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Liquid bac

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    Liquid bac

    Can anyone tell me why people are saying use liquid baclofen instead of just 10 mg pills. how much liquid is equivalent to a 10 mg pill. how is it taken? id rather maybe just use 10 mg pills like i have been..

    Liquid bac

    The liquid variety is very easy to measure and use. You simply draw out the dosage you need according to the products potency (mg per ml) and administer it. In my experience it is every bit as effective as prescription Baclofen ever was.


      Liquid bac


      I think it's a personal choice. I started with the pills from a doctor. When he wouldn't script me higher than 80 mgs I decided to try the liquid. I do keep the pills as a reserve, but I use the liquid almost solely now. I had a lot of SEs with the pills and only 1 negative SE with the liquid.

      The amount of liquid varies whether you buy the 20 or 40 mgs/100 ml. I take mine in La Croix because I like that water. You can take it right into your mouth or put it in a liquid. You can mix your daily dose and take it with you. If you're traveling and don't have a script you just put it in little bottles into your allowed quart baggie and carry it right on the plane.

      I hope that answers your questions.


        Liquid bac

        kronkcarr;1585150 wrote: Hi,

        I think it's a personal choice. I started with the pills from a doctor. When he wouldn't script me higher than 80 mgs I decided to try the liquid. I do keep the pills as a reserve, but I use the liquid almost solely now. I had a lot of SEs with the pills and only 1 negative SE with the liquid.

        The amount of liquid varies whether you buy the 20 or 40 mgs/100 ml. I take mine in La Croix because I like that water. You can take it right into your mouth or put it in a liquid. You can mix your daily dose and take it with you. If you're traveling and don't have a script you just put it in little bottles into your allowed quart baggie and carry it right on the plane.

        I hope that answers your questions.
        Yes thanks! if I'm taking 100 mg of pills now, how much liquid to take to be the same dose? What SEs did you have with pills and what SE with liquid. what doses were u on (highest and now), if you don't mind me asking. where are you getting it. i also dont think i can get higher than a certain amount from doc.


          Liquid bac

          I sent you a PM. The SEs and thinking about them could make me whacky! It's easy to make connections where there may not be any. Going up sometimes makes the SEs better and going down can make them worse. I took the pills titrating up and had all sorts of SEs: odd sleep patterns--up late, up early, neck pain, odd headache, talkativeness, stoned look, and a wonderful calmness. How much of that is due to the pills or my body adjusting to bac?

          With the liquid I have 1 negative SE: leg muscle fatigue.


            Liquid bac

            If you get the 40mg, every .25mL is 10mg. So every 1mL is 40mg. I started the liquid when I was at 90mg of the pill form of baclofen. I found the liquid was much more convenient in the sense that I didn't have to swallow a handful of pills (not my favorite thing to do), it also felt much cleaner. Although, at first it did seem a bit stronger, so the initial fatigue was more intense than the pills. It's also cheaper, made with utmost passion for our conditions, and is delivered faster than any over-seas pharmacy(depending on where you're located). No fretting for it to take weeks or not pass customs.

            It's a little difficult for me to remember the difference in side effects from the pills vs. liquid as I've been on the liquid for quite some time. I was also on such a low dose when I switched as well. I believe any side effects I've encountered through my titration up to 320mg were solely due to the high dosages of baclofen and would have happened with pills or not. But I got through them as I leveled out and felt fantastic. As it would be with any medication you keep moving up on in dosage. Especially a muscle relaxer.

            Kronk is a master at traveling, so she has brilliant ideas on how to travel with it for your convenience and safety.

            Also note to not leave it in your car on hot days. No bueno.

            Cheers, my friend. Glad to see you here. There's a large and loving community here to reach out to that will help you through your journey.
            ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

            To contact me, please msg me here:
            Baclofen for Alcoholism


              Liquid bac

              Thank you. I have a doctor im happy with so I'll keep on the pills. I'm thankful for his help. I'm at 200 mg and moving up still. Will let you all know if it works, already noticing


                Liquid bac

                Hi Matthew. Wow, you are lucky- am I reading right that your doctor prescribes you 200mg/day? Most docs, if they prescribe at all, will only go up to 80mg. I'm hoping to find one here in Oregon who is knowledgeable and will prescribe that or more if possible.

