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Yeah there are a bunch of threads on it. Just search the forums and/or google.
Personally, I've been taking 600mgs every now and again if I feel down or anxious, because I bought a ton of it a while back and no sense letting pills just sit around outside my bloodstream. But to be honest can't tell if it does a damned thing for me. Certainly no SEs.
JDizzle -I just read your post on Gabapentin. Looks like I was late to the party -I posted info from NIH on my thread. I think it is great that they are now starting to focus on the GABA-b systems. I don't even know enough about the medical terms to carry on a conversation. However, I do know that baclofen directly effects the GABAb receptors and it is beginning to sound as if some other medications do similarly.
JD -this is a recent clip from Forbes Magazine. As of this writing, there are at least 40 legitimate sites reporting this news. Furthermore, as explained in the Forbes article, primary care physicians will become more willing to prescribe off label at high doses for alcoholics. I think this would and will apply to baclofen as well.
Forbes Magazine Article:
Inexpensive approach to a major unmet medical need
Alcoholism is a chronic, debilitating illness that affects 8.5 million people in the United States and is responsible for 3.8% of deaths worldwide. In the U.S., only 9% of alcohol-dependent individuals seek pharmacotherapy in addition to professional counseling, self-help, or community support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
Dr. Mason is optimistic about the potential for gabapentin to fill a substantial, unmet medical need, particularly in the primary care setting.
“In fact, that’s why we chose to publish in a journal [JAMA Internal Medicine] that would be read by primary care doctors,” says Mason. “If a patient comes in with a broken bone due to a fall during drinking, the doctor might consider prescribing gabapentin in addition to setting the bone.”
The familiarity of general practice doctors with gabapentin might play a role in its acceptance for community treatment of alcoholism.
I decided tonight to go see my doctor and get some. He'll do it. When I asked for bac, he googled it and said... Yeah we can try it out. I'm very interested in the GABA receptors. Bac was very successful for me at first. In my case, the benefits in bac wore off and I couldn't get past SEs upping my dose. It did, however get me interested in how it affected my brain chemistry in a positive way early on. I thought about liquid having less SEs, but honestly it sounds to me like switching to American Spirits to quit smoking..... Raise ur hand if u've talked urself into that one
I'll report here after I give it a shot. I think you're right though.... It has gotten some very positive news. And also I googled the max dose and I think it is higher than 1800 like in the trials. That would rule out any shady over seas pharmacies. I would really like that aspect.When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.
I started today. Doc was actually glad I wasn't ther for bac. He said the govt has started cracking down on narcotic prescriptions (his words not mine). He said he would've had to send me to a shrink.
Week 1 - 600 mg
Week 2 - 1200 mg
Week 3 - 1800 mg
So week 2, I'll be in between the two doses used in the study. Seems to be labeled with the same SEs as bac. I don't think (I'm hoping) there will be shortness of breathe. I feel good because on 150 mg of bac he kinda shuttered and asked if I was knocked out all the time. On this he said I may get a little drowsy for a bit. Anyways.... I'll update when anything happens...if it does.When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.
5 days at 600 mg. I'm gonna go ahead and call that a week and start 1200 today. I haven't had a drink in 7 days, BUT I don't drink everyday. I drink every 6 days like clockwork. I have been able to push a little extra knowing that I want to give this medication a shot. I had a hard time last night but that thought got me through. Thoughts do not keep me sober very long so I decided to move up in dose today to try and give myself a boost.... If gab provides a boost.
The wonderful alcoholic that I am... My brain has been trying to sell me on how it would be ok to have a drink since I am taking medication. Hahaha it's ok to have a shot of whiskey if I put it in a glass of milk (AAers get that one).
Also, it says on the prescription not to take antacids within 2 hours of taking my pills. I take a daily antacid so I really don't like that. I'll ask the doc what's up with that.When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.
spiritwolf333;1593216 wrote: Hey JD. Thanks for the post. Any side effects so far?
No SEs so far, but still at a low dose. I'll let u know over the next few days if they develop at 1200. I usually do not have a prob with SEs on any pills. I was a little shocked they were so bad in my case with bac. I once took 20 Xanax and blacked out for two days and woke up in Madrid... That's a whole other thread thoughWhen you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.
Well I'm going to tie one on. Man I was sitting here fighting and all I could see was that video of the brain scan that showed someone needing coke where the entire freakin brain turned red with activity. Anyways I'm still at 1200 and just started so ill get this one out of the way and I'll have 6 days to take pills and shit. Damn I hate this disease. No SEs on 1200 after two days.When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.