I am Indygo.
You might have, by now, seen me around the forum, putting my 2 cents in here and there.
I could have, should have, but refrained myself from putting myself out there too much.
I am opinionated, but I would like to think that everything that I state can be backed up by research and otherwise I will make it clear that it is my own opinion. And by that I mean a personal opinion only!
Please feel free to comment and/or offer support or comments.
That's why I am putting myself and my soul out here in the first place, but please remember that feelings are involved. Namely mine!
Ok here we go:
I consider that I am an Early Onset Alcoholic (EOA, as opposed to Late Onset Alcoholic, LOA), as I have had problems with drinking since my teens. I started drinking when I was 13 years of age and have only had two periods of long abstinence: first in 1997, while I was pregnant with my daughter (9 months); second in 2008, following a month in rehab (16 months). Following my daughter’s birth, when I was 25, my tolerance for alcohol lowered significantly; whereas previously I was always able to drink large amounts and would not necessarily be affected by intense intoxicating effects. Daily drinking crept up since my early twenties, but was firmly established at 26 years of age.
Furthermore, I have experienced many alcohol-related problems (e.g. loss of licence, relationship problems, legal problems), I have a family history of both male and female alcoholic relatives (e.g. mother, sister, brother, and the maternal side of the family had many members who have had issues with alcohol), childhood behavioural problems (e.g. very shy and insecure, and a withdrawn attitude), craving (uncontrollable), high sensation-seeking behaviour (moved out of home at 17, drug taking, ......., international travel at 19 years of age, ..........), mood disturbance (e.g. looking back I believe that I had my first Major Depressive Episode while I was 15 years of age).
Alright, as it is now: I am in a happy committed relationship and have been for the last, almost 14 but still, 13 years.
I have a double bachelor degree, which I finally finished while being sober following my stint in an expensive rehab.
I also have have attained half a post grad associates degree in criminology.
However, all of that doesn't freaking matter because although I can research and write about research very well... I am still a mighty messed up drunk.
I finished my studies two years ago. I started applying for jobs very enthusiastically, thinking a double degree would surely mean something. An average of 80%, surely that would land me a job.
Well it didn't. It means nothing.
Yep you can be good at researching, or good at communicating with others, but....
Oh I forgot to mention my
Anyways I am actually over it. I have read so much of this forum, like I did last time I joined when Topiramate first came about as a so called drug for alcohol.
However, I still hold much better hope for Baclofen.