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Baclofen and anxiety

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    Baclofen and anxiety

    After finishing Dr. Ameisen's book, it was great to see that Baclofen also helped him with his anxiety. I am on day 8 right now so I have a long way to go, but I would like to hear from those on this forum that also also struggle with anxiety and whether or not Baclofen helped you. I take Clonazapam (Klonopin) currently for my anxiety. I was on Buspirone for years and then it stopped working for me. I take Clonazapam several times a week and not every day because I find that I just have to use more and more of it, but if I only take it here and there I don't seem to have the tolerance issue. Dr. A also mentioned that Benzo's can affect memory and I have really noticed that my memory is not what it once was. I am sure drinking has had a LOT to do with that though. Any feedback would be appreciated!

    Baclofen and anxiety

    I'm only about as far along as you, but I already feel relief from anxiety enough that I stopped taking my trazodone (antidepressant) and I don't really miss it. I'm already on a blood pressure med, lisinopril, so I was a bit nervous about the combination of all three (lisinopril, bac and traz) causing an unsafe drop in BP, so I dropped the traz. It's nice to have a "natural" feeling night's sleep on the bac (just like Dr. A. described) rather than a foggy, drugged one. My psychiatrist offered me klonopin too, but I declined it.
    In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


      Baclofen and anxiety

      When I started taking baclofen I realized that I had been anxious my entire life. I never knew I was anxious! I knew that I liked being in situations that gave me a rush--skydiving, taking new routes and getting lost with not much gas (?? yes, I did it and I did like the feeling of making it to the gas station before I ran out). I am very good at doing things under stress. I'm the one you want to be with in a life raft.

      In my early months on bac I learned to relax--had to due to its effect and realized that I don't have to push it to feel alive. It's a different way and I'm sure my adrenals are thanking me daily.

      Lots of stuff fell into place for me. I'm able to speak up and not people please or just blow stuff off. I'm not anxious in those conversations that I previously didn't want to have.


        Baclofen and anxiety

        Hi calk and alky (kronk you may already know this) -- I spent a lot of time reading and thinking about the anxiolytic properties of baclofen when I first came here, over two years ago. I assembled a long list of reports about this on the following thread -- -- which may be of interest. While I think all of the favorable (and unfavorable) reports about baclofen's impact on anxiety in the thread are legitimate and helpful I would also say that in the ensuing years I have read many reports of anxiety rearing its ugly head at all stages of a baclofen journey. We simply don't yet know everything there is to know about baclofen. In any event, take a look at the thread. You will find much that is encouraging. Cassander
        With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


          Baclofen and anxiety

          Alky, how much Bac are you on right now? I am on 20 mgs a day and haven't felt anything, but I figured it was such a small amount that I wasn't really expecting to notice anything at this point.

          Cassander, thanks for posting that thread. I look forward to reading it.

          Kronk, I am the LAST person you would want in that life raft LOL. Someone would have to hit me over the head and knock me out, otherwise I would go into a complete panic and trample over everyone in my attempt to get to safety.

          Thanks again for your replies.


            Baclofen and anxiety

            Bac seemed to help my anxiety up until about 150mg/day. I had had panic attacks in the past but never really thought of myself as an "anxious" person, or really as having an anxiety disorder. Well, I was wrong, but the point here is that above 150 bac seems to increase my anxiety - a lot. There are high doses that are more comfortable for me than others, but for the most part they're not great.

            Guess I should introduce myself quickly for context, huh? Long bac-journey about 2 years ago now. Switch around 240, stopped taking bac completely - for a lot of reasons - but still hanging around MWO until somebody kicks me out.


              Baclofen and anxiety

              Calikime;1578990 wrote: Kronk, I am the LAST person you would want in that life raft LOL. Someone would have to hit me over the head and knock me out, otherwise I would go into a complete panic and trample over everyone in my attempt to get to safety.
              Couldn't we make use of dead weight in a raft on a river to keep us from tipping over? We'd just have to roll her from one side to the other to the other depending on where we want her weight distributed as we as we approach and traverse each rapid.
              She might bump her head on a couple rocks each time, but that's not necessarily bad. It'll keep her out cold and keep our paddles in the water instead of having to bring them over to keep her in line.

              StuckinLA;1579279 wrote: Bac seemed to help my anxiety up until about 150mg/day. I had had panic attacks in the past but never really thought of myself as an "anxious" person, or really as having an anxiety disorder. Well, I was wrong, but the point here is that above 150 bac seems to increase my anxiety - a lot.
              That's a pretty common theme that I've read Cali.

              StuckinLA;1579279 wrote:
              There are high doses that are more comfortable for me than others, but for the most part they're not great.
              You never gave me your address so I could...come visit. :l

              StuckinLA;1579279 wrote:
              Guess I should introduce myself quickly for context, huh? Long bac-journey about 2 years ago now. Switch around 240, stopped taking bac completely - for a lot of reasons - but still hanging around MWO until somebody kicks me out.
              We're waiting for you to finish that thesis that everybody keeps telling me about.

