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Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

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    Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

    Lo0p;1579646 wrote: ... "The current business model is booming". I'm sorry Cass was that a misquote?

    Hi Lo0p.. I wrote that the current business model is doomed

    With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


      Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

      Ne/Neva Eva;1579740 wrote:

      Originally Posted by kronkcarr
      Baclofen made the quitting so much more pleasant--no shame, no fear, no white knuckling.

      That was an amazing and life altering experience for me. That is also why I consider baclofen a reasonable first line treatment, and not an afterthought or a treatment for *only* those of us who lived and breathed booze.
      I would like to think that there is an enormous difference between abstinence and indifference. In the former one is thinking about drinking and using whatever means to abstain. In the latter, one is not thinking about drinking. Which is better?
      With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


        Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

        Lo0p encouraged me to post a response to my own thread, so here goes the sarcasm:

        From what I was told in rehab (before I checked myself out "against medical advice" and at multiple AA meetings), I thought we were just all a bunch of lousy drunks with no self-discipline or willpower who are just trading one addiction for another. Because don't we all get high on baclofen? Yeah!

        I'm over being diplomatic, too. The rehab I left was the Brattleboro Retreat in Brattleboro, Vermont. I'm not going to get into the details on why I left, but those of you have read "End of My Addiction," note that this rehab failed Dr. Ameisen, TWICE. There's a reason for that. They suck.
        In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


          Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

          Cassander;1580853 wrote: I would like to think that there is an enormous difference between abstinence and indifference. In the former one is thinking about drinking and using whatever means to abstain. In the latter, one is not thinking about drinking. Which is better?
          If there was a Love This button I'd have pushed it! You've put it so succinctly. 👍❤️


            Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

            Cassander;1580853 wrote: I would like to think that there is an enormous difference between abstinence and indifference. In the former one is thinking about drinking and using whatever means to abstain. In the latter, one is not thinking about drinking. Which is better?
            Exactly. Thank you.

            Not only is it "better", though. Abstinence alone means a person is still clinically sick, and according to all definitions of the disease, always will be. I'm not sure that indifference means all of our mental health issues are resolved (mine aren't) but it does mean that we aren't alcoholic anymore.


              Why the resistance against meds in some quarters?

              "I would like to think that there is an enormous difference between abstinence and indifference. In the former one is thinking about drinking and using whatever means to abstain. In the latter, one is not thinking about drinking. Which is better?"

              Cass -I think this pretty well sums up the entire discussion!! Well done!

