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Liquid Bac Questions

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    Liquid Bac Questions

    Hi all,
    It's been a while since I have posted on this forum. Both my hubby and I started out on bac but decided to titrate back down to 0 and started TSM/Nal.

    The TSM/Nal seems to be working for my hubby, as he has cut back on his intake. It worked so-so for me, but I had to go off the Nal completely for a while while I was job-hunting and very worried about false positives on any work-related drug tests.

    Now that I am in a position to get back on the Nal, I am rethinking my approach. With upcoming holiday travel, I'm fearful of traveling through airports with Nal.

    Bac made me tired and gave me a few other SEs, too. It did reduce my intake somewhat, so I thought I might try it again. However, I would want to use liquid bac, as i have read that it works better than and has less SEs. I also think it would be easier to have the liquid with me instead of a bunch of pills.

    So... a couple questions:

    Where to get liquid bac?
    Does it work for you?
    Do you travel with it?

    Thanks in advance!

    Liquid Bac Questions

    Hi, MyNameIs...welcome back into the MWO world

    I'm sorry Nal didn't work so well for you. I know that I wasn't very happy on it as well for different reasons.

    I started off on the pills and switched to liquid at 90mg. It works just as well, if not better than the pills for me. I gag at taking pills. Not to mentions it's much cheaper and comes from a more trusting source than a random place over seas. Many report lesser side-effects. I hardly had much side effects going up until I was playing in the high doses(300mg)...I finally understood what everyone was talking about with tingling arms. Which has subsided greatly. I did get sleepy after every dose up for a day or two but it balances out very nicely afterwards...or if I just keep myself moving, I'm on top of the world. What I noticed to do, is to jump up only 10mg for a couple of days in a row and I wouldn't notice a thing.

    I know that a valued member here, Kronk, is very skilled at traveling with the liquid bac. She can certainly point you the way on how to do it. Very clever lady, she is! I'm about to embark on traveling with it as well. I'll keep ya posted.

    I'd shoot ya a PM, but your settings do not allow such a thing. Try shooting me a PM first and we can go from there...

    Cheers, my friend.
    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

    To contact me, please msg me here:
    Baclofen for Alcoholism


      Liquid Bac Questions

      Yes. I travel with liquid baclofen. For carrying you can fill a quart Baggie with as many bottles it will hold. I was a little paranoid so I bought a bag of bottles that had labels. I took shampoo and whatever else and then labeled the bac as lotion or whatever. You'll be surprised how much bac you can fit in that Baggie. No one has questioned it. If you're checking your bag and are paranoid just put the bac in a different container.

      PM me with any questions.


        Liquid Bac Questions

        Kronk, thanks for traveling advice. I was thinking they could go in my baggie, just as you suggested.

        Mandiekinz, Thanks for the advise and for sharing your experience with liquid vs pill form bac.
        I PMed you. Not sure why you were unable to send me one. Checked my settings and I have PMs enabled (and not just from buddies or mods). My inbox has lots of room, too. It's a mystery!


          Liquid Bac Questions

          Can I suggest that you put it in 2 separate bags when you travel. If one goes missing, you don't want to arrive somewhere strange with no baclofen...


            Liquid Bac Questions

            I might win a "most miles logged traveling with unprescribed pharmaceuticals," if there were such an event. Over 4 years, at least 18 U.S. trips, and 5 countries on 4 continents, I have never had a single inquiry about anything I've carried, much less had anyone look at anything.

            Re bac, I 2nd Bleep. I put pills in my purse AND my carry-on, in any convenient empty container. Really - it doesn't even need to be a "pill bottle," for me. And I put more pills and liquid bac in my checked luggage. I may be naive about this, but I am not inexperienced. Whenever I find myself in a country where I can buy antibiotics, anti-depressants for friends, and/or just about anything, I stock up and fill my suitcase with amounts that are blatantly more than an elephant would be prescribed for his own use.

            Just my experience. And I'm the one who somehow attracts the attention of people who "look."
            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