              After that, I recommend for support. They have a much more cohesive and consistent message. And they're so mutually supportive it's almost like they're stuck together with some kind of impenetrable glue. Much like an invisible metallic epoxy so that together they seem to form some kind of borg-ish like collective. Or like a million Siamese Lemmings all joined at the head. I'm sure they wouldn't mind incorporating a squirrel. You just have to be nearly dead first or you're not "ready" hear the message or something.

              Joking of course. When it comes to you sticking around.
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Baclofen and anxiety

                Ha! :H

                What do you do for kicks at 1:30 in the morning (when it feels like 2:30)? What time do you have over there? 8:30ish pm?

                Reggie;1579386 wrote: I have a simple quewstion ( alma fudd0 ) HOW DO certian individual types become anxious and have a daily life filled with dread... why? do some of us wake up thinking doom empending dont open my eyes im gonna die ..... is it genetic thing or due to some early trauma as a child ..cassander any ideas.

                Sorry having a moment always anxious..... I worry constantly about shit that will never happen
                I had/have the same problem. I don't know why. It's much better now. What always worked for me back in the day was a couple of shots of anything handy (no I dd not just say that).

                Got your message. What was that? A text that you emailed that came over as an email and showed up as a text on my phone? I responded by sending an email to your phone's address. Hope you got it.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Baclofen and anxiety

                  Shit didn't get it ring me if you have time I am off work tomorrow and will be on my Boat for the next too days will send you a web cam of my world he he


                    Baclofen and anxiety

                    Will do. And I'll just resend the email to address too! :H
                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      Baclofen and anxiety

                      Calikime, I'm only at 20mg, too but I'm moving up to 30 in a few days. I'm using the dosing schedule Dr. Levin dictated to me. I think it's pretty conservative compared to French prescribing guide - he has me increase every week. Isn't the French guide every 5 days?
                      In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                        Baclofen and anxiety


                        Baclofen is what absolutely helped me quit drinking. I've been AF (alcohol-free) almost 1.5 years. The main reason why I think Baclofen helped me so much is that I've suffered from acute anxiety since I was 4 years old and I'm 52 now. Baclofen eliminated that anxiety and just kept me on an even keel emotionally. Without it, I was prone to anxiety about future events, needlessly worrying or agonizing about situations that may never happen or did not happen at all. My highest dosage was 90 mgs. and I kept a maintenance dosage of 30 mgs for over a year. I stopped taking it completely for about 3 months but I am going back to 20 mgs. again. I can feel my anxiety/irritability moving in again and I need to stop it ASAP, and the Baclofen will take care of that. Keep posting...we're here for you.


                          Baclofen and anxiety

                          Alky;1579618 wrote: Calikime, I'm only at 20mg, too but I'm moving up to 30 in a few days. I'm using the dosing schedule Dr. Levin dictated to me. I think it's pretty conservative compared to French prescribing guide - he has me increase every week. Isn't the French guide every 5 days?
                          Alky, yes it is every five days.

                          After reading the thread Cassander re booted on this same subject of anxiety and baclofen (thanks Cassander again for doing that!), and some of the comments posted here, I am wondering how those of you who did not get anxiety relief from Bac treat your anxiety symptoms? It seems like if you are able to get the "indifference" to alcohol with Bac but nothing for your anxiety, that the persisting anxiety might still push you in the direction of alcohol for the relief of stress. I am just wondering what your experiences are in that regard if you don't mind sharing. Obviously I don't know yet how I will respond to Bac one way or the other yet since I just started recently but would like to be as prepared as possible if the anxiety component does not resolve by hearing other's experiences. I currently take Clonazapam but I only take it a few times a week because i will get tolerance to it and need a higher dose, so I live with the symptoms in between.


                            Baclofen and anxiety

                            Rusty;1579630 wrote: Calikime,

                            Baclofen is what absolutely helped me quit drinking. I've been AF (alcohol-free) almost 1.5 years. The main reason why I think Baclofen helped me so much is that I've suffered from acute anxiety since I was 4 years old and I'm 52 now. Baclofen eliminated that anxiety and just kept me on an even keel emotionally. Without it, I was prone to anxiety about future events, needlessly worrying or agonizing about situations that may never happen or did not happen at all. My highest dosage was 90 mgs. and I kept a maintenance dosage of 30 mgs for over a year. I stopped taking it completely for about 3 months but I am going back to 20 mgs. again. I can feel my anxiety/irritability moving in again and I need to stop it ASAP, and the Baclofen will take care of that. Keep posting...we're here for you.
                            Thanks Rusty. Your the same age as I am. Not sure when my anxiety started but your description is similar to my own. So glad to hear how well it worked for you. I hope one day to report the same. Amazed you are able to be on such a low dose too.

                            LoOp - glad I might be of some use unconscious.


                              Baclofen and anxiety

                              Hi Cal -I'm glad this subject is discussed. The anti-anxiety effect of baclofen has been the life changer for me. Alcohol in and of itself causes me anxiety but even without the spirits I have suffered with anxiety all of life. At 180mg BAC -day, I no longer suffer from anxiety. I still have thought processes that could lead to anxiety (habit), but I no longer have the obsessive thought patterns that I did. I can only blame baclofen for removing the OCD PATTERNS IN MY LIFE.

