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Naltrexone, River Pharmacy Question...

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    Naltrexone, River Pharmacy Question...

    Hello all... I guess you could call me a baclofen refugee. I am one of those people whose system just could not handle it. Got up to 60mg and the SE got so frighteningly bad that I had to go on Xanax and taper off all together. after only being on it for a month. I thought I was losing my mind. During this time I was able to stop drinking for 6 weeks out of sheer terror at what was happening to me. I know Baclofen has worked for many here, but my body and brain just could not handle it. I am now back at a bottle of wine a night.

    A few months ago I was doing my daily pondering/obsessing about my predicament and thinking there must be an answer to it. I was thinking about a few recent surgeries I had had where I had been given either morphine or a synthetic morphine and how wonderful it made me feel - very, very much like drinking does... and I wondered to myself if there might have been a connection. so on a whim, I Googled "alcohol is an opiate" and bingo... that is how I learned about the Sinclair Method. I bought the book The Cure for Alcoholism and am now reading about Naltrexone and i would really like to try it.

    My problem is, there is no way in HELL I am going to tell my doctor. NO ONE (except Dr. Levin and he is no longer practicing) knows that I have a problem, ESPECIALLY my doctor... and (even more) ESPECIALLY not my insurance company...

    I am in Oregon USA. Does anyone here have any advice or experience with River Pharmacy or any other?

    Or, does anyone know of any MD that I could go to for a legitimate prescription that I can pay for with cash and keep it off of my permanent record? Sorry to sound paranoid but this is certainly something I cannot allow any insurer to know about.

    Thanks so much to everyone here for your support last winter when I was in the "meat grinder", so to speak...

    Naltrexone, River Pharmacy Question...

    Hello Hyacinth,

    I used River Pharmacy and their drugs are legit, but they are more expensive than other online pharmacies like Goldpharma, 4Rx or Alldaychemist. I got my NAL in 3 weeks, and it really did help with the cravings. Like you, I did not want AL drugs on my medical record, so online and Dr. Levin were the answers for me. There are lots of threads on NAL here. Keep reading and posting.


      Naltrexone, River Pharmacy Question...

      Thank you so much Rusty... it's a little daunting for me. I have always played by the rules. I did go to Goldpharma but there are all of these legal statements you have to agree to and that disturbed me (yes, I am really freaking naive and have always been the "good" girl which is why for me, it was a legal drug like alcohol and not something illicit). I don't really know what I could get into trouble for doing or agreeing to. But I am at the point where I need to do something. Some of the online pharmacies I have seen make you fax a prescription to them which I don't have. So I can't use them. Anyway, yes, River is very expensive. I think I may try Goldpharma. Please, does anyone else have experience with them? If you don't feel comfortable posting, please PM me... thank you!


        Naltrexone, River Pharmacy Question...

        I have a friend who would recommend Goldpharma for your legitimate prescription medication needs. This friend has told me that he or she has never had a problem with them - except for one shipment that failed to arrive, which they re-sent free of charge.


          Naltrexone, River Pharmacy Question...

          Be careful with 4rx I've reason to believe they are the company behind the spam emails containing my name and address that I am still receiving over 2 1/2 years since I ordered with them. I've also had calls to my mobile number when I ask they say it's a result of me ordering baclofen - I tell them it's years since I ordered and don't they understand most people using pharmacies requirement for discretion.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13

