high. That includes highly intensive sports for extended periods in my twenties.

        I like the idea of doing as little as possible, in fact I have probably taken it to a level beyond that which it was supposed to be taken.

        The leangains site is confusing to a noob Lo0p. There is so much there it is difficult to know where to start.

        I've just read back over this, and it is a pretty pointless post. In the spirit of doing as little as possible though, it is easier to press post than it is to delete...

        Wait, I've thought of a contribution to the thread. I've never come across a legal high that was worth doing, in terms of chemicals, which I assume what the OP was meaning. The key to this whole thing is not conforming with the law, which IMHO is random and arbitrary to begin with, but in aligning your mental desires with a healthier paradigm. Easier said than done, which is why I preferred baclofen to the other drugs available. It does that for you.


          Legal Highs

          I prefer sex.
          It burns a lot of calories and gives a "high" too.
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            Legal Highs

            Xadrian;1569573 wrote: I prefer sex.
            It burns a lot of calories and gives a "high" too.

            I'll call you bleep. If i find the time this morning.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Legal Highs

              Peralik;1568523 wrote: In my experience, the general rule with drugs is: You pay for the good time, later, with rebound anxiety, dysphoria etc. If you want to avoid that, stay away from drugs and do sports, go into nature, have a hobby, be social, etc.
              I like Kratom once in a while, like every two months. They have mild opiate-like effects, and actually, they act stronger together with baclofen.
              Stay off from "research chemicals", synthetic, little-investigated drugs. They are legal, but can be very, very dangerous.
              What is Kratom?


                Legal Highs

                bleep;1569488 wrote: Then man, I must be doing it all wrong. I've tried all sorts of random exercise, and have never felt this thing called an endorphin high. That includes highly intensive sports for extended periods in my twenties.

                I like the idea of doing as little as possible, in fact I have probably taken it to a level beyond that which it was supposed to be taken.

                The leangains site is confusing to a noob Lo0p. There is so much there it is difficult to know where to start.

                I've just read back over this, and it is a pretty pointless post. In the spirit of doing as little as possible though, it is easier to press post than it is to delete...

                Wait, I've thought of a contribution to the thread. I've never come across a legal high that was worth doing, in terms of chemicals, which I assume what the OP was meaning. The key to this whole thing is not conforming with the law, which IMHO is random and arbitrary to begin with, but in aligning your mental desires with a healthier paradigm. Easier said than done, which is why I preferred baclofen to the other drugs available. It does that for you.
                Most 'intense sports' are injurous, and don't actually result in the endorphin rush. They just don't get you there. Running you need to be fit before the high comes. Weights takes a bit to get the technique right but once you've got that then you are away.

                I've already seen the articles questioning crossfit, sounds great, but it aint 'cos it's so random (and thus dangerous along with not actually doing that much). Tyre flips as cardio?Err no good if you ain't got a tyre and ain't got a random field or empty car park handy. Sounds good though.:H
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Legal Highs

                  I've been doing crossfit for almost two years now and I love it! We all find our own ways of getting high.


                    Legal Highs

                    Running is the only exercise I have ever got a buzz out of, but it takes a while to get to that level though as you need to be running for at least 30 minutes. Maybe thats what my mind new AF mind is searching for again and I just need my lazy ass body to follow lol
                    Its easier not to start than stop


                      Legal Highs

                      skullbabyland;1569703 wrote: What is Kratom?
                      Mitragyna speciosa
                      Kratom has been found to decrease cravings for alcohol, but it was not systematically investigated. For example see here: Addiction - Kratom may be effective in kicking alcoholism.
                      In my experience it is true.
                      I only take one gram of kratom powder each time. I think it is because of baclofen that such low dosage gives me that lovely energy boost with increased concentration and playfulness.


                        Legal Highs

                        I can remeber as a kid drying out banana skins to smoke and it didn't work, also sniffing tippex thinners and lighter gas they got you tripping to the point of hallucinations Jesus scsry shit when I look back seemed fun at the time. Then onto pot, alcoho, speed, coke and finally vodka over a 25 year period. ANTABUSE is my drug off choice now lol
                        Its easier not to start than stop


                          Legal Highs

                          It has only just really dawned on me that it was the high I was chasing whilst drinking and not anything else.. That's why I saw no point in only having one or two drinks..

                          I am part way through reading Rational Recovery and realise I was a pleasure addict... I should not substitute with any other substance to get that high...

                          Exercise is worth a try though... I do remember getting that kick once after being on the cross trainer for 30 minutes... I'm off to the gym
                          AF since Halloween 2016

                          Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:

