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A sordid, painful post

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    A sordid, painful post

    I hate to inform you all that the honeymoon period of my being off meds has ended in the past couple of days. At first I was fascinated by feeling normalcy to the fullest, but the flip side is that I can now feel pain to the fullest as well.

    The past two days I have been obsessing over an incident that took place 10 years ago which has affected my life and reputation in an unspeakable manner. I came upon the subject when I asked myself "why did you start drinking?" There are things you can own up to, and then there are things so painful that you deny them altogether, at any cost and by any means. Alcohol numbed the pain, then antidepressants, but now there is nothing now but the facts at hand.

    I will liken this to a rather dangerous stunt I pulled when I was 11. I put nail polish remover in a plastic bottle and shook it to evaporate it. Then I put the bottle on its side and lit the end, hoping it would take off like a rocket. A six inch spike of blue flame shot out and caught my hand, turning it light red as the bottle spun n a circle. I considered myself lucky, as there was only mild pain. Over the next three days it developed into the worst burn I had ever had that took weeks to heal. Such is the case with secrets.

    Ten years ago I was sexually humiliated.

    Throughout high school I had nurtured a crush on a girl who always gave me the illusion of availability and an emotional connection. I got to college, and kept up with her over im, as this was before social media. We talked every night, and I confessed that I was dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety and was not adjusting well away from home. She kept probing for the exact cause, and I, being too naive not to see any manipulative intent, confessed something of a sexual nature to her. In good taste I will leave out details, but I felt like I had finally become close to someone.

    Fast forward 3 months. I'm seeing another high school friend on break, and she comes up in conversation. He looks me in the eye and says "never, ever, ever confide anything in her again"

    And suddenly things started falling into place- the very specific jokes my roommates would make to get a rise out of me, the evidence that my computer had been tampered with while I was in class, the very strange way acquaintances treated me. I could not believe it- I literally could not believe it and continue living. So I denied. It did not happen, people did not know, but the silent rage and anxiety that people were talking about me needed an outlet. So I developed a persona that could handle the humiliation on my own terms.

    By day I was studious, had two majors, never took less than 18 credit hours, dressed well for class and spent the majority of my time in the library.

    By night I was a violent alcoholic. I did any drug put in front of me and made a sport out of horrifying my friends. Notable incidents included:

    Taking a pair of scissors and carving the word "fuck" into my chest. There is still a scar to this day.

    Carving a swastika into my forehead, which luckily I could cover up in the winter with a toboggan.

    Inciting my friends to beat me as hard as they could with bamboo sticks, leaving bloody welts.

    Being kicked out of a real life "fight club" when I kept fighting after repeated hits to the head.

    Going on a vandalism spree on campus leaving obscenities, penises and swastikas on sidewalks and buildings with chalk.

    Shattering bottles with my fists, leaving bloody knuckles.

    Playing chicken with the train, whose conductor called the police leading to my second arrest.

    I wanted to take my pain and humiliation back out on them- if they were going to destroy me behind my back I would make them watch me destroy myself before their eyes.

    Things kept getting worse- at one point I had 3 blackouts in 3 nights. I got a reputation for drinking suicidially- little did they know how close that was to the truth.

    Things resolved suddenly for the better which I will get to in another post- but for some reason that period of my life has been on my mind too much these past few days. I don't even know where it came from, but being alcohol and med free has allowed me to experience the full anguish of the past. I tried getting drunk to dull the pain- but no interest thanks to baclofen. I'll pick this up at some other point, but I feel emotionally exhausted writing all that.

    A sordid, painful post


    It is very possible counseling might help you deal with this.

    I am so sorry this life event happened to you.

    I am glad drinking is not a good option.
    AF April 9, 2016


      A sordid, painful post

      Sorry to hear that she betrayed you so much. I agree that counselling should help deal with this.. This was a traumatic time in your life - it sounds like you're having flash backs (like when suffering post traumatic stress)? I am no expert but know I had terrible flash backs to a trauma in my teenage life and counselling has completely stopped them. Xx
      AF since Halloween 2016

      Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


        A sordid, painful post

        FTC - I am very sorry that you had to endure so much at such a young age. But look how far you have come. I agree with Wine-no, it sounds like PTSD to me. You are now trying to deal with a brutal betrayal that obviously did great damage to you. Please try to find a counselor trained in this area to help you get through this.

        I am very proud of you for not drinking. Hang in there and stay close. xx
        Everything is going to be amazing


          A sordid, painful post

          FTC First, big big :l:l

          You are one of tye most courageous people I haven't met yet. what an incredible post. An incredible journey. I remember you from awhile back and Im really glad you're here and sharing.
          I started a Thread a bit ago called MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR PAST. I too have had such a struggle in this area. I've come to realize that it's not so much the events we've gone through( they all differ in intensity, of course ) but our ability, our willingness to let them small feat as you know.

          Stay close sweet Fred. Check in later.
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            A sordid, painful post

            Dear Fred,

            The title of your thread caught my eye and when I saw that Kradle:h had posted, it prompted me to stop and read about your painful experiences of the past. I do so understand about the pain and suffering that we put upon ourselves due to Guilt.

            My experience of finding the way out of the suffering is to ask, would you consider forgiving another person who had gone thru the same situation? and of course the answer to that would be a YES. And then I ask, can you extend that same forgivness to yourself? Are you not a human being who is deserving of forgiveness? And of course the answer to that is yes as well because we are all just human and deserve to forgive and be forgiven in return. And to forgive means to let go, put it in the past and know that you did your best and move on with the determination to do it differently and allow yourself to have a light heart

            I do wish you so much love and inner peace in your life:h

            All the best,


              A sordid, painful post

              Thinking of you Fred.

              Thank you for your post. Take good care of yourself.

              G bloke.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                A sordid, painful post

                Hi, Fred.

                I have been admiring your efforts and your journey from afar.

                I wonder if you have some support in real life, and some safety systems set up, because of the decision to not take any of meds anymore. It doesn't sound like reliving those experiences is a good thing. In fact, I wonder if trouble is brewing?


                  A sordid, painful post

                  Hi Fred

                  I feel for you. I moved 2000 miles and gave up on my undergraduate degree because of I got on the wrong size of someone who could only be described as a "cock tease". It was incredibly painful and I got drunk to the point I could barely see and then drove my parents car... I can't believe I got home safely but I couldn't deal with the situation I put myself in and couldn't discuss it with anyone and it drove me nuts, lost me friends and made me physically ill.

                  I think you will find that your experience is far more common than you might think. I have had the misfortune to become a criminal lawyer and can honestly say I have seen everything now of a sexual nature and nothing embarrasses me and I have come to see that most people do stupid things and a lot get caught. A lot don't care if they get caught and a lot go to jail for stupid things because they like doing horrible things.

                  I suppose what I am saying is that another person might have done the same thing as you did, ie., disclose something confidentially to someone and not give a damn who found out. It is all how you process thoughts. What I have found with baclofen is it makes me not care about anything like that. I suppose that is what an anti-anxiety "anxiolitic" drug is supposed to do and baclofen is one of the best. I got to the point where I would wake up in the morning (over the past few years) wonder what the hell I had done to get myself into such a horrific mess and then take a baclofen. Ten minutes later, the same thoughts made me feel great, as though I was fighting the good fight, would get back at those who had done me wrong etc etc. Now I am living in a big bling house with views of the Mediteranean, my kid is in a good school and my wife is happy and well. Everythhing worked out, so far, and I am happy and I don''t care a hoot about any of the embarrassing things I did when I was young, or even last week.

                  It is all BS Fred. None of it matters. You have friends here. Be happy.



                  Olivier Ameisen

                  In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                    A sordid, painful post

                    Awesome post Otter...should make its way to the tool box.

                    Hi Play! :h so good to see you. I have a link I want to email you (Mr.G. Posted hit awhile back) and you have been so good to over the last year with CDs and links I want to give something back. :l

                    Fred...What Otter Said...thinking of you :l
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      A sordid, painful post

                      Hi Kradle,
                      Is always good to see you I sent you a PM with my email.



                        A sordid, painful post

                        Hey Fred,

                        It's not sordid man. Don't beat yourself up. To echo Otter - the issue is as big as you let it be. Luckily the converse is also true.

                        Best of luck.


                          A sordid, painful post

                          I just now got the nerve to come back on here.

                          Here's the deal, there was much more to that post than recalling a painful memory. I did not know it at the time, but I was in the throes of antipsychotic withdrawal when I wrote that. I had been off of abilify for exactly a week and the withdrawal crept in within a matter of two days, causing me to obsess over things. The paranoia and obsession were bad enough to make me go THERE, which is pretty bad.

                          I got that "soul being ripped out of your body in front of a firing squad" feeling for the past two days and KNEW it had to be the (lack of) abilify. Thank god it was over a weekend, or I definitely would have lost it at work. It got so bad that I popped 5 mg of abilify last night and tossed and turned in bed all night in the throes of total horror with the resolution that if all were not well by morning I'd go to the Psychiatric ER. As I write this the next morning, the symptoms are (mostly) gone.

                          I'm calling my psychiatrist tomorrow morning to discuss a more sensible tapering schedule. I had explicitly expressed concern that going from 2.5 mg to zero would cause these types of problems, and they said I would be ok. Obviously that has not been the case.


                            A sordid, painful post

                            I'm so relieved that you're taking care of yourself and being proactive, Fred. I know that you've made a lot of changes recently. I don't want to second-guess your decisions or the advice of your psychiatrist, but I know that small things can make big differences--both good and bad. Particularly when it comes to brain chemistry, stopping/starting meds, or changing baclofen doses. Couple any of that with alcohol, or with not drinking when one has been drinking regularly and it can be a real roller coaster. Right?!

                            Hang in there. :l


                              A sordid, painful post

                              Fred_The_Cat;1571215 wrote: I'm calling my psychiatrist tomorrow morning to discuss a more sensible tapering schedule. I had explicitly expressed concern that going from 2.5 mg to zero would cause these types of problems, and they said I would be ok. Obviously that has not been the case.
                              Trust yourself. Be prepared to talk to your doctor. I brought mine an effing spreadsheet to prove to him he was wrong a few days ago. I do respect the objective opinion of a doctor (and I like this one). But I have never once in my life had a doctor diagnose or treat me properly until I made them.

                              I think I jotted this down a couple days ago, probably for you: Haven't been around as much as I want to lately - Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions

                              I've tried to tell you we are related in some way. You keep on denying it, refusing to yourself that you could possibly be as effed up as me... :H
                              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                              A Forum
                              Trolls need not apply

