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New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

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    New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

    I've been prescribed naltrexone and want to start the Sinclair method ASAP. But I also have 90+ days of abstinence under my belt. Has anyone restarted drinking and TSM after a period of abstinence. I'm worried that day one I'll be ok and that by day two I'll be right back to getting blackout drunk.

    Any input is GREATLY appreciated!

    New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

    Sorry dude - I don't think you'll find anyone in the world who'd recommend you *start* drinking again to try TSM.

    Naltrexone has been shown to have some limited success helping with cravings, preventing relapses, etc., for some people. So you could start taking it and remain abstinent. If you are worried about slipping/relapsing, you could take it and continue trying to remain abstinent, and if you do slip, it's also been shown to help temper the severity of slips - again, for some people.

    But I'm not a doctor, and I say you stay abstinent anyway. Congrats on 90+ days, btw.


      New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

      Hi Curve ball

      Look at the Tsm website forums , plenty of people to chat with there who have great experience and success also look at the Sinclair method facebook . All the best . J.


        New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

        Dr. Sinclair himself said no one who is successfully abstinent should dupe themselves into thinking of TSM as a viable option for treatment.

        It is meant for people who are actively drinking.

        This was quite a few years ago. Before we realized that the success rate (although it has saved the lives of a few friends of mine) is much, much less than advertised*.

        If you are having problems with cravings or feeling the "pull", I would highly recommend a 2 year course of high dose baclofen. If you are doing just fine and are just looking to The Sinclair Method as an ideal final solution or a cure---I would recommend you stay on the course you are on and if you've got 90+ days just see if you can leave alcohol in the past forever and look forward to your future.

        *Dr. Sinclair's chief study was poorly conceived. The average "alcoholic" at the beginning of his study consumed only 35 UK units a week. Cut that almost in half to get US standard units. Basically, according to World Health Organization standards, these people were all only a few units a week above what is considered high consumption. Most alcoholics double that easily
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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          New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

          Hi CB -Great job on the 90 -any freedom found? Please read and then re-read Lo0ps post. If you are an alcoholic (or close to being one), there is no middle of the road solution -in my opinion.

          Even with HD baclofen, you can find yourself back into the physical craving state. Another opinion I have is this: If you are on this site or other alcohol reduction sites, then you have a problem with alcohol. As such, continuing to drink just prolongs the inevitable; alcohol will eventually win you over and you will once again be miserable. Write as much as you can about your past ninety days -just to yourself.

          If you choose to drink again, you will have the opportunity to revisit your reality of sobriety by reading your sober thoughts. FIREWATER always wins -eventually.


            New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

            I respectfully disagree, Spirit. Being here does not an alcoholic make. Neither does a 90+ day period of abstinence.

            I don't know anywhere near enough about our friend Curveball here to say one way or another if he (she?) is an alcoholic. EDIT: And whether or not the label 'alcoholic' applies, I still don't think words like 'inevitable' are the way to go. The vast majority of alcoholics experience a downward trajectory and either sober up or die, but in my opinion there are enough exceptions to the 'once a pickle never a cucumber again' rule that dealing with one's drinking is an individual matter.

            All that is to say that I am happy to share my experiences drinking and on bac (neither of which I do anymore for the time being) if anybody cares - it's my 12th-step work :H - but I don't share some of your views on abstinence and baclofen.


              New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM

              Hi Loop

              I am at Tsm at the moment but have been looking into bac also . Considering your opinion on Naltrexone and Sinclair , have you the same opinion on Nalmefene which is now being used in the Uk and other countries to cut down drinking . All the best .


                New here!!! Over 90+ days abstinent but want to start TSM


                I think the only reason Dr. Sinclair considered Nalmefene to be superior was primarily the lack of hepatoxicity compared to naltrexone and maybe the longer half-life.

                Hepatoxicity (how toxic it is to your liver) is an important consideration. However, the hepatoxicity of naltrexone was blown way out of proportion by an early study or recommendation by some doctors or researchers involved in its inception back in 1978 (if I recall correctly).

                Whenever an MD looks up naltrexone to consider prescribing it there is a warning (or recommendation) that says that liver panels should be taken prior to prescribing it.

                The fact is 50 mgs of naltrexone only as hepatoxic as 200 mgs of Tylenol (acetaminophen/paracetamol).
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply

